CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

"Leave Me Alone"

"Leave Me Alone"

2"You should stay. Maybe you have won the award. In fact, I am sure you will win. The other day I had seen you getting out of Young Master He's car."      2

The girl who spoke didn't seem to know the impact of her words. That's what Mo Roulan told herself as she looked at her oblivion attitude.      

She could feel the unusual silence around her.      

She could also see how most of them were trying to as if nothing happened but they had curiosity and that judging look in their eyes.      

"I couldn't get any ride that day so sir had helped me out."     

Mo Roulan said casually trying to look not suspicious at all. That's what she had feared. She didn't want to be mocked and judged by others like in her past life.      

She wanted to be respected in this life. At least the normal respect every person deserved. However, it was difficult. If someone found out that He Jian drops and picks her up daily, then they would think that both of them were close to each other and hence some very not-so-pleasing rumors would start about her.      

Lost in her thoughts, Mo Roulan didn't notice the eyes of the girl standing by her side. They were filled with malice. Qin Muan knew very well that Mo Roulan was lying.      

She had seen Mo Roulan getting out of He Jian's car today morning as well.      

Before today, she was sure that the award of the best intern would be hers but after seeing the scene in the morning, she was not so sure.      

She had worked so hard but if Mo Roulan was trying some other way to win favors then her hard work would go in vain. In her envy and displeasure, she intentionally spoke about this in front of others.      

However, seeing that everyone had accepted Mo Roulan's excuse, she felt more displeased. Now if she spoke more then she would be seen as a person who wanted to intentionally go against Mo Roulan.      

Qin Muan was annoyed and excused herself.      

She came back soon but with a glass in her hands. When she saw that Mo Roulan was still standing there, she looked relieved and walked to her with a smile on her lips.      

"I will leave now."     

She heard Mo Roulan's hand and panicked. In her panic, she held her hand to stop her. When Mo Roulan looked at her in confusion, Qin Muan smiled very friendly and said      

"Why are you leaving without having anything? Here, have this. It is very nice."     

Mo Roulan looked at the black-colored drink in the glass and frowned.      

"It is just a mocktail."     

Hearing this, Mo Roulan didn't find anything wrong. Qin Muan smiled when she saw her drinking the whole glass in one go. It seemed that she was indeed in a very hurry to leave.      

It was indeed a mocktail but what she had mixed inside it was not free of alcohol.      

If Mo Roulan was really going to get the award then she would be stopped from leaving at the entrance. But she would not be in a proper state to even receive the award if she really got it.      

Qin Muan felt somewhat guilty. It was the first time she was doing such a thing. But she thought that she deserved at least that bit of justice to herself.      

Mo Roulan didn't feel anything wrong after finishing the drink and left from there. However, she turned around when she noticed He Jian standing at the entrance.      

He was not alone. He was with his father.      

Mo Roulan sighed and decided to wait for them to pass. It was almost a whole fifteen minutes later, that they moved from there as someone was talking to them one after another.      

She sighed again and immediately walked towards the entrance.      

However, she didn't notice He Jian turning around to look at her back. His blue eyes were narrowed as he looked at the petite leaving back.      

He had recognized her the moment he had seen her standing with her back facing him.          

But why was she leaving?     

He Jian looked at his father who seemed to be amidst a conversation with someone and without any hesitation followed the girl out.      

He was going to have a nice talk with her today that will clear everything.      




It was after stepping out of the hall that Mo Roulan felt sudden dizziness. She also felt slightly weird….somewhat emotional. Shaking her head to clear the view in front of her eyes, she walked forward.      

Two men sitting at the entrance with their laptops looked at her name card on her dress and didn't stop her. They were to make sure that those who were going to get awarded should be there at least.      

So Mo Roulan came somewhat far away from the party hall somehow.        

Now she was in the gardens which she had to cross to go to the bus stop where she was going to wait for the bus. The sun had already set. Though she had told her mother that there was a party and she would be late, she still decided to tell her that it would take her another hour to get home.      

Mo Roulan walked as she typed the text message. She didn't want to miss the last bus. However, she stumbled suddenly and the phone fell down from her hands.      

She herself was about to fall down but a hand suddenly came around her stomach to hold her firmly so that she would not fall. Her eyes were wide with shock as she looked at her phone.      

Without even looking at the person who had helped her, she removed the hand and bent down to pick up her phone from the ground.      

Her face went through so many expressions when she found that the screen of her phone had a slight crack.     

"My phone…"     

Mo Roulan whispered as she caressed the screen.      

Standing behind her, He Jian frowned because he felt that there was something wrong with Mo Roulan's voice when she just whispered.      

Was she perhaps …     

He walked to her front and was surprised when he saw her face.      

She was indeed crying. Seeing that she was caressing the broken screen of her phone, he sighed in exasperation and said helplessly.      

"Lanlan, I will get it repaired. Why are you crying? I have not even scolded you yet for not being careful while walking."     

  Mo Roulan raised her head to look at him and glared silently. But a moment later, she frowned and said     

"You should not be here."     

He Jian looked at her with narrowed eyes and said      

"So that you can leave alone, right?"     

Mo Roulan nodded her head as she looked at her phone with a pout on her lips again.      

With a sigh, she put it back inside her purse and stood up to leave again. However, she again felt slightly dizzy.      

He Jian didn't notice this and held her hand to stop her from leaving.      

"I want to talk to you."     

Mo Roulan frowned as she turned around to look at him.      

His face was somewhat blurry so she leaned close to look at him nicely. She hummed in satisfaction when it was finally clearer. Poking her finger in his chest or more precisely his suit, she said firmly     

"But. I. don't. want. to. talk. to .you."     

She moved her finger back and forth with her each and every word.      

He Jian finally found that there was something wrong. He looked at her face for a few seconds noticing that was somewhat red and asked in a surprised tone     

"Are you drunk, Lanlan?"     

Mo Roulan frowned and shook her head in 'no' on hearing the question.      


She said firmly.      

However, the way she was behaving, He Jian was sure that she was drunk. He sighed and pressed his temple as he said      

"What did you drink at the party?"     

Mo Roulan pouted as she thought and then answered a few seconds later     

"Mocktail. I had mocktail."     

He Jian's lips were pressed in a thin line. He knew very well that it surely was not a mocktail. He held her arm and said strictly     

"We are going home."     

However, before he could take a step forward, Mo Roulan pulled her arm out of his grip and said with a frown on her forehead     

"I want to go by bus."     

He Jian was already very impatient. He couldn't help but think if he had not found her now and she would have gone in this state then what could have happened?      

She seemed to have drunk some high alcoholic content.      

He came out of his trance when he heard her saying     

"And I don't want to go with you. Leave me alone."        

Those were perhaps the coldest words He Jian had heard in his life.      

Leave me alone.      

He had not felt hurt when his grandfather had said that he was just like his mother that other day. He had not felt anything.      

But these few words…     

'I don't want to go with you.'     

'Leave me alone.'     

He didn't understand. How could he leave her alone!     

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