CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Going With He Jian Again?!

Going With He Jian Again?!

0Mo Roulan relaxed a little when she heard He Jian's voice but that lasted only for a moment. Soon, questions started pouring to her mind.       2

What was he doing here?!     

"Don't shout. I am going to remove my hand."     

She heard He Jian say and immediately nodded her head. He Jian removed his hand and Mo Roulan immediately sat up on the bed to switch on the light.     

She looked at him in a daze who sat on her body with the most causal expression on his face she had ever seen perhaps.      

However, what she failed to notice were He Jian's red ears and him trying to avoid looking at her.      

"What are you doing here, Mr. He?"     

Mo Roulan asked as soon as she found her voice.      

He Jian blinked on hearing the question. He …what was he doing here.      

Actually he had wanted to see her. Somehow he just couldn't stop himself.      

It was not rare that he couldn't sleep. However, today he was unable to pay attention to work also. In the end, he just crossed the balcony and came to her room.     

He never wanted to wake her up but when he saw her red and swollen eyes, he couldn't help bt feel distress and caress them slowly for her.     

Why does she have to cry?     

He wondered.      

The thought made He Jian look at Mo Roulan again. However, his ears went red again when his eyes suddenly fell on her shoulder from where her loose night top was falling off.          

He could suddenly feel a strange kind of heat inside his body. He Jian remembered Fang Zhihan asking him once if he ever felt something whenever he looked at those woman who threw herself at him.      

When he had answered 'no', he had further asked him if he had ever felt something on looking at a woman. However, when he had answered a no to this question as well, the man had asked him if he was gay.      

In fact, He Jian remembers when Liu Ji Fan had come out of the closet and revealed that he was a gay, his father had asked him if was the same seeing his lack of interest in women.      

Though he had said a cold 'no' both the times, he himself had actually pondered on this question for a long time.      

Today, he didn't know if he should laugh or cry because he finally knew that only one girl could make him feel like this. At the same time, he felt helpless as he squirmed on the spot he was sitting.     

Mo Roulan finally realized what was wrong when she saw He Jian's continuous gaze at herself. She looked down at her naked shoulder and immediately pulled the sleeve of her night top up. Her eyes were slightly wide and her cheeks were completely red.      

He Jian looked away from her again when he saw that she was feeling embarrassed. Before he spoke, he cleared his throat but his voice was slightly hoarse when he spoke     

"I just wanted to check if you are alright or not."     

Mo Roulan would have surely asked a few more questions but after this small incident, she couldn't even raise her head to look at him properly.      

It was not that she had been looking very indecent. Girls do wear dresses that started from below their shoulders. What made her feel confused and embarrassed was the way He Jian had been looking at her.      

His eyes were so different at that moment…somewhat intense      

Mo Roulan swallowed as she felt more heat on her face. That night from her past life suddenly flashed in her mind…when he and she had been alone in that room.      

At that time, he had looked at her with that same gaze.      

That same gaze had left her unable to resist him when he had touched her.      

"I should leave now."     

He Jian said helplessly because he could see that Mo Roulan was not even ready to raise her head and look at him.      

He didn't want to force her.      

She had finally broken up with Cheng Yang and she also accepted her feelings for him. He should give her some time.      

Thinking this, he stood up and left the room.      

Mo Roulan finally raised her head when she heard the sound of the balcony door being closed.      

She covered her face with her hands and then threw herself on the bed as she whined to herself.      

What did just happen?!     




The next morning, Mo Roulan had a very early breakfast. It was actually she who started cooking early and then had her breakfast alone just because she didn't want to face He Jian when he would come to have it.      

Lin Qianru was very surprised and distressed when she saw this. She couldn't help but wonder at what time exactly did Mo Roulan woke up to cook all this.      

However, she was told by Mo Roulan that she cooked because she couldn't sleep.      

Mo Roulan hurriedly went to her room after making this excuse.      

She opened her laptop and scrolled through some random designs of jewelry and clothes.      

She heard very clearly when the doorbell of the apartment rang indicating that he was there. However, she never left her room.      

It was only almost twenty minutes later when she heard her mother calling for her, she closed her eyes in helplessness.      

Because she knew that she had to leave her room now.      

Stepping out of her room, Mo Roulan immediately saw He Jian standing beside her mother in the living room. She stilled when she found him looking in her direction and looked away directly.      

Why was she feeling so awkward after last night!     

With reluctant steps, Mo Roulan walked to her mother who frowned when she saw her and said      

"Roulan, you didn't bring your purse. Go and get it hurriedly. Don't make Jian late because of you."     

Lin Qianru said in a mild scolding tone.      

She was already very grateful that her daughter didn't have to suffer in city buses because He Jian would drop and pick her every day.      

On the other hand, Mo Roulan blinked.      

She suddenly remembered that her mother didn't know that she had stopped going to the office in He Jian's car long ago.      

Just when she was thinking about how she should handle the situation, she heard He Jian saying     

"Lanlan, go and get your purse. We need to leave."     

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