CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Who Is Inside The Room?!

Who Is Inside The Room?!

3Mo Roulan sighed in relief when the car finally stopped outside the building.       0

All this while, she had been wondering if He Jian was driving the car slow intentionally. She even had a tempting urge to ask him if they could go a little fast, however, the words just didn't come out of her mouth. She thought that it would be better to just look out of the car's window silently and wait for the car to reach the building.      

The sun had set down now.      

Mo Roulan immediately came out of the car.     

He Jian who was still removing the seatbelt also quickened his movements and came out from his side so quickly that when he suddenly blocked Mo Roulan's way, Mo Roulan couldn't help but feel shocked by his speed.      

She blinked as she looked at him with his wide black brown eyes wondering what did he want.     

She, after all, never knew that He Jian had heard something he should have not in her eyes and he had come out with a completely different meaning of her 'yes' to Cheng Yang's question.      


He Jian opened his mouth only to take Mo Roulan's name. His blue eyes were somewhat intense as he looked at her waiting for her to say something.     

However, when she continued to look at him, he was confused.      

Would she not say anything?        

Since she broke up with Cheng Yang because of him, should she not tell him her feelings now? Should she not tell him that she wanted to be with him?     

Is that how it doesn't work?     

He Jian was somewhat frustrated seeing the silent Mo Roulan.      

He sighed and decided to ask her. However, he had just opened his mouth when he heard a familiar voice so he had to shut his mouth again.     


Mo Roulan turned around when recognized the voice.      

It was Lin Qianru who was walking toward her.      


"You are back."     

Lin Qianru smiled as she said this. She didn't feel suspicious seeing He Jian and Mo Roulan together because Mo Roulan had told her that she had gone to some get-together with office colleagues.      

He Jian might have been there as well so they came back together.      

Mo Roulan nodded her head and looked at her mother's hands.     

"You went to buy groceries?"     

Lin Qianru blinked and then nodded her head. She had actually gone out to look for a job and on her way back, she bought the grocery. Fortunately, it would not Mo Roulan suspicious of her.      

"Come now. Jian come…I am going to try something new today."     

  Mo Roulan immediately followed her mother while He Jian had to follow both of them reluctantly which was clearly presented by the frown on his forehead.     

After entering Mo family apartment, He Jian didn't get any chance to talk to Mo Roulan. She went to the kicthen to help her mother.      

He Jian frown went deeper.      

Because he realized that Mo Roulan was avoiding him just like she had been doing in the past.      

The dinner also passed like this. He looked at her every now and then but she never glanced at him.      

He Jian's lips were pressed in a thin line.      

However, he maintained a calm and composed expression on his face when he saw that Mo Chen was looking at him as if asking silently whether everything was alright.      

He Jian didn't even know why he even nodded his head at the young boy assuring him that everything was alright.      

The interaction almost made him feel as if he was interacting with an adult of his own age. He was clearly feeling the huge change in Mo Chen's personality these days but this didn't make him as worried as Mo Roulan had been.      

Instead, he thought that it was good.      

Mo Chen had become very wise and mature suddenly. It would make Mo Roulan worry less for him and he could feel only happy because of that.     

Everyone finished their dinner and Mo Roulan again went to the kitchen after collecting the dishes with her mother.      

When she came out after washing the dishes, she was relieved to see that He Jian was no longer there.      

She then went to her room.      

Shen Youlin had still not come back so she was alone. She couldn't help but feel slightly good because she really needed some alone time today.      

Though her relationship with Cheng Yang was not a long one, there was still some emptiness left behind after this breakup.      

It left her with some realizations as well as some serious thoughts that she should put serious thought into if she really wants to be in any relationship in the future.      

But for now, she should just focus on her career.      

Mo Roulan laid down on the bed with all these thoughts.      

Cheng Yang's face came in front of her eyes many times when she closed her eyes making her feel guilty but she knew she had to live with it now.      

Somehow her eyes finally found sleep and she fell asleep.      




Just a few minutes had passed, when Mo Roulan felt a tickle on her cheek. It was more like a feathery touch. She frowned in sleep as she raised her hand to swat away whatever it was.     

However, she was shocked when she suddenly felt her hand being gripped.      

Immediately, she opened her eyes and almost screamed when she saw a figure sitting on the edge of her bed.      

However, just a low scream escaped her lips and a big hand immediately covered her mouth.      

Mo Roulan's eyes were wide with shock as she looked at the figure.     

She couldn't recognize who it was because of the darkness. Her heart was thumping very fast inside her chest.      


Her one hand was still held by him.     

She tried to struggle against the hand using her other hand but stopped when she suddenly heard a sigh.     

And her whole body froze when she heard his voice.     

"It's me, Lanlan. Don't be scared."     

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