CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

"He Was Happy For The First Time"

"He Was Happy For The First Time"

2Mo Roulan stood still looking at the man standing in front of her. She didn't even make an attempt to bend down and pick up her handkerchief.      2

She merely looked at He Jian blankly as he stepped toward her.      

Her lips parted and she breathed through her mouth thinking silently that she should step back when he was nearer than he should be.      

However, her legs didn't seem to listen to her mind.      

Her eyes followed him as he bent down to pick up her handkerchief and kept in his pocket. Mo Roulan blinked.     

She frowned in confusion when he took out his own handkerchief and then stretched his hand out towards her.      

This time she stepped back when she realized what he was trying to do.      

He Jian froze. Surprised, he looked at Mo Roulan with confusion.      


He whispered as he stepped forward again to wipe her tears with his handkerchief. His heart was filled with distress seeing her red face and eyes.      

Why was she crying?! Why couldn't she just tell him everything that bothers her?     

He Jian wanted to say many things but not right now.      

He was very happy at this moment.      

This time, he held Mo Roulan's hand so that she would not step away and wiped her face gently with his other hand.      

Mo Roulan didn't even dare to breathe loudly.      

What was he doing here?!     

Just this one question was inside her mind.        

"Don't cry. I don't like to see you cry."     

He said gently making her stupid heartbeat fast.      

Mo Roulan lowered her eyes instantly to avoid looking into his blue eyes. She almost struggled to have her hand free from his hold.      

He Jian left her hand and put his handkerchief inside his pocket as he said      

"Let's go now. You must be tired."     

Mo Roulan frowned again. She noticed that a car was standing some distance away. She had not seen it before. A moment later, she spoke      

"I will go by bus."     

He Jian looked at Mo Roulan with his lips pressed in a thin line. He looked as if he was looking at a disobedient child who didn't know what was good or bad for her.      

"We will go by car. Come."     

After that, he held Mo Roulan's wrist and started to walk toward the car.      

"Mr. He"     

Mo Roulan called out in surprise but He Jian didn't stop walking.      




"What is Jian doing?"     

Still hiding behind the wall, Liu Ji Fan whispered helplessly.     

"What do you mean by what is he doing? He is taking his girl away with him. I just wish that he will not mess up this time."     

Fang Zhihan stated making Liu Ji Fan frown at his words.      

"He is already going wrong. Mo Roulan didn't want to go with him but he dragged her away with himself. He needs to be there for him but he shouldn't force his presence on her."     

Liu Ji Fan said firmly while Fang Zhihan was confused by his words.     

Seeing his confusion, Liu Ji Fan looked away as he spoke        

"I had done the same with Tian Yuan and I deeply regret it Zhihan. I can't even imagine how he must have been feeling when I …."     

Liu Ji Fan blinked away his tears.      

He looked at Fang Zhihan and said firmly     

"Sometimes it is necessary to give some space to your partner. To give them and yourself the time to understand why they are there where they are."     

"But Roulan already said that she broke up with Cheng Yang because of Jian. Jian knows this so why should he stop now?!"     

Liu Ji Fan sighed in exasperation.     

"But should not He Jian try to find out just why is she opposed to being with him even though she doesn't want to be with anyone else."     

Liu Ji Fan knew that he had done the same mistake. He was sure that Tian Yuan loved him. He would never date someone else but he never tried to find out just why he left him and why he didn't want to be with him.      

He didn't want He Jian to do the same mistake.      

Fang Zhihan however didn't agree with Liu Ji Fan. After some minor argument, both of them left in their own cars.      




Inside the car, there was nothing but silence.      

It was He Jian who was driving and Mo Roulan was sitting beside him as she looked out of the window silently.      

He Jian glanced at her every few moments.     

He was feeling very excited after getting some alone time with her after so many days. Her words he had heard from Fang Zhihan's phone who had called him intentionally had left him blank for a few moments.      

He had been inside the car at that moment. He wanted to go there and take away Fang Zhihan and Liu Ji Fan. He knew that Mo Roulan would not like it if she will come to know that she was being followed like this.      

He was feeling very angry at his friends because he was afraid that if they were found out Mo Roulan would think that it was he who had sent them here.      

However, when He Jian heard that small whisper of 'yes' in response to Cheng Yang's question to her, he stopped driving altogether.      

Fortunately, the road he had been driving on was almost empty and hence this didn't cost him anything.      

But he forgot all of his anger toward Fang Zhihan and Liu Ji Fan.      

He Jian looked at Mo Roulan again. He smiled, suddenly not being able to stop himself. Is that how you feel when you are too much happy?      

It was perhaps the first time he was feeling like this. Only she could make him feel like this.      

Though he felt confused by her resistance., he only thought that it was because she was feeling shy perhaps.      

She broke up with Cheng Yang because of him.      

Did it not mean that she love him?!     

What else could he even want in his life now!     

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