CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

The Break-Up

The Break-Up

3"Where are they going?"      3

Fang Zhihan whispered to Liu Ji Fan in a confusion-filled voice. It had been almost twenty minutes since they have been following Cheng Yang and Mo Roulan but they were not stopping at all.      

Liu Ji Fan looked at him with a deadpanned expression and then signed him to shut up.      

Fang Zhihan rolled his eyes but didn't speak again. He sighed in relief when Mo Roulan stopped walking and hence Cheng Yang as well.      

He was immediately pulled by Liu Ji Fan to hide behind a wall at some distance away from both of them.      

Actually, not even Cheng Yang knew where was Mo Roulan taking him. Confused he looked around the place they have stopped at.      

It was almost an empty road. His eyes, however, flickered when he saw a bus stop a few steps away. His confusion-filled smile disappeared.      

Cheng Yang's heart sank suddenly when he felt Mo Roulan holding his wrist as if signing him to free her hand from his hold. He looked at Mo Roulan abruptly.      


He whispered almost in a request as he held her hand instead of leaving it as she wanted.      

Mo Roulan looked away from his face.      

She licked her lips and gather her courage to say the words she had wanted to say.     

"Cheng Yang, you should go back now. I will go back by bus."     

Although Cheng Yang had put a great effort into preparing himself for this, all his preparation seemed to be of no use suddenly.      

After all, he had not felt like this when he had been making himself understand that it was Mo Roulan's wish to continue with this relationship or not.      

His eyes started to fill up with tears when he heard Mo Roulan say     

"Don't come to pick me up for the office tomorrow morning. Thank you for all these days."     

He had promised himself to part their ways happily if she chose to do so. However, at this moment, it was so difficult to do the same.          

"Roulan…please…can't you give me more time?"      

He couldn't help but plead.      

Mo Roulan's own eyes started to fill up with tears. She had never felt this way when she had rejected the proposals before.      

With a great effort, she looked at Cheng Yang and said sincerely     

"Cheng Yang, You are a good friend and always will be. We can always see each other after this."     

At the same time, she was trying to make Cheng Yang free her hand. Cheng Yang did leave her hand but immediately held her shoulders.      

"But I don't want to be your friend, Roulan. I want us to be more than that. I really like you."     

Mo Roulan was surprised by the sudden change in him. He looked firm and his grip on her shoulders was quite tightly.      

She immediately held his cheek and said softly     

"Cheng Yang, you are not such a person. Don't become something you are not."     

He perhaps realized what he was doing and immediately left her shoulders as if his hands had just touched fire.      

"I …I am sorry, Roulan."     

He spoke in a guilt-filled voice. His head lowered unconsciously as he found himself unable to look into her eyes.      

How could he behave like this with her!     

Mo Roulan shook her head and said      

"It's alright."     

When Cheng Yang finally looked up again, she smiled softly. Her eyes were still filled with tears as she said      

"I am sure you will find someone better…someone, who will love you more than you can ever love."     

Cheng Yang looked away bitterly from her eyes.      

He didn't think that he will ever be able to love someone else the same way he loved Mo Roulan. A tear slid down from one of his eyes breaking Mo Rouulan's heart.      

She regretted accepting the proposal and hurting him like this.      

Mo Roulan wished that she could somehow repay him for what she had done to him. However, she couldn't think of it anyway. She just wished that God will give him so much happiness that he would forget her and this bitter relationship forever.     

Silently praying inside her heart, Mo Roulan stepped back and whispered     

"Goodbye, Cheng Yang."     

Afterward, she turned around to walk to the bus stop where not even a single person was standing.      

However, she had taken just one step when she felt her hand being held in a firm grip.      

Mo Roulan sighed as she closed her eyes. She turned around to look at Cheng Yang again and opened her mouth to say something. However, she couldn't let out a single word when she heard his question     

"Is it because of He Jian?"     

Mo Roulan stilled completely.      

Her eyes went blank as she looked at Cheng Yang who stepped forward and looked into her eyes as he continued to speak.      

"I think I deserve that much honesty from your side at least."     

Mo Roulan's chin trembled.      

She lowered her head as a tear slid down her eyes. A few moments later, she finally nodded her head and whispered      


In the end, she couldn't lie to herself.      

Mo Roulan was shocked when she felt a pair of ars surrounding her. Her head was on Cheng Yang's chest as he patted her head softly.      

"It's alright."     

Her heart broke seeing how he comforted her. She could no longer control her tears.      

He was a gem …unfortunately she couldn't pick this gem and dirty it with her dirty past, a confused present, and an uncertain future.      

They parted away a few moments later.      

Cheng Yang left her hand.      

"I wish you will find happiness, Roulan."     

Mo Roulan heard him saying and then he whispered      


She raised her head but he had already turned around to leave. Fresh tears rolled down her eyes and she whispered      

"I wish you the same."     

Mo Roulan looked at Cheng Yang's back until she no longer could see him. She turned around as she took out her handkerchief from her purse.      

However, when she saw a figure standing just in front of her, she gasped in shock and the handkerchief fell down from her hands.      

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