CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Fang Zhihan Comes To Know About Mo Roulan's Break Up

Fang Zhihan Comes To Know About Mo Roulan's Break Up

1The day in the office passed as usual. After the morning, Mo Roulan didn't see He Jian again in the office.      

And Cheng Yang was waiting for her outside the office as usual.      

Mo Roulan walked to him and sat inside the car.      

When they were on the way, she heard Cheng Yang asking if they could go to a restaurant and just talk about something.     

Because he wanted to spend some time with her …alone.      

Mo Roulan agreed.      

Since she had promised him a week, she was going to give her all to respond to his efforts as well. And somewhere she also liked to spend time with him.      

It was just that night when he tried to kiss her …she just couldn't accept the thought of him kissing her …even now.      

Almost twenty minutes later, the car stopped outside a restaurant and Mo Roulan stepped out of the car. Cheng Yang came after parking the car and both of them went inside the restaurant.     

Mo Roulan felt hesitant again when she came to know that Cheng Yang had booked them a private room. She didn't want to be a girlfriend who would not pay even a single penny during their dates… even if it was temporary.      

She wanted to settle the whole bill on her own today. She wondered just how much it would cost her and whether the cash she had would be enough.        

They walked inside the restaurant and then to the private room.     

Until the waiter came to get the orders, they talk about anything randomly. Mo Roulan smiled when Cheng Yang asked her what kind of movies she liked.      

She somehow could understand that he wanted to book movie tickets. She answered his question and after giving the order for a dish for herself, she went to use the washroom.      

After five minutes when she came out and walked towards the private room, she didn't notice someone stepping out of another room.      

However, the person noticed her.      

"Mo Roulan…"     

Fang Zhihan whispered and suddenly smiled.      

Mo Roulan was here. Was He Jian also here with her?      

He couldn't help but think and unconsciously move in the direction he had seen her going.        

Fang Zhihan opened the door slowly when he reached the room. He had a smile on his lips as he thought if he would hear something that would help him in teasing He Jian later.      

After all, the man was inside the room with the girl he loved.      

However, his smile faltered when he heard Mo Roulan asking another person.      

"What are you thinking Cheng Yang?"     

Realization dawned on Fang Zhihan. In his excitement of finding something to tease Cheng Yang, he forgot that Mo Roulan was dating Cheng Yang so why will she come here with He Jian.      

He shook his head as a disappointed sigh escaped his lips and was about to close the door when he heard Cheng Yang speaking.     

"I was just thinking if we still will befriend if we will break up at the end of this week."     

Fang Zhihan's eyes widened on hearing these words and he didn't close the door to hear what Mo Roulan was going to say in response.     

'Break up…they were breaking up?'     

On the other hand inside the room, Mo Roulan felt guilty about seeing Cheng Yang's questioning eyes. She could feel that he seemed to be a little upset when he asked her this question.      

She didn't like to see him like this.      

"Of Course, we will be. You will always be my good friend. Doesn't matter if we are dating or not…"     

Cheng Yang smiled but his smile didn't reach his eyes. After all, what he wanted was more than a friend.      

Mo Roulan narrowed her eyes suddenly and spoke      

"And someone was saying just yesterday that I will realize his charms by the end of this week that will force me not to break up with him."     

Cheng Yang chuckled as he knew that it was he who had said these words.      

He raised his head and looked at her.     

"Well, I can't help but feel a little less confident after realizing how beautiful you are and how many more would want you to become their girlfriend…"     

Mo Roulan shook her head and proceeded to have the meal that the waiter had come to serve when she had gone to use the washroom.      

While Cheng Yang stopped smiling suddenly.      

The scene from the morning flashed in front of his eyes when he had seen He Jian and Mo Roulan coming out together from the building.      

Mo Roulan didn't see but he had seen He Jian looking at her continuously when she was talking to him and when she had sat inside his car.      

Before he had thought that even if this week ended and Mo Roulan broke up with him, he could still try to win her heart by being around her.      

However, now he could feel that He Jian was just waiting for the opportunity.      

The rest of the dinner passed in almost silence. Though they still talked, there was not much enthusiasm from both sides so soon they stopped talking.      

However, Fang Zhihan who had heard everything was so excited as he closed the door.      

As soon as he closed the door, he took out his phone and dialed He Jian's number.      

"Hello, Doctor Fang."     

It was Chu Feng who picked up the call and Fang Zhihan said it immediately      

"Where is Jian? Give the phone to him."     

"But Boss is attending an important conference, Doctor Fang."     

"Ohh Chu Feng, you don't understand…what I am going to tell He Jian is more important than anything to him in this world? It is related to Mo Roulan."      

Chu Feng's eyes widened when he heard Mo Roulan's name.      

He hesitated. In the past few days, his boss has not been taking care of his health because Mo Roulan had started to date Cheng Yang.      

However, he knew that if he didn't inform his boss about this call, then he would face the wrath.      

So he walked to the study room and knocked on the door. Sure enough, he saw a deep frown on his boss' forehead.      

Chu Feng gathered his courage and showed the phone to his boss indicating that there was something important.      

He Jian excused himself from the online conference and walked out of the study room.      

"It is Doctor Fang, Boss. He wants to talk about something important."     

He Jian was frowning deeply as he took the phone from Chu Feng's head. Chu Feng swallowed knowing very well that he would be dead if whatever Fang Zhihan wishes to talk about is not urgent.      

However, in the span of a few moments, he saw the expression on his boss' expressionless face greatly.      

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