CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

What Is Stopping He Jian?!

What Is Stopping He Jian?!

3"Chenchen…"     3

Mo Roulan was scared when she saw Mo Chen crying. She was scared that she unintentionally made him remember something that she should have not.      

"Chenchen, it's alright. Jiejie won't ask you anything. Don't cry…"     

Her own eyes started to fill with tears seeing how he was crying. She blamed herself. After the Zhao family's incident, she had taken great care that Mo Chen would not go through any suffering. Yet, here he was …crying because of her….      

"Here drink this…"     

Mo Roulan forwarded the glass of water to her brother's lips.      

She caressed his back as he sipped.      

"Don't cry, Chenchen. Jiejie will not scold you. Jiejie won't even talk about this matter anymore, alright?"     

Cheng Yang had been right, He was jut studying. She was getting unnecessarily worried and her overthinking made made her brother cry.      

She heaved a sigh of relief when Mo Chen had stopped crying. Though his lips were still trembling a little, he was not shedding tears.      

Mo Roulan decided not to talk about this matter anymore. However, she didn't know what else she should talk about to cheer him up because these days he would never laugh at whatever he used to laugh at.  So she stood up from the chair and said      

"You should study. Jiejie won't disturb you anymore."      

However, she had just turned when she felt Mo Chen holding her wrist to stop her. Mo Roulan turned around immediately to look at her brother.      

She saw Mo Chen looking at herself with his big black wide eyes.      

"Jiejie, Chenchen didn't tell anything to Jiejie and Mother because Chenchen was scared."     

Mo Roulan frowned. She sat back on the chair as she looked at him wondering what actually he meant to say.     

And Mo Chen continued     

"Chenchen had once seen a movie when Chenchen was five. The boy in that movie was very intelligent. Jiejie… he could learn everything in one read and memorize it for a long time without revising anything. Jiejie, do you know what his friends started to call him when they came to know of this about him?"     

Mo Roulan stared at Mo Chen with question-filled eyes.     

Mo Chen looked as if he would cry again when he spoke     

"Monster…his mother, his siblings everyone called him mo…monster…wuwuwu…"     

Mo Chen started to cry again.      

Mo Roulan was stilled. Her heart melted seeing how Mo Chen was crying. As she hugged him in her arms and patted his back to soothe him, she didn't know if she should laugh or cry with him.      

Somehow she could understand how things went after that.      

And sure enough, she heard Mo Chen speaking from her embrace.      

"Jiejie…that's why Chenchen didn't tell anything to Jiejie…Chenchen didn't want to be called Monster, Jiejie…wuwuwu…"     

Mo Roulan sighed again as she patted his back gently.     

"Chenchen is not a monster. Chenchen is very intelligent. Jiejie is proud of Chenchen and Mother will also feel the same when she comes to know of it."     

It was after a few minutes that Mo Chen stopped crying. Mo Roulan asked him the last doubt she had inside her heart.      

"Then why did Chenchen suddenly decide that he will no longer hide anything, hmm?"     

Mo Roulan was sure that she had never seen these books in the past as it had been either she or her mother who used to clean the room. So the reason for their sudden appearance must be that Mo Chen suddenly decided to lower his guards.      

She waited for his answer, as she wiped his face gently with a cloth.     

"The new teacher who came to the school said a few days back that our family loves her regardless of the circumstances we are in. They love up regardless of what we look like so …Chenchen thought that Mother and Jiejie would also not behave like the mother and siblings from the movie with Chenchen. So Chenchen wanted to tell Jiejie everything."     

Mo Roulan smiled.      

She never doubted the story created by Mo Chen. After all, Mo Chen had placed every scene in a very perfect place.      

She kissed her brother's forehead gently and said      

"The teacher said right. It doesn't matter if Chenchen is intelligent or dumb, Jiejie and Mother will always love Chenchen."     

Mo Chen smiled widely and hugged his sister.      

He was relieved finally that his sister no longer was worried about him.      




Mo Roulan closed the door of Mo Chen's room carefully. Mo Chen was sleeping now so she didn't want to make any noise while leaving.      

After closing the door, she walked to her own room.      

She still needed to ask Shen Youlin what was the matter. Was it really the exams coming closer that were worrying her or was it something else completely?     

However, when Mo Roulan went to her room, she saw that Shen Youlin was already asleep.      

She sighed and then smiled.      

She walked to the bed to cover Shen Youlin with a blanket.      

Mo Roulan was not feeling sleepy so she decided to go and stand in the balcony for some time. However, when she remembered what happened last night in the balcony, her steps faltered and she suddenly turned around and laid down on the bed.      

She just closed her eyes and surprisingly soon fell asleep.      


The next morning, Mo Roulan woke up and got ready for the office.      

Shen Youlin was still at Mo Family's apartment but Mo Roulan didn't get to talk to her much because Shen Youlin woke up late. And by the time, she had finished the morning's chores with the help of her mother and saw Shen Youlin stepping inside the dining room without even having a bath, she got a call from Cheng Yang.     

He was waiting for her.      

She could only leave the matter regarding talking to Shen Youlin to the evening and go down.      

Mo Roulan stepped out of the apartment and closed the door. She was startled when she saw the door of the neighboring apartment opening at the same time.      

And the person she didn't want to see, stepped out.      

Mo Roulan looked away as she checked if the door was closed properly.      

Without saying anything to He Jian, she walked toward the elevator.      

Truthfully, now she couldn't wait for this internship to end. She couldn't help but think that as long as she was around He Jian, she would never be able to move on.      

Mo Roulan almost cursed loudly when He Jian also stepped inside the elevator. Closing her eyes in despair, she made space for him.      

On the other hand, He Jian who was watching her expression silently from the corner of his eyes had cold and indifferent eyes.     

He looked as if everyone in this world owes him something.      

Mo Roulan frowned when she saw that despite being near to the buttons, he never pressed the button for the ground floor.      

She sighed and walked closer to press the button.      

She couldn't help but look at him with narrowed eyes as if showing that it was something he was supposed to do, however, He Jian looked away from her indifferently.      

That further fueled her anger.      

However, she could do nothing except walk to stand at the spot she had been standing on.      

There was nothing but silence inside the elevator. Soon the elevator reached the ground floor and they stepped out.      

Till the stairs of the building, they walked almost together.      

He Jian's eyes went to where Cheng Yang was standing waiting for Mo Roulan. He halted amidst his steps for a moment.      

'I like him.'     

The words Mo Roulan had said sounded in his ears and he looked away indifferently as Mo Roulan walked towards Cheng Yang.      

He never looked back as he walked to his own car where Chu Feng was waiting for him.      

Chu Feng, however, swallowed nervously when he saw his boss' face. He also opened the door carefully as if even a small sound could make his boss burst like a volcano.     

On the other hand, He Jian finally looked at the scene he didn't wish to see.      

He saw she talked to Cheng Yang with a cheerful smile on her lips. He saw how she thanked him as Cheng Yang opened the door and then she sat inside his car.      

He also saw the car leaving in which she was sitting.      

His hands were clenched tightly in his lap forming fists.      

The scene would stay fresh in his mind for a long time. He Jian knew it very well.      

There had been nothing in his life that he had not gotten as long as he wished for …except this girl.      

He could be manipulative here as well. He could force her to leave Cheng Yang.      

However, the only thing that stopped him from doing so was her words.     

'I like him.'     

She liked that boy.      

From the way, she looked so happy with him, he couldn't help but think if it was more than 'like'. And if it was, he would never want to harm someone she cared for because he would never want to see her sad …especially because of him.     

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