CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

A Story Made Up By Mo Chen

A Story Made Up By Mo Chen

2It took Chi Rong a few moments to find some explanation for his words. And he knew that he needed to explain very well when he saw the deep frown on Lin Qianru's forehead.     1

"What I meant to say was …you should not join some other job. I can pay you more if you want but don't leave the job at Chi Mansion. Who would want to lose a good cook like you?"     

Lin Qianru's frown vanished slowly and Chi Rong sighed in relief.      

"So don't work for someone else. What if they tried to make you stay and cook for them?"     

Lin Qianru couldn't help but smile at these words.      

She didn't even cook that well. Chi Rong was just exaggerating but she didn't say anything in response and merely nodded her head.      

After that, they walked towards the elevator together.      

Almost half an hour later, the car reached the building Lin Qianru lived in. The car stopped and she got out.      

"Thanks, Mr. Chi"     

Lin Qiianru bent down and thanked Chi Rong from the window.      

Chi Rong smiled but it seemed to be forced. However, Lin Qianru's emotions and mind were not well placed to focus on all this. She herself was lost in her own thoughts.      

After thanking Chi Rong, she turned around to leave.      

Chi Rong didn't drive away until he couldn't see Lin Qianru completely. All this while his eyes were filled with complex emotions.      

He might have explained it to her but how should he explain it to himself! Because his heart knew that he meant those words.      

He didn't want Lin Qianru to cook for anyone else except him…precisely any other man.      

Chi Rong shook his head to divert his attention to something else and drove away from there.      




When Lin Qianru went inside the kitchen after getting fresh, she found that Mo Roulan had already made the dinner.          

Mo Roulan smiled when she saw her mother and it only widened more when she saw that she didn't say anything about her preparing the meal instead of studying or doing something else more productive. But then she thought that her mother must be too tired to even argue.     

That made her look at her mother again and she said softly     

"Mom, go and sit inside the dining room. I will bring the bowls and plates."     

Lin Qianru nodded her head without arguing. She just took two bowls filled with dishes with herself and then left from there.      

Mo Roulan was more surprised when her mother didn't come back and that only confirmed that her mother was too tired today.      

She took everything to the dining room in three rounds.      

When she was setting the plate, she noticed that her mother seemed to be a little lost. Concerned Mo Roulan couldn't help but ask.     

"Mom, is everything alright?'     

Lin Qianru came out of her trance and looked at her daughter.      

"Nothing…I got a month's holiday. So I was wondering what I should do during this month."     

Mo Roulan was happy when she heard this. She immediately sat beside her mother and said      

"That's good but why are you thinking about work. Rest for these holidays."     

Lin Qianru sighed at her stupidity. Of Course, Mo Roulan would say this but she didn't argue instead she tried to divert Mo Roulan's attention.     

She frowned in confusion when she saw another plate on the table and asked her daughter.     

"Why did you set the fourth plate? Is He Jian coming today?"     

The mention of He Jian surely made Mo Roulan pause but she composed herself very soon and answered her mother.     

"It is for Youlin, Mom."     

"Youlin is here?"     

Lin Qianru was surprised when Mo Roulan hummed in agreement.     

"Her exams are near so she is studying inside her room."     


Lin Qianru whispered in a daze.      

She looked at Mo Roulan suddenly thinking that two more semesters were still left in her daughter's graduation to complete. With this internship a semester would complete and afterward, she would have another semester.      



Mo Roulan hummed as she continued to set the bowls and other things.      

"What will do you after a year? Did you think about this?"     

Mo Roulan paused and looked at her mother in confusion wondering why was she suddenly skiing this. Still, she answered     

"Yes, Mom. I will work in some companies for some time to gain some experience and collect money. After that, I want to open my own boutique and then slowly expand it to a fashion designing company."     

Lin Qianru smiled weekly as she nodded her head and whispered     


Mo Roulan smiled and said      

"I will go and call Chenchen and Youlin. Everyone is studying except me…I feel as if I am useless, Mom."     

Mo Roulan chuckled and left the dining room to do what she said.      

Lin Qianru looked towards the door wondering just how much money her daughter will need to open a boutique.      




They finished their dinner in an unusual silence today.      

Mo Roulan was a little confused. At least her mother and Shen Youlin used to talk a lot but today there were sitting so silent. She could understand that her mother was tired but what was wrong with Shen Youlin!     

She decided to ask her after dinner.      

Her eyes then went to her brother and she suddenly realized that she had not really talked to Mo Chen after she had come back from the psychologist's office.      

She had decided to talk to Mo Chen about all this but it completely slipped out of her mind after whatever happened at the engagement party.      

So, after Mo Roulan had cleaned the table and washed the dishes, she went to her brother's room.      

"Chenchen, can I come in?"     

She knocked on the door gently seeing that he was too busy with his studies.      

Mo Chen immediately raised his head and said      

"Yes, Jiejie. Why you are asking?"     

Mo Roulan smiled and walked inside the room. She looked at the clean room and couldn't help but smile. This was another change in Mo Chen that she wondered if it should make her happy or sad. He kept her room clean but since the change was so sudden, it only made her worried about what changed him so suddenly.      

"What are you reading?"     

She asked her brother when she had made herself comfortable on the chair just beside his chair.      

Mo Chen closed the book and directly gave it to her.      

Mo Roulan smiled and looked at the book cover but her smile faltered soon when she saw that book was written in french and it was about some physics topics.      

Mo Chen noticed his sister's every expression silently.      

It was after a few moments he spoke     

"Jiejie, I know you must be wondering how can I suddenly read these books and understand these different languages, right?"     

Mo Roulan immediately raised her head and looked at his face. She nodded her face a little hesitantly. Mo Chen smiled. He held his sister's hand and said calmly          

"Jiejie, I can understand all this since a few years ago. Even when we were in town, I knee few languages which I have learned on my own from the books in the town's small library."     

Mo Roulan blinked and then frowned. She didn't seem to be convinced by Mo Chen's words. However, looking at Mo Chen's face, she couldn't find any trace of the lie as well.      

Mo Roulan's face went emotionless and she asked him     

"Then why did you not ever tell me or Mother? When did you go to the library and read those books?"     

Mo Chen was surely nervous but he never showed it. He calmly answered his sister.     

"Sometimes when the school would finish early or some teacher would be on leave, I used to go to the library. The money that Mother used to give to buy candies, I used to gather and buy those books."     

Mo Roulan sighed. She still didn't seem to be convinced.      

She couldn't believe that she never come to know about all this. To learn so much, would he not have to spend a lot of time in reading those books? And for that, he had to stay out of home for that long time and she would always make sure that Mo Chen was back home on time and at school at right time.      

When they were in town and when they were in the city, she had always made sure that she knew where he was because he was still a child.      

That's why she couldn't convince herself and thought that Mo Chen was still hiding something.      

However, she tried to talk to Mo Chen gently this time.      

She leaned down and cupped her brother's face as she spoke carefully.                  

"Then Mo Chen, why did you not tell Jiejie anything? Even if you read those books, it is still a big thing that you could understand and learn so much on your own. It is something very big and joyous. Why did you not tell us such a great thing?!"     

Mo Roulan waited for Mo Chen to answer her question silently.      

However, she was startled when big fat tears rolled down Mo Chen's eyes suddenly.      

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