CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

"Roulan Tries Too Much"

"Roulan Tries Too Much"

3The sound of the phone's rintone disrupted the ambiguous atmosphere inside the private room.       2

Mo Roulan had to step back and walk to her chair where her purse was place to take out heer phone. Behind her, Cheng Yang sighed helplessly. However, somewhere his confidence increased somewhat.      

Just a few moments ago, Mo Roulan didn't look as uncomfortable as she looked when he had tried to kiss her last night.      

He somehow understood that she didn't like too much closeness right now. It made her uncomfortable. So he needed to be a little careful so that he would not make her uncomfortable. He could do anything to make her stay for more than a week.      

On the other hand, Mo Roulan frowned in confusion when she saw that it was Shen Youlin who was calling her. It was after mny days that the latter was calling her again.      

Even she had not disturbed Shen Youlin after she had told her that she was very busy. But when she had not seen her at He Mansion, she was very confused.      

So she had thought of calling her tonight.      

Fortunately, Shen Youlin called her on her own.      

Mo Roulan immediately slid the screen to answer the call.      

"Hello, Youlin."      

While Cheng Yang who was standing behind Mo Roulan heard Youlin's name and covered his face already knowing what was going to happen. That girl didn't like him at all.      

He was sure that she would create some kind of problem.      

And sure enough on the other side of the phone, Shen Youlin said      

"Roulan, I am at your apartment. Where are you?"     

"That…I am out with Cheng Yang at a restaurant."     


Shen Youlin whispered making Mo Roulan frown as the latter sensed a different kind of depression from her voice.     

"Youlin, what's wrong?"     

Mo Roulan couldn't help but ask. However, Shen Youlin didn't say anything for a few moments.     

"It's nothing. I just wanted to see you. It's okay. I will wait. Take your time."     


Mo Roulan whispered and then the call was cut.      

She looked around the room and knew that Cheng Yang must have put a great effort to prepare for this date. She can't be heartless and ask him to go back.      

Mo Roulan smiled and turned around to look at Cheng Yang.     

"Is everything alright, Roulan?"     

Cheng Yang asked as soon as she turned around to look at him.      

"Yes, everything is alright."     

Mo Roulan said calmly.      

However, Cheng Yang looked at her for a few moments and sighed.     

"You want to go back home and see Youlin?"     

Mo Roulan was surprised that Cheng Yang found out what she was thinking. Cheng Yang chuckled when he saw her expression.      

He could tell it easily that she was not as happy as she looked before. Her eyes spoke very clearly regardless of how much she tried to hide it.      

He sighed again when he didn't hear her say anything in response. He walked to Mo Roulan and held her hand.     

"Roulan, you know what is your problem?"     

Cheng Yang spoke very gently but his disappointment was clear in his eyes.     

"Sometimes you try too much. You can't keep everyone happy. Sometimes be selfish …like right now. I would have been more happy if you had told me directly that you want to go and see Shen Youlin than you forcing yourself to stay here with me.      

Mo Roulan's eyes were blank at Cheng Yang's words.      

She couldn't help but repeat his words inside her mind again and again.      

Was it not true? Sometimes she tries too much.      

Since she was trying so hard to forget He Jian …it was becoming more and more difficult. She could not everyone around her happy but she still tries to do so.      

Did she not accept Cheng Yang's proposal partly for that?!     

She couldn't say 'no' to him when he proposed to her because she didn't want to disappoint him. But she forgot how much pain she would give him later!     

As she followed Cheng Yang out of the private room, Mo Roulan looked at his face. Her hand was held by him.      

He didn't even know how big of a lesson he taught her unknowingly.     




They reached the building in almost half an hour. When the car stopped, Mo Roulan didn't get out of the car immediately.     

She looked at Cheng Yang and said calmly.     

"Thank you, Cheng Yang."     

Cheng Yang frowned in confusion and then thought that she was thanking him because he dropped her back at her apartment. He shook his head trying to stop her but stopped when he heard Mo Roulan continuing.     

"I will be honest with you in the future and right now as well."     

"That day, I accepted your proposal because I didn't want to make you sad."     

Regardless of how much these words hurt Cheng Yang, he didn't show it. But the next words somehow lessened that pain.      

"But in the next few days, I realized that I didn't make a bad decision perhaps. You are very considerate, and caring. But I …I don't feel comfortable when you …"     

"I can understand."     

Cheng Yang said immediately and Mo Roulan sighed in relief.      

She smiled the next moment and said honestly      

"You are a very good guy, Cheng Yang. You deserve better than me."     

After finishing her words, Mo Roulan finally opened the door and stepped out of the car.      

On the other hand, Cheng Yang looked at her back with a sad smile on his lips. Her words were very nice but ironically it didn't please him to hear them.     

He deserves better she said …but the problem was that the person he wanted was her.      

He sighed as he drove the car to Cheng Mansion with a heavy heart.      




Mo Roulan stepped inside the apartment and immediately went to the living room. When she didn't find Shen Youlin there, she went to her room directly.      

Sure enough, Shen Youlin was there.      


Mo Roulan spoke in surprise when she saw Shen Youlin was reading some book. Shen Youlin also smiled lightly when she saw Mo Roulan and stood up from the chair she was sitting on.     

Mo Roulan first hugged her and then asked her what she was reading.      

"Exams are near. So …"     

Mo Roulan nodded in understanding. She chuckled when she noticed how crestfallen Shen Youlin looked.     

"Is that why you look and sounded so depressed on the phone?"     

Though there was some other reason, Shen Youlin still nodded her head. Mo Roulan shook her head and immediately tried to comfort her.     

"Don't worry so much. I am sure you will do great. Did you not study all of this already when you were preparing for the same exams last time?"     

Shen Youlin nodded her head lightly as she sat on the chair again while saying     

"I did. But I don't remember much."     

Mo Roulan tried to comfort her again. She knew that Shen Youlin was very intelligent. It was just that she paid less attention to her studies.      

However, before she could say anything, Shen Youlin raised her head and looked at her      

"Roulan, can I study here until exams? The house is a mess these days."     

Mo Roulan thought that Shen Youlin was talking about Shen Mansion which she knew must be a mess after what happened at the engagement. She could already imagine what storm was brewing inside Shen Yiling's mind after she had been refused by He Jian. But she looked at Shen Youlin with narrowed eyes and asked her     

"Since when did you start needing my permission to stay here, Youlin? Stay for as long as you want."     


Shen Youlin whispered and focused her attention back on the book.     

Mo Roulan frowned. She somehow felt that Shen Youlin looked a little different than usual. Like she was not even looking into her eyes while speaking and she didn't look as excited as she used to look whenever they would see each other.      

In the past, even if they used to see each other daily, she would hug her tightly until she would ask her to leave her. But today, they were seeing each other after so many days, and here she was not even talking to her properly.      

She wondered if everything was alright.      

But then she thought that it must be because of the exams. She remembered Shen Youlin being sad when she had come to know that they would have to study in different semesters.      

Shen Youlin had to repeat the semester because of leaving in mid. That's why she wanted to perform well this semester so that the university would allow her to give the next semester's exams early and both of them would again be together in the next semester.      

Mo Roulan felt happy as well as sad that Shen Youlin was trying so much. She walked towards the bathroom to get fresh and no longer disturbed Shen Youlin.      

On her way, she also decided to take out the notes she had kept inside her almirah and give them to Shen Youlin. Those notes can help her.      

On the other hand, Shen Youlin looked at the closed bathroom door with guilt-filled eyes. A few moments later, she took out her phone and texted Shen Yiling.     

"She is still dating Cheng Yang. You should leave her alone.      

However, what she got in response was not something she wanted.      

"Just continue to be around her unless you want your little secret to be revealed."      

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