CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

"You Can't Cook For Someone Else"

"You Can't Cook For Someone Else"

0Sitting inside the car, Lin Qianru looked out of the window with a constant frown on her forehead. Her heart was beating very fast when the car stopped in front of the hospital building.      1

With a tense heart, she stepped out of the car and said to Chi Rong when he walked to the other side and stood before her.     

"Mr. Chi, Your must be busy. I can go and collect the reports alone."      

However, she had just finished her words, when Chi Rong spoke calmly.     

"No, Miss Lin. I am free.     

"Let's go now."     

After that, Chi Rong didn't even give her the chance to make up some excuse and walked towards the entrance while Lin Qianru could only follow him silently but anxiously.     

In a few minutes, they were outside the doctor's cabin who was going to give Lin Qianru her reports.      

They were sitting in the waiting area when a nurse came and told Lin Qianru to go inside.      

Lin Qinru stood up and frowned anxiously when she saw that even Chi Rong had stood up to go inside.      

'What should I do?     

Why he is even following me when the reports belong to me?'     

She wandered inside her heart anxiously praying that Chi Rong would also think this suddenly and won't go outside.      

It was only when they were just in front of the entrance of the cabin and the nurse who was waiting for Lin Qianru saw Chi Rong, that she said      

"Mr. Chi, you can't go inside. Only Miss Lin can go in."      

Chi Rong frowned while Lin Qianru immediately heaved a sigh of relief.      


Chi Rong tried to argue. However, Lin Qianru didn't let him finish and said      

"Mr. Chi. It's alright. I will go and collect the reports immediately."     

After that, without giving any chance for Chi Rong to say anything or argue, Lin Qianru stepped inside the cabin and the nurse followed her to close the door.      

Chi Rong stood outside the cabin with a deep frown on his forehead.     




Inside the cabin, Lin Qianru walked towards the chair to sit in front of the female doctor.      

"Hello, Miss Lin."     

The doctor smiled gently and Lin Qiantu reciprocated it politely.      

"How are you feeling now?"     

"I am fine, Doctor."     

Lin Qianru replied calmly and the doctor only looked at her silently for a few moments. After a few moments of silence, just when Lin Qianru was about to open her mouth and ask her for her reports, she spoke again     

"Miss Lin, can I ask you again whether  you have been feeling dizzy in the past few months or pain in any part of your body or not?"     

Looking at the serious expression on the doctor's face, Lin Qianru lowered her head. Her heartbeat which had been fast because of the panic and anxiousness had already calmed down and it was suddenly very slow.     

When she didn't answer, the female doctor sighed and picked up the file that was placed on the table.      

"These are your reports, Miss Lin."     

Lin Qianru raised her head and took the reports from the doctor silently. After that, she didn't even wait for the doctor to speak and stood up to leave.      

The doctor only looked at her with a confused face and when noticed that she indeed looked ready to leave, she spoke in a surprise-filled voice.     

"Miss Lin, I have not yet told you what is wrong with your body."     

Lin Qianru paused amidst her steps. When she turned around, she had a small smile on her lips as she said     

"Thanks but I already know what is wrong with my body. I apologize for troubling you."      

In fact, she would not have even visited the hospital if she had gone unconscious in Chi Rng's absence. She would never waste so much money going to the hospital and then having so many checkups on her body when she already knew that she was not well.        

The female doctor frowned when she that Lin Qianru was about to leave. However, Lin Qianru stopped again and turned around to look at her.     

"There is one question that I wish to ask."     

The female doctor was still frowning but nodded her head signing her to go ahead. Lin Qianru smiled as if appreciating her gesture and asked      

"How much time do I have?"     

The female doctor's frown deepened when she heard Lin Qiianru's words.      

"Miss Lin, there is still some time. Did you have any disease before also? Because from what I can see it is relapsing of some disease. However, you are not at the last stage of stomach cancer yet. There is a high chance that you will be fine after treatment. You sh…"     

However, before she could finish, Lin QIanru interrupted her and asked again.     

"I just wish to know how much time I have?"     

The female doctor sighed. After a moment of silence, she answered     

"A few months…approximately only four to five months."     

Lin Qianru's eyes went blank for a moment.     

She had not imagined that only a few months were left for her to stay in this world. She still had so many things to do…     

She composed herself again and smiled weekly.      

"I see…Thanks."     

Then as if she remembered something, she said      

"Please don't tell Mr. Chi anything, Doctor."     

When the doctor looked conflicted, Lin Qianru continued      

"He is my employer. I am merely a cook at his mansion. It is his big heart that he brought me to the hospital when I collapsed suddenly but I don't wish to trouble him anymore."     

The doctor was surprised on knowing this. Seeing how worried and panicked Chi Rong had looked that day, she had thought that Lin Qianru and Chi Rong were very close to each other.      

She had not thought that Lin Qianru was Chi Rong's cook.      

The doctor nodded her head solemnly and said      

"Don't worry, Miss Lin. The hospital doesn't share its patient information until they don't wish anyone else to know."     

Lin Qianru heaved a sigh of relief.      

She finally walked out of the cabin.     

"What is it?"     

She was immediately facing Chi Rong who was waiting for her outside the cabin. Seeing him so worried and concerned, Lin Qianru's heart was soft. She knew that it was only because of her agreeing to help him that Chi Rong was so concerned for her.      

However, he didn't need to bother so much.      

"The doctor said that I am exhausted and need some rest, Mr. Chi."     

Chi Rong sighed in relief but soon looked at her with narrowed eyes.     

"See, that's why I am giving you the leave for a month. Just rest at your home."     

"A month?"     

Lin Qiantu's eyes widened with shock. In her eyes, a month's holiday was equal to the loss of a month's income. She was already thinking that the money she had was very little for her daughter and son and now she would have to lose one month's income directly.      

She still needed to pay Chi Rong back for all the money he spent on her hospital charges. But as if Chi Rong could read her thoughts, he spoke again and quite softly this time      

"Don't worry, you will get your salary for this month. Just rest at your home without any worry."      

  Lin Qianru however, didn't feel as happy as Chi Rong had expected her to be.      

  "But Mr. Chi. I will not accept the salary since I won't be doing any work. That is not right."     

Chi Rong was confused. It took her a few moments to realize Lin Qianru's point of view. However, he didn't know why he was suddenly feeling more proud and respect for her.      

She was a single mother. She had raised her children so nicely. And she also knew to put her self-respect and honesty to the front every time.      

It was just that her heart was too soft and sometimes he feels that she was too controlled by emotions and he would feel worried and concerned for her.      

Chi Rong thought a lot and finally come up with an idea.      

"But you still deserve it, Qianru."      

Lin Qianru frowned. A part of her was confused at his words and the other part didn't feel uncomfortable with how informally he called her.      

And she also noticed that it was not the first he was calling her like this.      

It was a different thing that he called her like this in front of his uncle because they needed to maintain the pretense. However, when they were not in his uncle's presence, he should not be calling her like this.      

Should she talk to him about this? But what if she offended him?     

Just when she was wondering about all this, she heard Chi Rong saying.     

"See, during this one month, even though you are not working for me, you still can't work for anyone else."     

Lin Qianru however still didn't understand and said      


Why can't she work for someone else? It was not like she would rest for a whole month without doing anything. She needed to find ways to earn more money.      

On the other hand, Chi Rong looked at her with narrowed eyes and said          

"What do you mean by why? Were you thinking of going out to work? You are going to rest for this month and about you working for someone else…you can't cook for someone else except me."     

Chi Rong said his last few words very firmly and Lin Qianru suddenly looked blank.      

Even he himself was startled when he realized what he just said.      

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