CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

A Date With Cheng Yang

A Date With Cheng Yang

1That day, Mo Roulan again avoided He Jian, and fortunately, she was very successful in it.     2

She didn't see Shen Yiling the whole day so the day passed quite peacefully. Though when she went to the canteen to have her lunch, she surely heard her colleagues at the same table talking about Shen Yiling.      

"She looked so haughty when she had given me the engagement card. Now see…how her haughtiness had slapped her so harshly. I really wish that she would at least come once before she resigns from here…"     

One of the female colleagues said while others laughed.      

However, a man tried to argue with the woman and said a little offended.     

"She is not that bad. How can you mock her! She must be very sad already."     

The woman rasied her eyebrows and laughed suddenly but her laughter was filled with mockery.      

After laughing for a moment, she looked at the man again and said      

"Well if she is sad then she deserves it. She is calming to engaging with a man who doesn't even know about the engagement."     

Almost all the employees from the top floors had been give engagement cards and hence they knew whatever happened at the party. And since a few knew soon the whole office knew everything.      

The man couldn't come up with any counterattack and the woman continued.      

"I was already sure that there was something wrong. Have you see our soon-to-be CEO? He doesn't even let a woman enter his office. I was already shocked when I have come to know that Boss let Mo Roulan enter his office but then Assistant Chu told me that for work purposes, Boss doesn't mind. Still, the man who stays so far away from women…how will he marry let alone engage to one?"     

Mo Roulan had raised her head when she heard her name being mentioned but she sighed in relief when she heard nothing wrong.      

One of the men shook his head as he said in a low voice that was filled with amusement.      

"CEO He is also the same but he has a son. It is a different thing that boss refused to marry Shen Yiling but he will marry someone in the end."     

However, the woman shook his head with a sigh and said      

"I don't think so. These men from He family seems to be a monk. About ur CEO having a son…well…there are many ways of having a child. Maybe Boss will choose the same way. I don't think that Boss will ever marry."     

Mo Roulan frowned wondering if no one knew about He Jian having a mother. In her past life, she seemed to have heard her mention from the butler in He Jian's mansion but already once where the butler had stopped speaking very immediately.      

But she was sure that He Jian had a mother and He Zhuang was also married in the past. She looked at all the young employees and thought they might not know about all this.      

But she never said anything.      

Many people mocked Shen Yiling because her behavior have not been any less inteolerable when she had been working here.      

However, Mo Roulan silently had her lunch and never particapiated in the conversation.      

The other half part of the day also passed quite peacefully.      

However, the conflict inside her heart started again when the same evening, she saw Cheng Yang waiting outside the office building for her.      

He was here just like every day to pick her up.      

A part of her heart had started to hate herself because of what she had done to Cheng Yang and she knew she won't be able to forgive herself ever.      

Even now she wondered if she had done wrong by giving him the week he had requested from her.      


Cheng Yang whispered when he saw her approaching him.      


Mo Roulan smiled weekly.      

However, her smile got weeker when she heard Cheng Yang saying     

"Can we go somewhere today, Roulan?"     


Mo Roulan asked in confusion and Cheng Yang spoke with hope-filled eyes.     

"Let's eat out today."     

Mo Roulan opened and closed her mouth.      

She almost opened her mouth to refuse when she heard him say      

"If you don't want to eat then we will go and watch a movie but please let's go somewhere. I want to spend some time with you. At least this week…"      

When he said this so sincerely, Mo Roulan couldn't refuse him.      

She didn't want to hurt him more than she already has. She smiled and said      

"Let's have some food then. I am famished."     

Cheng Yang smiled in relief and opened the door for her.      

He took her to a restaurant. When Mo Roulan stepped out and saw the huge building, she couldn't help but feel a little conscious. She didn't have enough money to pay for the food here.      

That's why when Cheng Yang came to her side, she couldn't help but ask him.     

"Can't we go somewhere else, Cheng Yang?"     

Cheng Yang looked at her immediately and asked in confusion     

"Why not here? The food here is quite good."     

Actually, his mother had suggested this restaurant when he had told her he wanted to take Mo Roulan out to eat.      

Mo Roulan was silent for a moment before she told Cheng Yang honestly.      

"I don't have enough money to pay for the food here, Cheng Yang."     

Cheng Yang was startled. He had not expected this kind of answer. But then he suddenly thought that he had been too reckless.      

"Roulan, it is actually…"     

He was suddenly hesitant to tell her. It was supposed to be a surprise but now he was going to tell her here only otherwise he was worried that she would not even go inside the restaurant.      

"Roulan, it is actually a date I have planned for both of us."      

"A date…?"     

Mo Roulan almost shouted in surprise. Cheng Yang chuckled on seeing her face as well as felt helpless and sad about his surprise being spoiled.      

"Yes, we have been dating for quite some time now. Is it not weird that we didn't have a single date?"      

Mo Roulan avoided Cheng Yang's eyes when she saw how sad he looked.      

The look in his eyes made her feel very guilty and she didn't want this guilt to make her do the same mistake again.      

She smiled forcefully trying to cheer him up and said      

"Let's go then. I also want to experience what going on a date feels like."     

Cheng Yang's sadness disappeared immediately. He smiled and had her hand on his arm as they walked towards the entrance.      

Cheng Yang had booked a private room.      

Before stepping inside the room, Cheng Yang stopped suddenly and turned to look at Mo Roulan completely. Mo Roulan did the same.      

"Roulan, I know that I have only one week."     

Mo Roulan stopped smiling which she had maintained when she heard him bringing this matter up.     

"Can you give me this one week sincerely?"     

After this question, Cheng Yang smiled a little playfully and said      

  Maybe …I can change your heart and you won't wish to leave me at all after this week."     

This time, Mo Roulan didn't roll her eyes. Instead, she smiled weekly and whispered      

"I wish the same."          

Cheng Yang didn't even know how happy she would be if that really happened.     

Because it would mean that her heart was finally ready to move on …which she wanted from a long time.      

Cheng Yang, however, who didn't understand the depth of her answer was happy when he heard what she said.      

He held her hand suddenly.     

"Then I will try my best."     

Mo Roulan looked at him in a daze as he smiled confidently and said      

"If you wish the same then I will try my best to win your heart."     

Mo Roulan continued to smile weekly.      

They finally stepped inside the private room and the beautiful decoration surprised Mo Roulan. But suddenly in front of her eyes, flashed the evening when He Jian had taken her out of her apartment by lying to her mother that they were going to some business party.      

That evening also, the whole restaurant was decorated beautifully. What had he said!      

Yes, …they were on a date …     

She was still unable to believe that all that had happened in reality!        

He Jian's words from last night sounded in her ears and she couldn't help but frown in confusion.      

"What? You don't like roses?'     

Mo Roulan came out of her trance when she heard Cheng Yang saying this.      

She looked down at the bouquet he was presenting to her and took it from him with an awkward smile on her lips and said      

"No, I like roses. Thank you."      

Cheng Yang sighed in relief. He had thought that he messed up at the first step itself.      

He forwarded her hand in front of her and said      


Mo Roulan looked at the hand for a moment and then put her hand in his and they walked to the table. Cheng Yang pulled the chair for her and she sat down.      

The waiter entered with the food.      

After the food, Mo Roulan was surprised when the music started suddenly and she blinked when she saw Cheng Yang coming in front of her.      

He was asking her to dance.      

She shook her head first but gave in when he insisted. The room's atmosphere was a little ambiguous but Mo Roulan strangely felt very comfortable with Cheng Yang at this moment… at least until she heard her phone ringing.      

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