CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Chi Rong's Concern For Lin Qianru

Chi Rong's Concern For Lin Qianru

2Shi Fengju's heart was filled with pain when he saw Shen Yiling's condition.       1


He whispered as he walked towards her stepping on all the broken things that came in his way.      

"What have you done to yourself?"     

He asked in almost a scolding tone and continued     

"Get up. Let's get out from here."     

However, Shen Yiling shook her head and said      

"No, I want to stay here. I can't go out now. I can't hear those people mocking me."     

Shi Fengju sighed and asked coldly.     

"Who will mock you?"     

Shen Yiling raised her head to look at him with her red eyes and smiled suddenly. Her hair was a mess and her smile was full of mocking as she whispered     

"Who? There is no who now. Everyone will mock me, Brother Fengju."     

"They dare not."     

Shi Fengju said angrily as he sat down on the ground beside her after clearing some space. After sitting beside her, he tried to make her understand.     

"Yiling, forget everything about last night, alright? No one will mock you. Didn't Uncle He apologize and said that it was a misunderstanding on both sides? So no one will say anything."     

However, Shen Yiling shook her head. Her shoulders trembled to make Shi Fengju know that she was crying.      

He felt very distressed for her and couldn't help but take her in his arms to comfort her.      

"Yiling … don't cry."     

Grandfather Shen who had been standing at the door couldn't see his granddaughter's state and tried to interfere. However, Shen Zhilan suddenly held her father's arm to stop him.      


"No, Father…"     

She Zhilan whispered in a low voice and then dragged her father out of the room. Her father didn't see but she saw the sign her daughter gave when she hugged Shi Fengju.      

Something was going on inside her mind.      

Indeed, as Shen Zhilan had predicted, her daughter was not amongst those people who will accept defeat after seeing an obstacle.      

Rather they will remove the obstacle from its root itself.      

And here to remove this obstacle, they needed Shi Fengju.      




Inside the room, Shen Yiling cried a lot.      

Shi Fengju felt helpless as nothing he could say to make her stop crying.      

"Brother Fengju, everything is destroyed. Brother Jian doesn't like me. Why is it that when Mo Roulan is dating Cheng Yang, she will still not leave him alone? What is it that he saw in her but not me?"     

"Yiling, don't think about all this. Forget Jian…he will …he will never agree. I already knew about this."     

Shen Yiling's eyes flashed with anger when she heard his words.      

She suddenly leaned away from his shoulder and asked angrily.     

"Why won't he? It is all because of Mo Roulan, right? What kind of magic she had done on him? That cheap girl…"     

Her eyes were filled with hatred when she spoke Mo Roulan's name.      


Shi Fenggju frowned.      

He had never seen Shen Yiling behaving like this. On the other hand, Shen Yiling realized that she was behaving weirdly and immediately composed her expression.      

"Brother Fengju…"     

She suddenly had a helpless expression on her face.      

"See, what I am becoming! I hate myself."     

Shen Yiling suddenly slapped herself presently all her anger on herself. Shi Fengju was shocked and tried to stop her.      

He had to apply force to hold her hands and shout at her to stop. But Shen Yiling looked completely out of control. She looked at Shi Fengju with wide eyes and said      

"Brother Fengju, should I also become like Mo Roulan?"     

"Yiling, what are you talking about?"     

Shi Fengju asked helplessly. He didn't understand what she was saying. It was true that He Jian liked Mo Roulan and he also didn't like that girl too much because she was the reason behind Shenn Yiling's sorrow.      

However, he couldn't blame her for everything. She had already rejected He Jian and was dating someone else.      

Getting engaged with Shen Yiling was completely He Jian's decision. He wanted Shen Yiling to understand this.      

However, before he could tell all this to Shen Yiling, Shen Yiing started to speak and filled his mind with different things.      

"Brother Fengju…that Mo Roulan is not as innocent as she shows herself to be. She is a gold-digger."     

Shi Fengju frowned in confusion and said     

"Yiling, why are you saying this?"     

Though he knew that He Jian had helped Mo Roulan quite a few times, he had also heard that every time that girl had tried to pay him back the money He Jian used. Thought it was another thing that He Jian refused to take the money from Mo Roulan.      

Shen Yiling, however, was fully prepared with her words. The whole night that is what she had been doing. This time, she wanted to stroke Mo Roulan back with such a great force that she will be thrown out of He Jian's life completely.      

"Brother Fengju, she is dating Cheng Yang. But she only accepted him when she came to know that Brother Jian is going to get engaged with me."     

"See…how immediately she found a new target…"     

Shi Fengju was however still frowning. He didn't know if whatever Shen Yiling was saying was really true or not.      

"Yiling, you can be wrong too…"     

He said trying to make her understand. However, Shen Yiling shook her head firmly.     

"No, I am sure. She is not as innocent as she shows herself to be. Brother Fengju, we should investigate her more deeply."     

Shi Fengju saw that Shen Yiling was not going to believe him so he agreed and said that he will do as she was saying.      

On the other hand, Shen Yiling was finally relieved.      

Now even if there was not anything shady, she will create something shady about Mo Roulan's life.      

She no longer refused when Shi Fengju helped her in getting out of the room.      

After all, what she wanted was already done.      




"Dod you have lunch?'     

Inside the dining room, sitting on the chair, Chi Rong asked Lin Qianru who was standing a few steps away from him.      

When she nodded her head and said 'yes', his expression relaxed and he raised his hand to finally pick up the plate while Lin Qianru was relieved that today the old butler was not present to see all this.      

But she was on guard again when she heard Chi Rong's next question.     

"Did you go to the hospital to take the report?"     

Lin Qianru frowned wondering why he still remembered this.      

However, now she had to answer the question and she said      

"Not yet, Mr. Chi."     

Chi Rong hummed. He had already expected this answer.      

"We will go together in the evening then. I will also drop you to your apartment."     

Lin Qianru's frown deepened instantly.      

She didn't know if she was overthinking but Chi Rong's behavior towards her was changing day by day. As if they were very close to each other.      

"Mr. Chi…"     

She tried to say something, however, at the same moment, Chi Rong raised his head and said with a wide smile on his lips.     

"This is delicious."     

The sudden praise made Lin Qianru a little confused.      

"Uh… Thank you, Mr. Chi."     

"No thank you."     

Chi Rong sighed as he lowered his head to eat.      

"You are no longer allowed to come here."     

That left Lin Qianru shocked and she asked immediately.     


Did he not praise the food made by her just now so why all of a sudden he was asking her not to come anymore!     

Chi Rong raised his hand and put the knife and fork on his plate. His lips were pressed in a thin line when he looked at Lin Qianru.      

"Because I am doing something that you should have done."     

His words only made Lin Qianru confused.     

"Mr. Chi, can you speak clearly? What wrong have I done?"     

In normal circumstances, Chi Rong would have felt offended if someone would have talked to him like this …or actually if it was someone else.      

But at Lin Qianru…he only looked at her with narrowed eyes and said      

"Did you not hear at all what the doctor said yesterday? You should be resting, Qianru. I had thought you yourself would not come today but here you are…ready with the lunch for me."     

Chi Rong sighed as he lowered his head.      

For the first time, he didn't feel much happy on seeing the meal prepared by her when he returned from the office. He was actually angry when the butler told him that she was there.      

"But Mr. Chi…"     

Lin Qianru tried to argue. However, Chi Rong had decided that he was not going to listen to her. Without even raising his head, he said      

"Since you are finished with your lunch, go and rest now."     


Lin Qianru asked in a slightly loud voice and with wide eyes.      


Chi Rong who was startled on hearing her shock-filled voice said as if this was the most reasonable and obvious answer.      

After that, he even called for the butler and ordered him.     

"Go and show the room to Miss Lin. She will rest there until I will come back from the office."     

The butler obeyed his order and signed Lin Qianru to follow him. Lin Qianru followed him with a confused face.      

She wondered what actually was going on. Why was he suddenly behaving so differently!     

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