CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Cheng Yang Wants More Time

Cheng Yang Wants More Time

1"I don't know, Mom"     1

That was what Mo Roulan answered when her mother expressed her confusion and asked her what happened at the engagement party that He Jian didn't get engaged to the girl.      

What could she even say when she herself was completely confused.      

Mo Roulan left the dining room after this.      

Mo Chen's eyes followed his sister and he suddenly picked his bag from the chair and left not before saying      

"I am leaving, Mom."     

Lin Qianru could only hum as she wondered about the engagement party at He Mansion. She wondered if she should call and ask Grandfather He as a form of politeness if everything was alright but then chose not to do so.      

Her politeness might seem like intrusion.      

She could ask He Jian to come to their apartment for the meals again and try to find if he was alright. That was the most she could do.      

Thinking this, Lin Qianru cleaned the dining table and then went to the kitchen with bowls that were still half-filled.        




Mo Roualn stepped out of the elevator.      

She was startled when she rasied her head and found Cheng Yang standing in front of the building leaving against his car.      

He semed to be typing something on his phone.      

Why did he not message her when he was already here!     

She wondered as she walked towards him. It was only when she approached him, she saw how he was typing a message and then deleting it again and again.      

'Hi, I am here.'     

He deleted it and then typed it again.     

'Will you go with me?'     

And then he deleted it.      

'Sorry for the last night. Can I drop you to the office like everyday?'     

Mo Roulan sighed softly witnessing all this. All she felt was guilt and helplessness.      

"Cheng Yang…"     

She called out softly making Cheng Yang completely still.      

The next moment, Cheng Yang hurriedly put the phone inside his pocket and said      

"You are here. Let's go."     

Mo Roulan didn't know if she should laugh or cry seeing how he was acting like a child. All she felt was guilt and regret as she saw Cheng Yang opening the door for her.     

Silently, she stepped inside the car and Cheng Yang sighed in relief when he closed the door.     

The car drive passed in utmost silence.      

Almost haf an hour later, they reached He Corporation and Mo Roulan stepped out of the car. She stood at the same spot as she saw Cheng Yang stepping out of the car from the other side.      

Mo Roulan looked blankly noticing how slowly Cheng Yang was coming to her side.      

As if he was afraid to walk to her side…     

And she could guess why he was hesitating!     

But she wanted to talk about it today! She didn't want to prolong it any longer and make him go through more pain later.      

So when he was finally in front of her, she started very gently     

"Cheng Yang, I think we should…"     

However, before she could finish her words, Cheng Yang interrupted her amidst her words.      

"One week, Roulan."     

Mo Roulan frowned in confusion and Cheng Yang explained     

"Can I have one more week?"     

His eyes were filled with hope making Mo Roulan's resolve of breathing this unofficial relationship weak. Cheng Yang stepped closer.      

He wanted to hug her and ask her to stay. However, he could only ask for one more week. He regretted his move of initiating the kiss.     

He regretted it very much because to a large extent he knew that …that move oof his made Mo Roulan realize something that he had never wanted her to.      

"I want just one more week. Can you give it to me? I won't ask for anything else from you again."     

Cheng Yang blinked his eyes stopping himself from showing how weak he was feeling at this moment. In fact, he himself dreaded the end of the time he was asking for.      

Still, his heart couldn't help but hope for some kind of miracle that could make her stay beside him. He suddenly thought it would not matter even if she would not love him.      

They could take it as slow as she wanted.      

He would never ask her for anything. He would just wait for her to accept him. However, he knew that Mo Roulan would not accept that.      

Even now when she looked full of hesitation, he almost pleaded.      

"Roulan, Please …just a week…can't you give it to me?"     

Mo Roulan heart was full of conflict. However, she couldn't refuse when she looked at his eyes which were full of requests and hope.      

And when she nodded her head, Cheng Yang's eyes brightened suddenly and he hugged her tightly in his arms forgetting everything and cherishing the small time he still had together with her.        




Mo Chen hesitated before he finally raised his hand to ring the doorbell.      

A few moments later, the door opened.      

"Mo Chen."     

Chu Feng opened the door and was confused when he saw Mo Chen standing at the door.      

"Hello, Uncle Chu."     

Mo Chen greeted politely making Chu Feng smile. However, he was confused as to what was he doing here and he was more confused when he saw Mo Chen trying to look behind him inside the apartment.      

"You need something?"     

The assistant asked the young boy who looked at him hopefully and asked      

"Is Brother He Jian inside?"     

  "Mr. He is inside but…"     

Chu Feng was still speaking when Mo hen suddenly ran past him inside the apartment making him shocked.      

"Mo Chen…"     

Chu Feng shouted trying to stop him.      

However, Mo Chen didn't stop. He ran to the living room which was empty. He then looked towards the doors of the room and ran towards the one whose door was open.      

Inside the room, he found He Jian sitting on a chair and typing something on his laptop that was placed on the table.      

The room excluded the aura that Mo Chen was used to of feeling in He Jian's presence.      

"Brother Jian…"     

He called out and He Jian stopped typing.      

He turned his head a little to look towards the young boy who was standing at the door. He Jian frowned in confusion wondering what was Mo Chen doing here.      

However, Mo Chen's attention was more focused on his face.      

He walked towards him and stopped just in near the chair He Jian was sitting on. Mo Chen's eyes stayed on his face and he unconsciously raised his hand to touch his face when He Jian caught his hand before he could do so.     

Mo Chen sighed.      

How could he forget that Brother Jian didn't like anyone touching him!      

He pulled his hand away without showing any hurt or anger and asked him very calmly.     

"For how many days you didn't sleep, Brother Jian?"     

He Jian's eyes flickered with surprise when he heard Mo Chen's question. At the same time, Chu Feng who had run inside the room while following Mo Chen was also shocked when he heard Mo Chen's questioning his boss.      

"How do you know that boss didn't sleep?"     

Chu Feng asked without thinking anything and immediately bit his tongue when he felt his boss's cold eyes on him.      

However, He Jian also looked at Mo Chen waiting for him to answer the question.      

Mo Chen's heart sank for a moment but he composed himself very soon and answered calmly.     

"Brother Jian's eyes are red and he has dark circles under his eyes."     

Chu Feng sighed heavily accepting Mo Chen's explanation. His heart was also filled with worry and concern and he spoke      

"Boss, now even a child can find out that you have not slept. Boss, should I call Doctor Mao here?"     

Chu Feng really wished that He Jian would say 'yes'.      

However, He Jian's one cold glance was enough for him to know that what he wanted was not what his boss wanted.      


Chu Feng tried again. But He Jian didn't even let him finish his words and spoke coldly.      


Chu Feng opened and closed his mouth but in the end, he left the room.      

He Jian focused his attention on Mo Chen.     

"What are you doing here?"     

He asked him as he turned to close his laptop.      

Mo Chen had a deep frown on his forehead. He knew that He Jian must be working on the laptop for a long time.      

Even in his last life, if He Jian was not bathing, eating, or doing something that was a necessity for daily life, he was working on the laptop. However, these basic necessities rarely would include sleep. He would not sleep for many days and he would sleep only when he would see Uncle He Zhuang come to their mansion with an old doctor.      

Mo Chen had come to know later that the old doctor hypnotized He Jian so that the latter could go to sleep.      

However, he knew that he couldn't probe much at this moment. So he answered He Jian's question.     

"I heard from my sister that Brother Jian canceled the engagement."     

He Jian's eyes had a different emotion when he heard Mo Roulan's name. He blinked and looked at the young boy asking     


Mo Chen was speechless. He smiled suddenly a little sheepishly and said      

"So I came to check if Brother Jian was alright."      

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