CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

The Cruel Words

The Cruel Words

0"Master Shen"      1

As if He Jian's cold words were not enough, He Zhuang's voice sounded in the engagement hall.      

Everyone looked at him curiously.      

It should be known that He Zhuang was a man of few words. If he spoke, he would not leave the man in front of him for nothing.      

And sure enough, he proved that.      

"From what I remember, it was you who had come to my father with this proposal. It was not my father who had gone to you asking your granddaughter's hand for my son."     

Grandfather Shen opened his mouth to say something but he couldn't let out a single word. What could he say when he knew what He Zhuang was saying was true.      

However, Shen Zhilan was not going to stay quiet after hearing so much.      

She stepped forward and said to He Zhiang sharply.      

"Yes, we did come up with the proposal. However, does that mean that your, He family would humiliate us like this, Mr. He?"     

He Zhuang looked at Shen Zhilan calmly.      

In response to her words, he merely smiled coldly.      

Since she didn't want to go without being humiliated, he would give her what she wants.      

"Regarding that, I am sure that my son had already expressed his will at the birthday party of Shen family's younger daughter where Master Shen had tried to introduce his granddaughter but he didn't show any interest. If that was not enough, what happened more than a month ago should have been enough for Shen's family to know that He family doesn't want any kind of relation with Shen family.."     

"And about my father agreeing with this engagement, Master Shen…"     

He Zhuang spoke to Grandfather Shen very clearly this time.     

"Did you not find anything strange that you didn't meet anyone from He family except my father before agreeing to this engagement. You agreed to give away your granddaughter to some man without even meeting his whole family …even the man to whom she was going to engage. It is not like anyone is a fool not to understand what your family was seeking to do here."     

Shen Zhilan looked at He Zhuang with a parted mouth.      

She clenched her fist in anger when she saw people looking at her and her family members with weird gazes.      

She had never thought that He Zhuang would speak so directly.      

He directly said that they were trying to force He Jian into this engagement under so many people's eyes.      

And it was the truth!     

She had not been in the favor of this but after her daughter convinced her, she had agreed.      

She had also thought that He Jian would not refuse his grandfather's announcement when there were so many people present in the engagement hall.      

He would worry for his family's reputation.      

However, what she had not known was that He Jin had never cared about these things.      

After hearing so many things, they didn't have anything to say.      

It was Wang Weimin who stepped forward and said      

"Mr. He, I apologize for whatever happened. However, I am sure that it is not only our family who was at fault. There had been misunderstanding but it was created by both the families."     

Wang Weimin spoke very politely in a voice that was neither high nor low.      

However, Mo Roulan who was standing at the far end frowned on hearing the voice.      

She couldn't help but raise her head to look in the direction. However, she couldn't see the face of the person who was speaking.      

"He is Shen Yiling's father."     

Cheng Yang who noticed her attempts informed her. Mo Roulan still had a frown on her forehead but she nodded her head after hearing Cheng Yang's words and didn't look in that direction anymore.      

Instead, her eyes went towards the stage where she noticed that He Jian was looking at her.      

She unconsciously turned her head away.      

She didn't understand what was going on.      

Why did he refuse for this engagement!     

On the other hand, seeing that Wang Weimin was trying to choose the peaceful way, He Zhuang nodded his head and said      

"He family apologizes for my father's foolish acts. However….Shen family should be more careful and wise in the future."     

Wang Weimin gritted his teeth on hearing He Zhuang's words.        

Though he apologized, he indirectly put all the blame on Shen family.      

However, he knew that this was the most they could ask for in such a situation. He looked at Shen Zhilan and whispered     

"Go and bring Yiling. We are leaving."     

Shen Zhilan was no less angry but she silently obeyed her husband and went towards the stage where Shen Yiling was crying constantly while He Jian had a deep frown on his forehead hearing her sobs. He wanted to get down from the stage. However, his grandfather was holding his hand tightly.      


He said as he tried to free his hand. However, Grandfather He was adamant.      

"You are not going anywhere."     

Grandfather He spoke coldly. He was sure that if he left He Jian's hand now, he would not get to see this boy for the next many days.      

And he wanted to say many things right now.      

Grandfather He felt guilty when he saw Shen Zhilan coming on the stage to get Shen Yiling who was crying non-stop.      

Taking the microphone from his coat, Grandfather He announced grimly.     

"The party had ended. I apologize for the inconvenience caused to all of you. Thanks for coming on being invited."     

The people started to leave the engagement hall slowly.      

He Jian's eyes followed Mo Roulan who was leaving with Cheng Yang. He tried to free his hand from his grandfather's grip, however, he could only apply a limited force as he didn't wish to push him away.     

After everyone had left, Grandfather He pulled him down from the stage with him.      

"What did you do? Do you have a heart? You didn't leave me any face."     

Grandfather He suddenly started to beat He Jian's shoulder with his fist.      

Butler Zhang tried to calm him down, however, he was too angry. He Jian stood calmly letting him do whatever he was doing.      

It was He Zhuang who stepped forward and pulled his father away.      

"Leave me…I will teach him a lesson today. Could you just not agree for once? She is a good girl but no…you can't see anything good. I was happy after so much time. Happy to think that there will be a woman in this house …a good woman but you can't see this house's happiness, right?"     

Grandfather He's face was red with anger and he was breathing heavily. He was not even thinking before speaking.      

Perhaps that's why he said something that he regretted very badly later.      

"You are just like your mother, Jian! …just like your mother!"     

His words caused He Zhuang who had his arms around his waist to stiffen completely while He Jian who had been looking calm now had very cold eyes.     

He looked at his grandfather silently for a few moments who was slowly realizing that he spoke something wrong.      

However, before he could say anything or apologize, He Jian turned around and left He Mansion.      

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