CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

She Likes Cheng Yang

She Likes Cheng Yang

1Mo Roulan was looking at He Jian with an incredulous expression on her face after hearing his words. However, at this moment, the former doesn't seem to care about anything as he stepped forward and whispered     0

"Lanlan, you could give him a chance. Why didn't you give any chance to me?"     

As he said these words, his eyes were filled with so many emotions. Mo Roulan wondered if she saw pain in them.     

She was not sure at all.     

But one thing she was sure of that he didn't have any right to ask this question. Did he even know what he was asking her?      

He was going to get engaged tomorrow and he was asking her why she didn't accept his confession …the confession she still wondered how it occurred, but she was still not so sure of it.     

Mo Roulan wanted to say the same thing to He Jian but she had just opened her mouth when both of them heard a sound and turned around to look.     

It was Chu Feng, He was here with the car.     


Chu Feng stopped the car merely a step away from them as he looked at both of them wondering if he came at the wrong time.      

However, he couldn't find anything.     

His boss as usual had a cold face as he walked to the back door to sit inside the car and Mo Roulan …she also silently walked to the other side of the seat to sit inside the car.     

The car started and the whole ride passed in silence.     

Both of them never spoke to each other …even after Mo Roulan stepped out of the car on reaching the building.     

Since there was no partition, Chu Feng could see and hear everything. He couldn't help but find it odd. However, he knew better than to ask any questions.      

He could only drive the car to He Corporation silently.     




Mo Roulan was about to step inside the elevator when she heard her phone ringing. She took it out from her purse and her sour mood improved a little when she saw that it was Cheng Yang who was calling her.     


"Roulan, I am outside your building. The guard is not letting me go to your apartment."     


Mo Roulan bit her tongue as she walked towards the entrance of the building and spoke     

"I will be there soon."     

In a minute, Mo Roulan was standing in front of Cheng Yang.     

"Please let him pass."     

She said to the young security guard who nodded his head when he saw that it was her.     

Cheng Yang finally stepped inside the building.     

"How long have you been standing here?"     

Mo Roulan asked a little embarrassed.     

"I just came."     

Cheng Yang assured her.     

"Oh…that I and Mom just ask him not to allow anyone except us to go the apartment since Mo Chen was alone so…"     

She tried to explain and Cheng Yang smiled     

"It's alright."     

After that, he held her hand and asked gently     

"You alright?"     

Mo Roulan nodded her head and started to walk back with him.     

They walked in silence to the apartment's door. Mo Roulan unlocked with the extra key she had inside her purse.      

She first went to Mo Chen's room to check on him.     

He was again studying. Mo Roulan didn't know whether it was good or bad but seeing Mo Chen doing the same thing all the time had now started to frustrate her.     

How did her brother become such a bookworm suddenly!     

She huffed as she walked to the living room where Cheng Yang was sitting.     

"What will you have? Tea, coffees, fruit juice?"     

However, Cheng Yang shook his head as he pulled her hand to make her sit beside him.     

"You tell me first? How did it go? Everything alright?"     

Mo Roulan sighed as she told him whatever happened at the hospital. Cheng Yang looked relieved after hearing everything.     

"I think he is right. Mo Chen doesn't seem to be depressed. He just …doesn't seem that interested in talking too much. There are people like that too, Roulan."     

Cheng Yang said in a low voice as he didn't want Mo Chen to hear anything who was studying in his room.     

Seeing the frown on Mo Roulan's face, he said     

"Let's go somewhere today. How about an amusement park!"     

Mo Roulan's eyes lit up. She forgot all about what happened with He Jian on their way back home and said that she would ask Mo Chen.     

However, when she came out of her brother's room, she didn't look as happy as she had looked while going in.     

"He refused."     

She whispered as she sat beside Cheng Yang with a 'thump'. Her face had a dispirited expression as if she had lost the purpose of her life. Cheng Yang chuckled as he wrapped his hand around her shoulder and said     

"It's alright. I will think of something else."     

Mo Roulan nodded her head as she turned her head to look at Cheng Yang. She suddenly wondered if everything was really alright.     

"You are too good for me."     

She whispered suddenly making Cheng Yang surprised and laugh at her words.     

"Why do you think so?"     

"I ... we are not even in a relationship officially… you are putting so much effort to make it work out that…"     

That it scares her whether she was doing right or not to him.     

Did he deserve any of this?     

"Well…one had to try hard until there is hope, right?"     

When Mo Roulan continued to look at him, he smiled and whispered     

"If you continued to look at me like that, I will think that you have fallen in love with me already."     

Mo Roulan looked away from him as she rolled her eyes but there was a smile on her lips. She might not love him romantically …yet.     

But she really liked him … a lot.     

She wished with her whole heart that it would end in the favor of both of them.     

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