CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

The Envious CEO He

The Envious CEO He

3They left the hospital after Mo Roulan entered the office again almost fifteen minutes later.     

"I don't think that Mo Chen needs any psychologist."     

Mo Roulan looked at Qin Ruan as if he was crazy. The latter however looked at Mo Roulan calmly and explained himself     

"He is completely fine …just way too mature and knowledgable for his age I guess. That is something that makes us feel that the child is not normal. It is indeed not normal but …exceptions and miracles always exist, Miss Mo. You should be happy that your brother is one of them."     

Qin Ruan finished and Mo Roulan looked more confused than before.     

"How do you know all this? I mean …that he is so intelligent."     

  She herself came to know of this thing only a day ago while Qin Ruan who had been her brother's psychologist for only a week already knew this. Mo Roulan didn't know what she should think.     

She just wondered where she went wrong. Had she been too involved in her own mess that she forgot her family?      

Qin Ruan looked surprised and confused at this question and said     

"I have been observing him for a week. I know that he goes to the school library. I know what kind of books he borrows from there. I know that he really studies them as I checked those books and they have pencil marks."     

"But he had not been like this before."     

Mo Roulan said instantly.     

"Mr. Qin, my brother had been good in studies but he never knew any foreign language. We moved to the city at the beginning of this year from a small town. The town's average school doesn't allow the children to learn any foreign language because they don't have any teacher for that…and Mo Chen…he had been either second or third in his class. It was only once when he had gotten the first position in the class. I …I don't know what is going on…"     

Mo Roulan said suddenly with a dispirited face.     

He Jian couldn't bear to see her like this. He looked at Qin Ruan and said coldly.     

"Mr. Qin, you should observe Mo Chen for some more time."     

Qin Ruan nodded his head. He also looked quite serious after whatever Mo Roulan told him.          

"I will observe him for one more week then."     

He Jian nodded his head and after that, he left with Mo Roulan.     




Chu Feng had to leave to manage some meetings as He Jian was busy. The driver was on leave today so Chu Feng had driven the car on their way to the hospital.     

Since Chu Feng had left now Mo Roulan and He Jian were alone and He Jian had to drive the car.     

Mo Roulan was still worried about Mo Chen but she knew that she could only wait for a week or she could try to find the reason behind the sudden change in Mo Chen.     

She also knew that she couldn't worry about this thing more as it might affect Mo Chen also. If she tried to invade more then he might feel irritated with her.     

She needed to stay calm and think about things thoroughly.      

Mo Roulan halted amidst her steps when she saw He Jian walking towards the front seat. It was only then she realized that he was going to drive the car. She looked towards the back seat and then the front seat wondering where she should sit.     

After much thought, she walked towards the back door only to find it locked from the inside. Mo Roulan looked towards the driver's seat but He Jian never looked in her direction.     

She sighed as she walked to the front door and found that it was open. Her lips twitched and she silently opened the door to sit inside.     

She should not sit in the back seat, right? He was not her driver after all. She thought inside her heart and found it unreasonable.     

The car started. The ride was silent just like before.     

Mo Roulan glanced at the watch and hoped that they would reach the apartment in an hour. However, her hopes crashed down when the car suddenly stopped moving in the middle of the road.     

He Jian frowned as he tried to start it again only to find that it was not starting at all.     

Except for producing a grrh…sound, it did nothing.     

Mo Roulan looked at He Jian wondering what they will do now. However, he soon brought his phone out and called Chu Feng to send a car as soon as possible.        

So she didn't say anything to him.     

They sat inside the car silently until her phone rang and she had to take it out from her purse. She was surprised when she saw that there were many missed calls from Cheng Yang so she slid the screen to answer the call without hesitation because she thought that he must be worried for her.     

"Hello, Cheng Yang."     

Mo Roulan didn't notice how the man sitting beside her stiffened when he heard the name on her lips.     

"Yes, I am fine. Don't worry…no…I will be back home in …two hours I think. I am completely fi…"     


Mo Roulan who was assuring Cheng Yang was forced to stop amidst her words when she heard a loud slam.     

Her eyes widened and she looked towards the car door that had been slammed so loudly.     

He Jian had just stepped out of the car and on his way out, he slammed it so loudly as if he was afraid that someone would not get to know that he was angry.     

Mo Roulan frowned in confusion as she looked at the bright sky out of the car's window and then at He Jian's back who was walking to god knows which place.     

She said to Cheng Yang that she will talk to him later and cut the call.     

It was so hot. What was he doing outside?     

She stepped out of the car to stop him and called him out loudly.     

"Mr. He.'     

However, he didn't stop walking. Confused, she could only run behind him and when she was near him, she called him out again     

"Mr. He"     

He Jian turned around this time to look at her but his face didn't look too good.     

"What is it?"     

He asked coldly.     

Mo Roulan was a little baffled but managed to say     

"You should come to the car."     

He Jian scoffed as he stepped forward to look into her eyes and said mockingly     

"For what? To hear your sweet talks with your boyfriend?"     

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