CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Shen Youlin Comes To Know That Roulan Is Dating

Shen Youlin Comes To Know That Roulan Is Dating

1"Why do you look so confused?"      1

Cheng Yang asked Mo Roulan who said immediately     

"Because I don't understand what you are talking about? How can Chenchen know these languages? The school in the town we studied in …they didn't use to teach any language other than Chinese and even in this school, they don't teach these languages."     

Only expensive schools taught these languages. Unfortunately, Mo Roulan and her mother couldn't afford to send Mo Chen to such schools.     

While Cheng Yang looked completely confused by what Mo Roulan said.     

"But I saw so many books in his room….most of them are in different- different languages. There is some library stamp on them so I think he brought them from the school library. I don't think that he just brought them because he was curious as all of them seemed to have some pencil marks. I mean some important formulas of physics…are marked. "     

Mo Roulan's mouth was parted and she closed it. Then she opened it again only to close it again. She didn't know what she should say because she never knew about this.     

Cheng Yang could see that so he put his arms around her shoulder and said gently     

"It's okay. You can talk to him about this tomorrow."        

Mo Roulan nodded her head solemnly. This matter was not small at all. How did Mo Chen suddenly learn so many languages! She also needed to see those books. She would have gone right now but she was afraid to wake him up. These days it was very rare for him to sleep deeply and he would wake up even with slight sounds in his room so she would think like a hundred times before going to his room and checking whether he is sleeping or not.     

She couldn't help but think again how strange these days have been for her! Shen Youlin's remembrance troubled Mo Roulan more and she couldn't help but ask Cheng Yang     

"Have you seen Youlin in the college lately?"     

Cheng Yang had. In fact, he had tried to talk to her knowing that she was Mo Romulan's best friend but much to his disappointment the girl would never talk to her with a straight mouth.     

He decided to ask Mo Roulan right now if she knew something about Shen Youlin's disliking of him or not. And if she did, then what was the reason behind it.      

However, he had just opened his mouth when the doorbell of the apartment rang loudly. Mo Roulan frowned in confusion wondering who it was at such a time. It was about nine at night.     

"I will go and check who it is."     

She said to Cheng Yang but Cheng Yang immediately held her wrist and said strictly     

"No, I will go and check."     

Mo Roulan wanted to refuse but Cheng Yang didn't even hear her and started to walk toward the door. Inside his heart, he couldn't but wonder if Mo Roulan had to open the door every time someone would come to her apartment at such a time.     

It was not a safe thing at all for her. He couldn't help but worry about her.      

However, what he didn't know was that no stranger was allowed to knock on Mo Roulan's door. He Jian had ensured after the incident of Mo Roulan's aunt that she would be completely safe in her apartment with her family.     

The doorbell rang again and Cheng Yang opened the door. He was surprised to see the person standing on the other side while at the same time, he heard Mo Roulan's joyous voice from his behind.     


Mo Roulan walked past Cheng Yang and hugged Shen Youlin who was still standing outside,     

Shen Youlin who was frowning when she saw Cheng Yang standing at the door smiled immediately, Her two arms immediately hugged Mo Roulan back and she put her head on her shoulders smelling her sweet scent.     

She could feel that Mo Roulan missed her just like she missed Mo Roulan.     

However, when her eyes fell on Cheng Yang, her frown came back again.     

Mo Roulan pulled away and immediately fired her questions at Shen Youlin     

"Where were you? I called you so many times. You didn't pick up a single call and neither replied to any message.  Do you even know how worried I was?"     

Shen Youlin immediately felt guilty and apologized in a low voice     

"I am sorry. I was a little busy."     

"So busy that you couldn't reply to a single message."     

Mo Roulan asked incredulously not believing her at all. When she saw Shen Youlin going silent, she was sure that something has happened but she decided to save her questions for later.      


She said as she pulled Shen Youlin inside the apartment. Shen Youlin let her but when she was passing by Cheng Yang, she asked Mo Roulan without any hesitation.     

"What is he doing here?"     

Mo Roulan stopped walking at Shen Youlin's question and looked at Cheng Yang and then at Shen Youlin who was frowning deeply.     

She was ready with some excuse when Cheng Yang spoke suddenly     

"Well…since we are dating I think there is nothing wrong in staying at your girlfriend's home for dinner, right Roulan?"     

Mo Roulan's eyes went wide as she had not expected that Cheng Yang would say this so suddenly but she didn't seem to be angry or dislike it.     

It was Shen Youlin. When she expected her friend would not hide anything from her, then she was supposed to do the same. Shen Youlin had shared her dark secrets with her, and hence there was nothing wrong if she got to know about this. So it was good that Shen Youlin came to know of this.     

She was just surprised that Cheng Yang told Shen Youlin so abruptly. She was sure that Shen Youlin would blame her for not telling her anything earlier.     

On the other hand, Cheng Yang was looking forward to seeing how Shen Youlin would react. He was sure now that Shen Youlin disliked him very much. Sure enough, when she heard his words, her eyes were filled with a fire of rage.     

He should give her some alone time with Mo Roulan.     

Cheng Yang smiled calmly and said to Mo Roulan.     

"Roulan, I should leave now. Mom must be waiting for me."     

Mo Roulan nodded her head and Cheng Yang left. After she closed the door, she turned around only to find Shen Youlin standing behind her with both of her hands on her chest and then saying     

"Can you please tell me what is going on?"     

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