CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

A Big Change In Mo Chen

A Big Change In Mo Chen

3"Old He…I want to involve the police."      0

There was a long silence after Liu Ji Fan's words.     

"Do you know what it will result?"     

He Jian asked his friend finally and Liu Ji Fan nodded his head immediately.     

"I have thought about it for long …actually from the day I found out everything, I was considering this but never got the courage to do so. My father loved my mother a lot. Even in the last few moments of his death, the only message he left for me was to take care of her…the woman who had run away with the money that was to be used for his treatment. But I…I …can't risk the life of the man I love. She deserves it."     

"What about Tian Yuan? You know that he will also be dragged into this mess if you will involve the police?"     

He Jian's question was reasonable. If it came out that Tian Yuan's father was killed by Mrs. Liu then there was no doubt that Tian Yuan was also going to get involved in all this.     

Liu Ji Fan smiled sadly as he looked at He Jian and told him     

"He hates my mother. I don't blame him. Even I hate that woman. Perhaps this would calm his anguished heart a little. This is the only relief I can give him now."     

He Jian nodded his head. He would not interfere in this matter now that Liu Ji Fan had thought it through.     

And there was no need to tell each other they could find each other in their times of need.     

So after a few moments of discussing this and that, they went back to where Fang Zhihan, Shen Weisheng, and Shi Fengju were sitting.      

"Jian, how did your love story progress?"     

Fang Zhihan asked as soon as He Jian sat on the bench that could be occupied by at least five people.     

He Jian's body stiffened immediately as the picture of Cheng Yang standing in Mo Roulan's apartment flashed in front of his eyes.     

The only reason he came to the hospital was that he was feeling very suffocating in that apartment of his when he knew that on the other side of the wall, Mo Roulan must be with her boyfriend.     

He couldn't digest the thought itself. He was afraid that if he stayed there then he would do something that Mo Roulan wouldn't like so he ran out from there.      

With very difficulty, he had been successful to focus on Liu Ji Fan's problem but now Fang Zhihan's words brought those bitter memories back.     

His lips were pressed in a thin line his ice-blue eyes were cold.     

Seeing his expression, Liu Ji Fan and Fang Zhihan frowned as they looked at each other and said      

"Is it still bad?"     

However, He Jian never answered their question and Shi Fengju silently observed everything a little disappointed that he couldn't find anything to tell Shen Yiling.     




Shen Youlin glanced at the unknown number flashing on the screen. However, the number was unknown to her, she knew this number very well.     

It was Shen Yiling who was calling her.          

It took Shen Yiling a lot of effort not to smash her phone across the wall of the room. She took a deep break and finally slid the screen to answer the call.     


"Don't hello me, Youlin. It has been a day and you have not given a single piece of information about Mo Roulan. Don't you think that you are very smart by saying to me that you are not well?"     

Shen Yiling's voice came from the other side and this time she looked not ready to accept any excuse at all.     

Shen Youlin clenched her fists thinking silently just how she could come out of this situation! But Shen Yiling's next words made her know that she didn't have any way today.     

"Let me tell you something. I don't care at all if you are sick or good. Go to Mo Roulan's house and see what she is doing right now. I want to know if she is still trying to get the man who is mine or if she had finally stopped running behind him."     

Shen Youlin instantly rolled his eyes.     

Shen Yiling must have some misunderstanding. Her Roulan never ran behind anyone. It is that cold slab who doesn't leave her alone. She came out of her thoughts when she heard Shen Yiling continuing     

"If you didn't go to Mo Roulan's house even tonight then keep in your mind that it won't be good for you. I will do something that in an hour the whole city will know about that little secret of yours."     

Shen Youlin couldn't say anything after that and neither did Shen Yiling give her any chance to say something.     

The call was cut and Shen Youlin knew that today she would have to face Mo Roulan.     




Lin Qianru was sent to her room to rest after she had finished her dinner. After her mother left, Mo Roulan looked at her younger brother who was still sitting at his chair.     

It was a little unusual of Mo Chen to sit even though he had finished his dinner long ago.     

Mo Roulan smiled and asked Mo Chen when he was going to his room. In the past few weeks, he would leave the dining room as soon as he would finish his meal and then go to his room to study.     

At his sister's question, Mo Chen looked at her and then at Cheng Yang silently.     

Mo Roulan's eyes went blank and she suddenly seemed to have a realization of what was going on inside Mo Chen's mind. He had seen her and Cheng Yang hugging each other just a few moments ago.     

She cleared her throat awkwardly and Cheng Yang who could see her embarrassment immediately tried to help her.     

"Mo Chen, do you need any help in your studies? Any question that you can't understand?"     

Contrary to Mo Roulan's thought that he would refuse, Mo Chen eagerly nodded his head and hence Cheng Yang followed him to his room.     

While Mo Roulan who cleaned the dining table alone couldn't help but think that why her brother didn't tell her if he had any questions about his studies to ask.     




After cleaning the dishes, Mo Roulan switched on the TV and scrolled through the channels to find something interesting to watch.     

It was after half an hour, Mo Roulan saw Cheng Yang stepping out of Mo Chen's room.     

Cheng Yang sat beside Mo Roulan on the same sofa but maintained the distance so that she would not feel comfortable.     

Mo Roulan felt her heart going soft when she noticed his considerate actions. She only thought that if she really wanted to move on then she would never get a good life partner other than Cheng Yang.     

She came out of her thoughts when she suddenly saw Cheng Yang leaning closer to her. Her eyes flickered with surprise as she looked at him whose face was merely a few inches away.      

"Why are you looking at me like this? Do I suddenly look very handsome to you that you can't stop staring at me?"     

Mo Roulan raised her eyebrows when she registered Cheng Yang's words in her mind. She could remember that he had said something along the same lines that day in the hospital and he had looked at her the same way. Mo Roulan wondered if Cheng Yang liked her even at that time.     

She rolled her eyes but a smile still played on her lips as she muttered     

"Narcissist enough."     

Cheng Yang heard her but didn't say anything except chuckle deeply.     

"Mo Chen is studying?"     

Mo Roulan asked him and Cheng Yang shook his head.     

"No, he slept while studying. I carried him to the bed and he is sleeping now. You know…he didn't have any question to ask."      


Mo Roulan looked confused at this but Cheng Yang smiled silently. He somehow understood that Mo Chen was trying to lessen his time with his sister. As a brother, his protectiveness over his sister was right and he felt nice that he was so responsible and protective of his sister at such a young age.     

He remembered something suddenly and said     

"I didn't know that Mo Chen is so intelligent. He knows French, Spanish and so many things that the children of age don't know."     


This time, Cheng Yang's words surprised Mo Roulan completely and she looked at him as if he was joking and her expression confused Cheng Yang.        

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