CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Justice For Tian Yuan

Justice For Tian Yuan

2"Ji Fan, why are you not taking my calls? I am calling you for so long."     

A shrill and sharp voice was heard from the other side as soon as Liu Ji Fan slid the screen to answer the call     

"I was busy taking care of my injured boyfriend, Mrs. Liu whom you almost killed to death this time."     

Liu Ji Fan's answered coldly.     

This woman…he no longer wishes to call her mother. If only she didn't have any blood relations with him, then he would have killed her with his own hands. But this time, he was not going to let her go just like this.     

His Tian Yuan…he couldn't put him in danger.     

"Ji Fan, I don't know what you are saying?"     

Liu Ji Fan heard his mother's voice going sharper at his words but he stayed indifferent. His heart was filled with disgust on hearing her lies. He didn't wish to argue with her so he asked her coldly     

"What do you want?"     

On the other side of the phone, Mrs. Liu also seemed to find her purpose behind calling her son more important than arguing with him so she told him in an anxious voice.     

"That young boy from He family …he is still your friend right?"     

He Jian's mention immediately made Liu Ji Fan's eyes sharper. He swore that if his mother asked for him something rubbish that regarded He Jian then he would definitely show her the worst side of him.      

"What about him?"     

He asked his mother coldly waiting to see just how low she could fall. However, when Mrs. Liu spoke this time, her voice was only more anxious than before.     

"Did you offend him? Did something happen between you two? Ji Fan…the He Corporation has suddenly waged a war against your father's company. Your father is very angry as he knows that you know He Jian. He thinks that it is you who did something and that's why it is happening. Ji Fan, please do tell me that you didn't do anything."     

Mrs. Liu suddenly lowered her voice and continued speaking        

"Your father will disown you, Ji Fan if you had done something. The company is not in a good state. Can you ask your friend He Jian what is going on? I am sure that there is some kind of misunderstanding between you two. Otherwise, why would he do so? After all, he and you were very good friends, right?"     

Mrs. Liu finally stopped speaking but only to wait for Liu Ji Fan to answer her question. Liu Ji Fan could feel through the phone itself how much she anticipated his 'yes'.     

His eyes were emotionless and he seemed to realize what had happened. With a cold smile on his lips, he answered his mother.      

"We still are."     

Mrs. Liu heaved a sigh …of relief perhaps. Liu Ji Fan concluded silently as he heard his mother saying next.     

"Then talk to him, Ji Fan. Otherwise, you will be disowned and ..."     

However, even before she could complete her words, Liu Ji Fan cut his mother amidst her words and said sharply     

"I won't. I don't care even if they disown me."     

"Ji Fan…"     

Mrs. Liu spoke incredulously. She was speechless and found her voice only after a few moments     

"Ji Fan, even if you don't care about yourself then do think about me. He will divorce me. Where will I go?"     

Liu Ji Fan could even hear the gritting of her mother's teeth in anger but all that twinkled in his eyes was satisfaction.     

With the same satisfaction in his eyes, he said     

"I don't care about you as well, Mrs, Liu. That's what you get for trying to kill the man I love."     

With these words, Liu Ji Fan hung up despite Mrs. Liu's sharp screams that could still be heard.     

"Well, well, well. I had never thought that someone would entrance Old Liu so much one day that he would finally not tolerate his mother's bullshit silently."     

Liu Ji Fan shook his head as he recognized the voice very well. Sure enough, when he turned around, he saw Fang Zhihan standing behind him with a playful smile on his lips.     

It was not only Fang Zhihan but his other friends as well.     

Liu Ji Fan ignored Fang Zhihan's playful remark and looked at He Jian. The latter understood that he wanted to talk about something so he nodded his head and they walk towards another corridor.      

Others didn't stop them.     

"Are you going against my step-father's company?"     

Liu Ji Fan asked He Jian directly and the latter nodded his head in 'yes' without any hesitation.     

After that, there was silence.     

It was a few moments later, that Liu Ji Fan spoke again.     

"I am not stopping you but leave some support for him."     

He Jian turned his head to look at Liu Ji Fan who was still looking at the front, He Jian understood whom Liu Ji Fan was talking about. He was talking about his step-brother.     


He Jian asked coldly. In front of his eyes, the picture of the young heir of the Liu family flashed. He, by no means, was a very strong and clever man. He Jian knew that if he left even a little bit of support for him then he would make Liu's business the same as before in almost five years.     

Liu Ji Fan turned his head to look at He Jian to answer his question. His eyes were misty as he told him     

"He has done enough for me. I don't want to repay him like this."     

At this, He Jian frowned surely but then nodded his head. He didn't know what that man has done for Liu Ji Fan but every time he would see only respect in Liu Ji Fan's eyes for his step-brother.      

Knowing Liu Ji Fan's nature, He Jian believed that it must not be a small thing.     

So he would just do what Liu Ji Fan wanted.     

They stood there looking out of the window of the corridor for a few moments. It was all of a sudden when Liu Ji Fan spoke     

"Old He…I want to involve the police."     

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