CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

"Can I Kiss You?"

"Can I Kiss You?"

2  "I am waiting outside."      0

Mo Roulan glanced at the message flashing on the screen of her phone and silently started to gather her things.     

A few moments later, she left the office with her purse as it was already more than five p.m.     

Her eyes unconsciously went to the small corridor she used to go to before when He Jian used to drop her back to the apartment. At that time, she used to leave from the back gate but now she didn't need to do that.      

She stood there for a few moments before she continued to walk towards the elevator that would lead her to the front gate.     

Cheng Yang was leaning against his car and he stood straight when he saw Mo Roulan coming out of the building. He smiled brightly and waved his hand eagerly.     

Perhaps his smile was contagious as Mo Roulan couldn't stop herself from smiling when she saw it.     

"How was your day?"     

He asked her when she was near him.     

Whatever happened in the morning flashed in Mo Roulan's mind and her smile surely faltered for a second. She composed herself and replied calmly     

"It was good."     

Cheng Yang noticed it. He, however, didn't ask her any more questions and opened the door of the front seat for her.     

Mo Roulan thanked him and then sat inside the car.      

The car started and drove away while another car that was parked in front of the front gate still stood there. He Jian was looking outside the window with cold eyes.     

It was after a long time, he spat out coldly     


And soon his car also left the company premises.      




"Should we somewhere?"     

Cheng Yang asked Mo Roulan gently as he drove the car.     

Mo Roulan who was busy with her phone raised her head to look at him. She looked a little hesitant at first but then told him honestly.     

"We could have gone but Chenchen is alone at home."     

Her mother had told her this morning that she might be coming home late today so Mo Roulan wanted to go back home as soon as possible as her little brother was at home alone.     

Fortunately, Cheng Yang was very understanding as he still continued to smile and said gently     

"It's alright. We can go tomorrow."     

Mo Roulan also smiled and then looked down at her phone again. Her smile disappeared and a frown again marred her face as she checked the inbox. There was not a single message from Shen Youlin.     

She didn't understand at all what was happening. Neither the girl was picking up her calls, nor did she inform her of anything after she messaged her.     

It was worrying her that something was wrong with Shen Youlin again.     

Yesterday she had thought of asking He Jian Shen Weisheng's number.  However, today was so strange and messed up that she couldn't do so.     

After she told He Jian that she liked Cheng Yang, he just asked her to leave the office, and then the whole day she didn't see him again.     

Mo Roulan didn't know what was going on but she also didn't want to see He Jian much after that engagement card's decision. She was afraid that she would mess up something.      

Cheng Yang stopped the car at the red light and looked at Mo Roulan. He also frowned when he noticed the tension on her face. Though he didn't wish to pry in her matters when she didn't want to discuss them as their relationship was still new, he couldn't stop himself from asking     

"Is everything alright, Roulan? Is something worrying you?"      

Mo Roulan came out of her trance and looked at Cheng Yang. She put a smile on her lips and wanted to say that it was nothing but before she could do so, Cheng Yang said suddenly     

"If you don't want to tell me then say so but don't lie that everything is alright."     

Mo Roulan was surprised at these words but then she sighed suddenly as she looked at him. So he knew already that something was wrong.     

Mo Roulan liked it that Cheng Yang still didn't ask her anything until now and even now he was respecting her choice if she didn't want to tell him.     

She didn't have the heart to hide from him so she told him     

"I am just worried about Youlin. She didn't come to see me and also didn't message me since the day before yesterday."     

Cheng Yang had a moment of realization and nodded his head in understanding. He remembered how Shen Youlin used to ignore him in the college whenever he tried to ask her about Mo Roulan. He also didn't like her much because of her attitude but looking at Mo Roulan's frown, he sighed and said     

"I will go to her class tomorrow and check on her once."     

Mo Roulan's eyes brightened when she heard this.     

"That's good. Thank you, Cheng Yang."     

Cheng Yang smiled seeing that she finally looked relieved. So what if Shen Youlin doesn't talk to him nicely…as long as Mo Roulan was smiling like this, it was worth everything.     

The red light turned green and Cheng Yang started the car.     


Almost half an hour later, the car stopped outside the building Mo Roulan lived in.     

Mo Roulan stepped out of the car as well as Cheng Yang. He walked to the other side and at the same time, another car entered the building premises.     

Mo Roulan's black-brown eyes couldn't help but follow it.     

She recognized the car very well.     

She swallowed the weird feeling she was feeling again. It was a little awkward now that Cheng Yang and He Jian …both of them were here.      

She thought of going inside the building after a small talk with Cheng Yang. She turned to look at Cheng Yang with a smile on her lips to say 'bye'. However, her body stilled when she heard Cheng Yang's same words from the morning.      

"Can I kiss you, Roulan?"     

At the same time, He Jian stepped out of his car.     

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