CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

"When Are You Getting Married?"

"When Are You Getting Married?"

1The Mansion was beautiful and huge. However as Butler Zhong took Lin Qianru around the mansion, she carried a soft smile on her face and never expressed any shock or surprise on seeing expensive things.      0

Even when he showed her a painting that was very expensive, she praised it in a few words and didn't say anything else.     

More and more approval flashed through Butler Zhong's face and his behavior towards Lin Qianru became gentler and gentler.     

He couldn't wait for his master to see this woman. He was sure that this time his master would like the woman brought by Master Chi Rong.      

Before all the women Chi Rong had brought were rejected by his master because only a few moments were needed to tell that they were actually behind the Chi family's money. But Lin Qianru looked completely different from those women.     

Joyous Butler Zhong could no longer wait and started to lead both of them to his master's room.      

Walking behind him, Chi Rong looked at his back with deep eyes that were filled with smiles and then whispered in Lin Qianru's ears.     

"You are doing great."     

Lin Qianru was startled and confused by the compliment but she didn't get the time to clear her confusion as they soon reached the room where Chi Rong's uncle was staying.     

The butler first went inside the room.     

A few moments later, he came back and asked Chi Rong and Lin Qianru to go in.     

Lin Qianru followed Chi Rong inside the room.     

The room smelled of the medicines.     

Lin Qianru's eyes went towards the bed as she heard Chi Rong greeting the old man who was leaning against the headrest of the bed.     

"Uncle, Good morning. How are you doing today?"     

The old man smiled at Chi Rong gently and replied calmly.     

"I am fine."     

His probing eyes then went to Lin Qianru. The smile disappeared from his lips as if he was trying to intimidate her.      

Lin Qianru felt a little intimidated perhaps because it has been years since she had faced this kind of pressure but she didn't dare to show it on her face remembering how tight this situation was for Chi Rong.     

It was a few moments later, that the old man moved his eyes away from Lin Qianru and looked at Chi Rong as if questioning silently about Lin Qianru.     

Chi Rong immediately stepped forward and introduced Lin Qianru.     

"Uncle, she is Lin Qianru. I and Qianru are dating each other.     

The way he called her still felt awkward but Lin Qianru tried her best not to show it on her face.     

"Hello, Uncle Song."     

She said politely. Uncle Song politely nodded his head.     

He then called out for Butler Zhong who was standing outside the room so entered the room soon.     

"We will have a small meal out in the garden."     

Butler Zhong immediately nodded his head and said that he will make arrangements hurriedly. After that, he left the room.     

Uncle Song signed Chi Rong to have a seat. Chi Rong led Lin Qianru towards a sofa and only sat after she was seated comfortably.     

"Miss Lin, what do you do?"     

Lin Qianru heard Uncle Song asking her as soon as she was seated. She went silent as she looked at Chi Rong wondering if she should say the truth.     

However, she sighed in relief when Chi Rong answered for her.     

"Miss Lin is a cook in one of my restaurants, Uncle.  Her cooking is great."     

Uncle Song raised his eyebrows as he nodded his head at his nephew's words. If his nephew was saying this then he believed that Lin Qianru's cooking must be very good.      

So Uncle Song proceeded to the next question.     

"Who all your family includes Miss Lin?"     

Again, Lin Qianru didn't know how she should answer this question. Chi Rong never told her that she will be asked such questions and how should she answer. Whether she should say the truth or make up some kind of lie.     

But again, Chi Rong came up to save her and she sighed in relief.      

"Miss Lin is alone in her family, Uncle."     

Uncle Song nodded his head in understanding and didn't ask any other questions while Chi Rong looked at Lin Qianru from the corner of his eyes as if trying to check if she was bothered by his answer but she was not.     

It didn't matter to Lin Qianru what he told his uncle about her. It was not like they were dating truthfully so it didn't matter even if he lied to his uncle as long as he knew that this will not put him into some big trouble. As for her, she couldn't think of anything wrong it could do to her.     

Butler Zhong entered the room informing everyone that the arrangements were done. Hence, Uncle Song couldn't ask any other questions.     

The three of them left the room with Chi Rong helping Uncle Song to walk to the garden.      

Everything was perfectly arranged.     

Chi Rong helped Uncle Song in sitting down on the chair. After that, he pulled a chair for Lin Qianru who was standing on Uncle Song's other side as if ready to help if needed.     

Lin Qianru thanked him in a low voice and then sat down on the chair.     

It felt a little strange having someone to do all these things for her after so many years. Her heart was suddenly a little disturbed as memories from her past flashed in her mind but she tried her best to focus on the present as she knew that she couldn't make a single mistake right now.     

During the meal, Uncle Song didn't question Lin Qianru but after they were finished, Uncle Song asked a few more questions from Lin Qianru, generally about her hobbies or her daily life.     

It was almost half an hour that Uncle Song finally went silent.     

Though his eyes carried some trace of exhaustion, they also had satisfaction and joy. He looked at Chi Rong and without any hesitation asked the last question of the day.     

"When are you getting married?"     

And the garden of Song Mansion went silent after that.      

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