CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

"Do You Like Him?"

"Do You Like Him?"

0Seated inside his car, He Jian's cold eyes gazed at the leaving car.      1

His fists were clenched tightly and the temperature in the car had already dropped down making Chu Feng and the driver shiver whenever they looked at their boss from the rear view mirror.     

"Chu Feng."     

"Yes, Boss?"     

Chu Feng asked immediately and in response, he heard his boss asking him coldly     

"When does a boy kiss a girl?"     

Chu Feng understood where this was going, He thought a lot as he contemplated whether he should answer this question but he also knew that he didn't have any choice so he answered honestly.     

"When they are dating boss."     

It was all of a sudden when He Jian opened the car door and then slammed it shut.     

Chu Feng hurriedly stepped out of the front seat and followed his boss. Soon they were walking inside the building and after so many days, from the front door.     




"Ask her to come to my office."     

He Jian said to Chu Feng in an emotionless voice as he removed his blazer. Chu Feng who understood who this 'her' was didn't know whether he should follow his boss' order or not. His boss looked angry. What if he said something that he would regret later!     

However, one cold and harp glance from his boss was enough for Chu Feng not to have any other questions. He left the office immediately to ask Mo Roulan to come and see his boss.     

Mo Roulan was surprised that as soon as she sat on her chair, the door of the office opened and Chu Feng told her to come and see He Jian.     

She only thought that he reached the office early so she didn't question and silently followed him with her dairy that had He Jian's schedule for the day and a pen.     

But on her way, she suddenly remembered that she forgot to bring coffee.     

"Assistant Chu, I didn't bring coffee for Mr. He. You can leave. I will first prepare coffee and come in five minutes."     

Chu Feng sighed and told her that there was no need for coffee and she needed to be there urgently. Mo Roulan was confused but followed Chu Feng silently.     

When they were in front of the office, Chu Feng opened the door for her, and Mo Roulan stepped inside the office. The door closed behind her and she started to walk toward the table behind which He Jian was sitting.     

She raised her head to look at him and found it slightly weird that his cold blue eyes were already fixed on her.      

And they looked colder today than any other day.     

Also, he looked a little exhausted. Mo Roulan first thought of asking if everything was alright but then suppressed her curiosity.      

She had an inkling that it might be something regarding Liu Ji Fan as He Jian had left her apartment in hurry last night and she didn't wish to probe into any matter that involved He Jian's friends.      

So she thought that it was better to stay silent.     

"Mr. He, this is the schedule for today. Should I read it out?"     

Mo Roulan forwarded her dairy to He Jian and asked him calmly. He Jian neither said anything nor did he stretch his hand out to hold the dairy from Mo Roulan's hands.     

Confused, Mo Roulan called out to him again     

"Mr. He?"     

He Jian still looked calm as he took the dairy from Mo Roulan's hands but instead of reading it, he threw it on the table and then stood up from his chair to walk towards her.     

Mo Roulan could feel that something was not right.     

This time she couldn't help but ask     

"Mr. He, is everything alright?"     

However, she never stepped back in fear as He Jian walked toward her. She trusted He Jian enough to know that he would never harm her.     

He Jian didn't answer her question and stopped in front of her.     

"Lanlan, who did you come with to the company today?"     

Mo Roulan's eyes widened slightly and she understood that He Jian knew something about Cheng Yang dropping her to the company.     

She swallowed as the guilt returned to her heart again. She hid it from him. But she still tried to have a calm and composed expression on her face as she said      

"Cheng Yang dropped me, Mr. He."     

The coldness in He Jian's eyes reduced slightly seeing that she was not lying to him. However, when the picture of Cheng Yang kissing her cheek flashed in front of his eyes, the anger returned again and with full force this time.     

He couldn't help but raise his hand to touch her cheek, however before his fingers could touch her cheek, Mo Roulan stepped away from him and looked at his fingers and then him warily.     

He Jian's eyes only went colder at her reaction.     

With great difficulty and after much contemplation, he let the words slip out of his mouth.     

"Are you dating him?"     

Mo Roulan's eyes widened a little again and He Jian's heart sank inside his chest. Still, he wished that she would say 'no' and it was all his misunderstanding. He would think that that kiss never happened.     

Maybe he just saw it wrong.      

However, he couldn't betray himself when Mo Roulan said calmly     

"Yes….I and Cheng Yang are dating each other."     

He Jian's all body was stiff. His fists were clenched tightly. He didn't know what he should say but there was a very stuffy feeling inside his chest as if he couldn't breathe at all.     

Inhaling sharply, he asked her      

"Since when?"     

  "Since last evening."     

She answered honestly and her honest and calm answers only made him feel more stuffy. Her clam black-brown eyes …he found them very suffocating at this moment. He had never known that he could also feel this…that he could also feel this sad and suffocating.     

And his last question was like a nail in the coffin that was for himself.     

"Do you like him?"     

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