CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

What Happened To Liu Ji Fan?!

What Happened To Liu Ji Fan?!

1That night, before going to the bed, Mo Roulan called Shen Youlin. For a long time, she waited for someone to pick the call on the other side but no one did so and the call was cut automatically after a few moments.     

Mo Roulan frowned deeply.     

It was very unusual of Shen Youlin neither to call her nor to send any text. She wondered if everything was alright with her or not.     

She decided to leave a text and if she didn't get any response from Shen Youlin until morning then she would take Shen Weisheng's number from He Jian and ask him about Shen Youlin.     

After leaving a text for Shen Youlin, Mo Roulan decided to go to sleep. However, her head had just hit the pillow, when a ping was heard from her phone. Thinking that it was Shen Youlin, she hurriedly picked up the phone.      

However, she saw a message from Cheng Yang.     

'Good Night, Roulan.'     

Mo Roulan smiled as she wished him back.     

After that, she put the phone on the bedside table. Perhaps the day had been too exhausted for her mentally as well as physically; she soon fell into a deep slumber.     




On the other hand, Shen Youlin was looking at the phone placed on the bed that had stopped ringing just a few moments ago.     

Her eyes were blank as she looked at the still-lit screen.     

It was a moment later, that she finally stretched her hand out to pick it up. Her fingers caressed Mo Roulan's phone number as she sighed heavily in despair.     

When had she imagined that there would come a day when Mo Roulan would call her and she would be so helpless that she would not pick her call!     

Never…she had never imagined this. But now she was really helpless. She didn't wish to contact or see Mo Roulan anymore because she was afraid that she would find out something about her and He Jian that Shen Yiling would get out of her mouth and then harm Mo Roulan.     

Though her so-called elder sister had already promised her that she wouldn't harm Mo Roulan, Shen Youlin didn't dare to believe her blindly. If Shen Yiling could hide her true face from her for so many years then she must be a very perfect player in all these scheming.     

And hence she needed to look out for Mo Roulan.     

Since Shen Yiling had something she could threaten her with, it would be better for her (Shen Youlin) to know nothing at all so that under the fear and pressure she would never be able to tell Shen Yiling anything.     

But for that, she would have to reduce her meetings and contact with Mo Roulan. The mere thought of doing so made Shen Youlin's heartache but she didn't have any other option. She just wished that either Shen Yiling's attention would soon wander away from Mo Roulan or that cold slab He Jian would stay away from her Roulan.     

Only then this mess would get cleared.      

Again, Shen Youlin blamed He Jian. It was only he who was the reason behind all this. She wanted nothing but to change the map of his face.     

But she could only twist her pillow mercilessly as if she was imagining it to be He Jian.     



The elevator door opened and He Jian saw Shi Fengju and Shen Weisheng standing outside. Their eyes that had been full of panic and worry for an hour finally flickered with relief when they saw He Jian.     

He Jian stepped out and asked immediately     

"Where is Ji Fan?"     

Both of them started to lead him to the wide corridor. On their way, Shen Weisheng told He Jian.     

"It's about his boyfriend, Tian Yuan. Today Ji Fan was going on a date with Tian Yuan. He was in front of the entrance of the restaurant where Tian Yuan was waiting for Liu Ji Fan who had gone to park the car. Someone hit him there with a car and then ran away. The police came and said that it was an accident but they will soon find the man who hit Tian Yuan."     

He Jian stopped amidst his steps for a moment. His blue eyes looked at Shen Weisheng's grave face and he asked him     

"How is he now?"     

It was Shi Fengju who shook his head this time and spoke     

"Not good. The situation is not good at all, Jian. He is injured heavily."     

He Jian suddenly remembered the night when Liu Ji Fan had called him and they had a talk about Tian Yuan.     

At that time, he had sounded so vulnerable but at the same time thankful that he found Tian Yuan again. Liu Ji Fan wouldn't be able to handle himself if he lost that man again.     

When they reached the end of the corridor, Shi Fengju pointed his chin to his right as he said     

"There he is. You go and manage him. We had already tried our best. He is not speaking anything, Jian. Zhihan said to us before going inside that it is not good for him to stay in such a condition."     

He Jian nodded his head and started to walk towards Liu Ji Fan who was seated on a chair that was specially made for the relatives of the patients.      

When he reached near him, he saw that Liu Ji Fan was staring ahead with blank eyes. The last memory of when he had seen the same way Liu Ji Fan flashed in his mind.     

Almost seven years ago when for the first time when he had seen Liu Ji Fan, he had this kind of blank eyes.     

He Jian looked calm but his fists were clenched tightly. Never showing his emotion on his face, he walked forward and sat beside Liu Ji Fan.     

He spoke nothing for a long time. He just sat there beside Liu Ji Fan silently.        

He just watched Liu Ji Fan staring at the red glowing bulb outside the operation theater for almost ten minutes until he spoke suddenly     

"He will be fine, Ji Fan. Zhihan is inside. Knowing how much that man matters to you, he won't let anything happen to him."     

Liu Ji Fan didn't say anything for a long time. After a whole minute later, he suddenly turned his head to look at He Jian. His eyes were red as if they were ready to spill out blood. A tear suddenly rolled down his cheek and then traveled down his neck as he spoke     

"Tell me, Jian, how will you feel if Mo Roulan is in the same situation my Tian Yuan is in right now?"     

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