CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Avoiding He Jian

Avoiding He Jian

3That night, Mo Roulan tried her best to avoid seeing He Jian. As a result, when the apartment doorbell rang half an hour ago the dinner time, she ran to her room making an excuse that she had to complete some pending work from the office.     

Lin Qianru was very understanding and didn't disturb her daughter.     

Inside her room, Mo Roulan could hear as her mother opened the door and then invited He Jian in the living room as she was yet to prepare the dinner.     

She had intentionally left the door of her room open.     

But when Mo Roulan heard He Jian's deep and calm voice telling her mother that it was alright and she could take her time, she scolded herself for leaving the door open.     

As she closed the door immediately, Mo Roulan wondered while leaning against the same door what sort of this feeling was inside her heart.     

There was some uneasiness inside her heart and she was feeling too uneasy whenever she thought of seeing He Jian.     

She should not be feeling this. After all, she could not really avoid He Jian when she was working in his company as his junior secretary.     

Mo Roulan came out of her trance when she heard another ping from her phone.     

She only thought it must be Shen Youlin who texted her. That reminded her that she didn't see Shen Youlin this evening at her apartment.      

In fact, these days Shen Youlin had suddenly reduced her visits to her apartment.      

Mo Roulan unlocked the phone. But she was surprised to see that it was not Shen Youlin who texted her. Instead, it was Cheng Yang who texted her.     

It was already his second message to her since she had told him that she wanted to try it out with him. Mo Roulan smiled in amusement. She had never thought that Cheng Yang could also behave like this.     

But it also made her believe more and more that his feelings for her were genuine. After all, this kind of love, she herself had experienced once.        

She could understand his eagerness, his joy, and his impatience.     

All of this made her wish that this would really work out between them. Cheng Yang was after all a good boy and that's why she wanted to give him and herself a chance.     

Another ping was heard and Mo Roulan chuckled believing that if she didn't open the message and reply, then soon she would get another message.     

"Did you have your dinner?"     

This was Cheng Yang's first message. When she didn't reply anything, he sent her another after five minutes.     

"Are you already asleep?"     

And just in front of Mo Roulan, another message soon popped on the screen and she read.     

"So you are asleep then :( …Good night "     

Mo Roulan raised her eyebrows as a smile full of amusement graced her lips. She typed a message and pressed the sent button.     

'Not asleep. Did not have my dinner yet.'     

She had expected not to get any reply soon. However, she was proved wrong when she got a reply very immediately.     

"Oh…why did you not have your dinner yet? Is it not quite late for you to have it?"     

It was. Mo Roulan usually had her dinner early with her family but today her mother came back home late and hence the dinner was not ready yet.     

'Yes. Something came up. I will have it in a few minutes.'     

Mo Roulan now wanted to go out and help her mother in preparing the dinner. But the thought that He Jian was sitting in the living room and she would have to face him if she went out stopped her.     

Mo Roulan knew that she didn't have any need to hide from He Jian but she still couldn't do it.        

But again how long she could avoid He Jian. It was almost half an hour later when Lin Qianru knocked on Mo Roulan's door.     

Mo Roulan had just stopped chatting with Cheng Yang and she heard her mother's voice from outside.     

"Roulan, the dinner is ready. Do your work later."     

Saying this, Lin Qianru left from there and perhaps went to Mo Chen's room. Although she left, Mo Roulan knew that if she didn't go to the dining room then her mother would come back soon.     

So she stood up from the bed and left the room with a calm and composed expression on her face.     

Unfortunately for Mo Roulan, just when she stepped out of her room, she saw He Jian standing up from the couch placed in the living room. Perhaps he was also leaving for the dining room.     

She looked away from his deep blue eyes almost immediately. But she also didn't forget to greet him politely.     

"Hello, Mr. He."     

He Jian's eyes narrowed slightly on hearing her calm voice but he also responded very calmly to her greeting.     


Mo Roulan had wanted to leave after that but she was forced to stop when she heard He Jian asking her.     

"How did you come back?"     

She couldn't help but lick her lips nervously before she composed her expression and said     

"With a friend. I think we should leave before the food gets cold."     

Finishing her words, Mo Roulan immediately started to walk toward the dining room as if she was running away from He Jian.     

And she was indeed doing so because she didn't want him to ask her with which friend she came back. It was only when she sat on her chair, did Mo Roulan realize how silly and stupid her behavior was.     

Why was she even afraid even if he asked her about her friend? Why should she be afraid even if he came to know that Cheng Yang dropped her?     

When he could get engaged with any girl he wants then she also had such freedom. She didn't need to fear him at all.     

On the other hand, He Jian who was looking at her back narrowed eyes that were full of suspicion. However, he could only follow her silently for now though, inside his heart, he was sure that there was something wrong with the kitten today.     

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