CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Lin Qianru Caught By Mo Roulan

Lin Qianru Caught By Mo Roulan

1Lin Qianru stepped out of the huge black car.      1

As she wore her purse on her arm that had been lying on her lap, she immediately felt a shadow on her head.     

On raising her head, she found that Chi Rong had already walked to her side and now standing by her side.     

Lin Qianru looked away awkwardly.     

It was a little awkward for her now after their talk. Though she knew that whatever they will be doing will only be to save someone's life, she still didn't know whether she is doing right or wrong.     

Awkwardly, she cleared her throat and said     

"Thanks, Mr. Chi."     

Chi Rong, however, looked very calm and composed as he nodded his head and said     

"No need of thanks, Miss Lin. Tomorrow morning, I will pick you up at eight, if it is all right with you."     

Lin Qiianru frowned and said hesitantly after much thought.     

"Eight…Mr. Chi, is it not early?"     

Chi Rong nodded his head but said     

"Miss Lin, actually my uncle lives a little far away from the city so we will have to leave in the early morning to ensure that we will be back on the time."     

Lin Qianru found Chi Rong's words reasonable and could only nod her head.     

"Then I can go to Chi Mansion on my own, Mr. Chi."     

However, Chi Rong immediately said     

"No, Miss Lin. I will be here in the morning to pick you up. We can leave from here directly for my uncle's house."          

Lin Qianru had wanted to refuse. However, Chi Rong never gave her the chance. After finishing his words, he turned around to leave.      

She could only watch with a baffled expression on her face as he sat inside the car and then left.     

A moment later, Lin Qianru laughed suddenly when she realized what Chi Rong did just now. Did he just run away because he didn't want to hear her refusal?     

She shook her head as she understood why Chi Rong did this.     

He felt grateful towards her because she agreed to help him. He doesn't wish to trouble her by asking her to reach Chi Mansion early when usually she comes at nine in the morning.      

That was very thoughtful of him.     

A few doubts that she had regarding helping Chi Rong seemed to have vanished suddenly. It was her life. She was a single woman so she could make her own choice. And she was doing nothing wrong by helping Chi Rong.     

Lin Qianru was now firm in her thoughts. However, when she turned around and saw her daughter standing in front of her, she was startled and stepped back in fear.     

"Roulan…what are you doing here?"     

She asked as she patted her chest. Her heart was jumping inside her chest as she was left startled by Mo Roulan's sudden presence.     

However, Mo Roulan looked at her mother with narrowed eyes. Her eyes went to the building's entrance from where Chi Rong had just left and she asked her mother.      

"What was he doing here?"     

Lin Qianru's heart sank and she understood that Mo Roulan had already seen Chi Rong or perhaps her also when she stepped out of Chi Rong's car.     


Lin Qianru avoided looking into Mo Roulan's eyes and finally came up with an excuse.     

"Mr. Chi had some business around here so he insisted to drop me here."     

However, this excuse only increased Mo Roulan's doubts. Her mother was a normal employee in Chi Rong's restaurant. She was a receptionist.      

Somehow Mo Roulan could not digest that Chi Rong coming to their apartment yesterday and now her mother stepping out of his car was something normal.     

Did he have some other intentions?     

Mo Roulan looked at her mother. She couldn't help but worry about her knowing how naïve could she be sometimes.     

Very casually, she stepped forward to hold her mother's hand as she started to walk toward the elevator doors.     

Lin Qianru sighed in relief because she thought that Mo Roulan would not talk about this matter anymore. However, she was proved wrong when Mo Roulan asked her     

"Mom, does your boss also drop other employees to their houses?"     

"Of Course, not."     

Lin Qianru said immediately as confusion filled her eyes not understanding why Mo Roulan would ask such a stupid question. Chi Rong was a boss. He had such a big chain of restaurants in City H and other cities also so why would he be doing this kind of thing when he already had so much work to do.     

However, Lin Qianru soon realized that she should not have answered so hurriedly when she Mo Roulan looked at herself with raised eyebrows in a questioning manner.     

"Roulan, he had some work here."     

However, Lin Qianru could see that Mo Roulaan didn't seem to believe her much. She sighed and stopped walking.     

Looking at her daughter, she said calmly     

"Actually Roulan, I cooked for him once. He liked my cooking very much. Yesterday also, Mr. Chi just came to have dinner. Today, he just wanted to apologize for coming to our apartment so suddenly that's why he dropped me back home today."     

Mo Roulan looked startled by all the information but she couldn't find anything wrong with her mother's explanation. Her mother was a great cook so she could accept that Chi Rong liked her cooking.              

She nodded her head and then silently stepped inside the elevator with her. Lin Qianru finally heaved a sigh of relief on seeing that Mo Roulan was no longer suspicious.     

But how will she go with Chi Rong tomorrow morning?     

Either she would have to come down before Mo Roulan or she would have to be careful to leave after Mo Roulan leaves.     

Lin Qianru was lost in her own thoughts while Mo Roulan who heard a ping on her phone took it out while waiting for the doors to get closed.     

She smiled on seeing that it was Cheng Yang who texted her.     

'I already miss you.'     

The text said making Mo Roulan smile.     

However, her smile vanished when she raised her head and her eyes suddenly went towards certain someone.     

There stood a car. Inside the car, she could see a pair of blue eyes fixed on herself. They almost seemed to suck out all of her life from her. That's how deep and intense they looked.     

When the elevator's doors closed, she was suddenly relieved and breathed deeply.     

Why was there a twinge of regret and guilt inside her chest just now! Mo Roulan wondered silently at the same time tried to convince her that it must be something else.        

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