CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

The Weird Treatment

The Weird Treatment

2Mo Roulan stepped out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened.     1

Holding her mother's hand, she walked towards the apartment gates quickly. Lin Qiantu frowned in confusion and asked     

"Roulan, why are you in so hurry?"     

Mo Roulan filled in the password quickly. She was actually afraid that He Jian would be here the next moment. She didn't want to see him yet.     

She was not sure how she should behave in front.     

In the afternoon, after she heard that he and Shen Yiling were soon going to get engaged, she wished to go far away from him. She knew that if she would tell him that she didn't want him to drop her at the apartment then he would not agree. That's why when she heard that he was in a conference meeting from one of her colleagues, she dropped a text and asked Cheng Yang to pick her up.     

Because she knew that his phone will not be with him but with Chu Feng.     

But she can't tell all this to her mother so she said     

"Mo Chen is alone inside. I just wanted to see him as soon as possible."     

Lin Qianru nodded her head and whispered     

"Oh yes. You are right."     

Though she had come back to the apartment once to cook lunch for her son, she had not seen him after that. He had been alone inside since then.     

The door opened and both mother and daughter stepped inside the apartment. Mo Roulan closed the door as soon as she stepped inside while Lin Qianru walked further inside the apartment to go to Mo Chen's room.      

Both Lin Qianru and Mo Roulan had expected that Mo Chen would be in his room reading one of his books as it had been since the past few days.     

However, both of them paused amidst their steps when they suddenly heard a sound. It seemed as if someone was laughing loudly.     

Lin Qianru and Mo Roulan looked at each other with confusion but their lips had a smile.     

Their eyes also had the hope and joy. Both of them eagerly walked towards the living room and stopped amidst their steps when they saw that the television was on.      

It was perhaps the first time someone had switched it on after Zhao family's incident. Only Mo Chen used to watch it but he never switched it on after that incident and hence Mo Roulan and Lin Qianru were happy when they saw that it was on.     

It must be Mo Chen who switched it on.     

Mo Roulan smiled widely when she saw that it was cartoon on the TV that was laughing so loudly.     

She could see Mo Chen's head from where she was standing. His back was facing him as he sat on the sofa.     

With slow and eager steps, she stepped forward with her mother but her smile vanished suddenly when she saw that he had a notebook in his lap and a pen in his right hand.     

In every few moments, he would raise his head and then look at the cartoon flashing on the screen seriously and then he would skim down something on his notebook.     

Then he would scowl and shake his head in disappointment before looking down at his notebook again.      

Curious, Mo Roulan took one more step closer and peeked down at Mo Chen's notebook so that she would be able to read what he was writing down.     

'He laughs very loudly and his laughter is very ugly.'     

'He is too tall and his moustache is too long and dense.'     

'Too fat…it must be difficult for him to walk.'     

"Mo Chen, what are you doing?"     

Mo Roulan could no longer stop herself from asking on seeing the weird things Mo Chen was writing down.     

Mo Chen was startled when he heard the sudden voice of his sister. His black eyes were wide with surprise as he covered the lower part of his face with his notebook.     


Mo Roulan didn't say anything else. She merely walked forward and took the notebook from Mo Chen's notebook.     

Reading the things again as if she was conforming whether she really read right or not, she asked again     

"What is this?"     


Mo Chen also felt a little awkward as he told his sister.     

"Jiejie…a new teacher had come. He asked us to write all the qualities and characteristic of this cartoon."     

Mo Roulan looked completely confused until the morning conversation with He Jian flashed in her mind.     

Yes, he had told her that he had hired a psychologist for Mo Chen who will be working in Mo Chen's school as his teacher.     

But this…     

Mo Roulan looked at the notebook and then at Mo Chen with a frown on her forehead.     

Was this way not too weird?     

She only came out of her trance when she heard her brother looking at the TV with a big scowl on his forehead as he muttered under his breath     

"I can't believe that I used to like this stupid cartoon before.      

As he said this he again shook his head as if he was disappointed in himself, then he looked at his Jiejie and said     

"Jiejie, give me the notebook."     

Mo Roulan passed the notebook back to Mo Chen in a daze.     

Mo Chen stood up to leave the living room. However, before leaving, he turned around to look at his Jiejie and asked seriously     

"Jiejie, can you find any quality in this ugly cartoon?"      

Mo Roulan raised her eyebrows and turned around to look at the cartoon. Inside her heart, she was completely surprised.     

After all, these same cartoons used to make her brother laugh before. He would not switch off the TV in the past just to keep watching them.     

But now looking at the way he frowned while looking at these cartoons, she didn't even know whether that Mo Chen and this Mo Chen really were the same.     

She looked at the cartoon for a few moments. Mo Chen thought that his sister also could not find any quality so he said     

"It's alright, Jiejie. I will just show this to my teacher."     

Saying this, he again turned around to leave. But just at that moment, he heard his sister's voice again.     

"There is a quality in him, Chenchen. He makes others laugh. That is his biggest quality."     

Mo Chen paused amidst his steps. He didn't say anything for a few moments before he stiffly nodded his head.     

After thanking his sister, he left for his room.     

On the other hand, Mo Roulan smiled looking at his back. She finally got to know why the psychiatrist gave such a task to Mo Chen.      

After so many days, Mo Chen did something else other than reading and writing those books from school. After so many days, he talked for so long to her.     

Perhaps this was the first step of his toward the normal life he deserved to live …the life he was going far away from because of one trauma.     

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