CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Will Lin Qianru Agree?

Will Lin Qianru Agree?

3There was an uneasy feeling inside Lin Qianru's heart but she suppressed it as she asked Chi Rong nervously.     

"What kind of favor, Mr. Chi?"     

Chi Rong's eyes were deep as he looked at Lin Qianru. So deep that Lin Qianru looked away.     

Seeing this, Chi Rong asked     

"Does Miss Lin not understand already?"     

Lin Qianru's breath got stuck in her throat. She frowned deeply as she raised her head to look at Chi Rong and said firmly      

"Please talk clearly, Mr. Chi."     

Chi Rong's face was emotionless as he looked at Lin Qianru. She couldn't even decipher what he was thinking. It was after a moment when Lin Qianru saw him nodding his head as he said respectfully.     

"Then I will talk clearly. Miss Lin, will you marry me?"     

Lin Qianru's eyes were the first blank. It took her a few moments to register what Chi Rong just said. He, however, looked as if he had said the most usual and casual thing.        

Her eyes first flashed with disbelief, surprise, and then anger and shock.      

She abruptly stood up from her chair and said sharply.     

"Mr. Chi, I wish to stop working here."     

In fact, she wanted to say many things but Chi Rong's status stopped her from saying anything. She knew very well that if she was leaving this job then she would have to find some other job and she didn't want Chi Rong to make it difficult for her.     

Lin Qianru wanted to leave the dining room. She would get her purse from the kitchen and then leave this mansion. After that, she would never see Chi Rong.     

How could he even propose such a thing!      

However, before she could leave the dining room, Chi Rong blocked her way. She immediately took two steps back and looked at him warily.     

Seeing this, Chi Rong also took a step back and said politely.     

"Miss Lin, it is not what you are thinking. You don't need to be scared of me. I am not pressurizing you to do anything. In fact…I am also being forced to do such a thing."     

Helplessness flashed through Chi Rong's eyes as he said this.     

Perhaps because Lin Qianru had never seen him like this before, she couldn't help but want to listen to what he had to say.     

Chi Rong sighed in relief seeing this.     

"It is all for my uncle. I want him to go through the treatment. Even if there is a slight chance to save him, I wish to do anything. But he won't agree to get treatment unless I will marry."     

Lin Qianru took a deep breath after Chi Rong finished.     

She was really trying to understand Chi Rong and hence she also told him politely.     

"Mr. Chi, I can understand your position but I don't need to be that person, right? You can find someone else for this."     

She was sure that Chi Rong would find many candidates even at this age. After all, he was not an ordinary man.     

"You are right but…"     

Chi Rong paused amidst his words as if he didn't know how he should put it. It was indeed difficult for him to say.      

He looked at Lin Qianru and said respectfully     

"Miss Lin, please don't feel offended. I am not generalizing anything. The thing is that all the candidates tried to find are the people, I know that my uncle would never agree to get me married to them."     

Lin Qianru frowned in confusion hearing this and asked immediately     

"But why?"     

Chi Rong wanted to be polite but this kind of thing had to be said in a straightforward manner as he didn't know any other way of putting it.     

"Because they are behind the money of my family. My Uncle wants me to marry a sincere woman."     

Realization dawned on Lin Qianru. Indeed, at this age, if someone would agree to marry Chi Rong, then there was an eighty percent chance that the woman was doing it for money.     

It was normal for his uncle to wish that he would find a sincere life partner.     


"But I still can't agree to marry you."     

The idea itself sounded very ridiculous to her. In all these years, she had lived alone with her children but she never thought of marrying again.     

However, Chi Rong said immediately.     

"You don't need to marry me."     

Chi Rong's words confused Lin Qianru again. Seeing this, he explained to her     

"You just need to accompany me to see my uncle. We will just pretend as if we are dating. I just need him to feel ensured that I have a partner. As soon as he agreed to accept the treatment and will leave China for that, we can stop pretending."     

Lin Qianru's forehead was wrinkled completely. The idea didn't sit well with her at all.     

Chi Rong could see this. Anxiousness flashed in his eyes. He didn't wish to force her to accept but he couldn't help but offer.     

"I can pay you for that."     

"Mr. Chi."     

Lin Qianru said coldly when she heard these words. Her eyes were filled with disgust as she said     

"If I started to make money for doing such a work then what will be the difference between me and those woman who your uncle doesn't wish to marry?"     

The thought filled Lin Qinru's heart with disgust but she didn't see how Chi Rong's eyes flickered with respect when he heard these words.        

Perhaps only this was the reason that he thought that only Lin Qianru could get him out of this serious problem.     

She was a softhearted, gentle, and sensible woman. His uncle would definitely like her for him and once he would be assured then he could force him to accept the treatment.     

The thought made Chi Rong continue his attempts of convincing Lin Qianru again.      

"Miss Lin, please try to understand. After my mother, my uncle has been the sole relative who is related to me by blood. I don't wish to lose him if there is a chance to save him."     

Lin Qianru heart was full of conflict while Chi Rong continued     

"You just need to accompany me to see my uncle once. After that, I will never talk about this matter again."     

"Please, Miss Lin. I will always be grateful to you. I will…"     


Chi Rong paused amidst his words when he heard Lin Qianru's 'alright.' He would have missed it if his ears had not been so sharp since his childhood.     

"You said alright."     

He said, not asked, as if didn't want her to back away from her words.     

Lin Qianru could only nod her head. A sigh of relief escaped Chi Rong's lips. It looked as if he had solved a very big problem.     

"Thank you very much, Miss Lin."     

Chi Rong said sincerely.     

Lin Qianru again nodded her head silently. A moment later, she finally gathered her courage to raise her head and asked     

"What if your uncle didn't like me, Mr. Chi?"     

The question made Chi Rong smile and he said with confidence.     

"I am sure he will. You just need to come here tomorrow morning at the same time."     

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