CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Will Mo Roulan Date Cheng Yang?

Will Mo Roulan Date Cheng Yang?

2He Jian had just stepped out of the conference meeting. He glanced at his wrist watch and frowned deeply.     0

It was already more than five p.m.     

Lanlan must be waiting for me. He thought inside his heart.     

Thinking this, as soon as his eyes fell on Chu Feng who was standing outside the conference room with his phone in his hands, he said immediately     

"Ask the driver to take out the car. We will leave immediately."     

However, he had just finished his words, when an employee came running and presented a file in front of him.     

"Boss, I need your signature on this file."     

He Jian frowned making the employee nervous. Fortunately, he didn't say anything harsh and just waved his hand while saying     

"Not now, Bring it tomorrow."     

The employee was however not relieved by these words. Those documents were very important and he needed He Jian's signature on them today only. He was just thinking about how to convince the boss without making him angry when Chu Feng suddenly stepped forward and whispered something in his boss' ear.     

"Boss, Miss Mo has left already."      

As if the young assistant understood why his boss looked in so much hurry, he finally told his boss this.     

He Jian's body went stiff and his ice-cold blue eyes suddenly went blank.     

"Has left already…"     

He repeated the words and suddenly felt a tinge of bitterness inside his chest.     

'It was already getting late. Of Course, she had to leave.'     

He Jian thought in his heart as he cursed himself inside his heart for not looking at the time when he was attending the conference meeting.     

"How did she go? Did she go by bus?"     

He Jian asked anxiously while the employee's ears perked up when he eared 'she' from his boss's mouth. He was curious to know whom his boss and his assistant were talking about.     

Perhaps He Jian was too anxious and hence didn't notice this but Chu Feng noticed it immediately so he didn't give a brief answer. Without mentioning Mo Roulan's name he said     

"No, Boss. She messaged you."     

While saying this, Chu Feng forwarded He Jin's phone to him. He Jin hurriedly took the phone from him and checked the inbox.     

Indeed, there was a message from Mo Roulan.     

'I will be leaving with Shen Youlin today.'     

However, He Jian didn't look relieved on seeing the message. Instead, he was bothered when he saw the timing of the message.      

It was more than two hours hour ago. Regardless of whether he was going to end his meeting early or late, Mo Roulan was still going to leave with Shen Youlin.     

His heart suddenly went cold and he looked away from the phone.     

Chu Feng and the employee immediately sensed the change in temperature of the surrounding.      

Stiffly, He Jian took the pen from the employee's hands and then walked toward his office with the file in his hands.     

The two men didn't dare to say anything and silently followed him.      




Inside the silent car, Mo Roulan was looking out of the window as Cheng Yang drove it. Her eyes always stayed out of the window while Cheng Yang would glance in her direction every few moments.     

It was a few moments later, that he finally gathered his courage and asked     


'Why did you call me and ask me to pick you up?'     

He had wanted to ask but what came out of his mouth was     

"How was your day in the office?"     

Mo Roulan finally turned her head to look at him. Her mind flashed with the image of Shen Yiling who had been talking to her grandfather on the phone about her and He Jian's marriage.     

Mo Roulan shook her head to clear the image from her mind and answered softly     

"It was good."     


Cheng Yang nodded his head suddenly at the lack of words.     

He sighed when he noticed that Mo Roulan was again looking out of the window. He was very bad at it, he got to know. Initiating an interesting conversation was perhaps not his thing.      

Or perhaps he was too scared to ask Mo Roulan whether she accepted his proposal or not. Though he had said that if she called him, he would take it as a 'yes', he didn't know whether he should really believe this or not.     

He still remembered the shock he had gone through when he had seen Mo Roulan's number flashing on the screen of his phone. It had taken him a few moments to make himself sure that it was really Mo Roulan who was calling him.     

And he had immediately picked it up.        

But did it really mean that she had accepted his proposal? Were they dating now?     

Cheng Yang gulped the questions that were about to blurt themselves out of his mouth. No, he needed to be patient. He can't look too eager. He tried to make himself understand.     

"Cheng Yang"     


Cheng Yang slowed the car and turned his attention completely to Mo Roualn who had finally talked to him on her own for the first time this evening.     

"Can we stop somewhere? I need to talk to you."     

The last few words made Cheng Yang's heartbeat fast suddenly but he calmed himself down and nodded his head.     

"Yes, sure."     

Almost fifteen minutes later, Cheng Yang stopped the car.     

Mo Roulan looked out of the window and then opened the door. She smiled looking at the place. It seemed to be an isolated place.     

The breeze was making her hair fly and she slowly moved forward to stop in front of the car bonnet. A few steps away there was a cliff.     

Cheng Yang also came out of the car and stood beside her.     

"It is a beautiful place."     

Mo Roulan whispered and Cheng Yang smiled at her words. He couldn't stop himself from telling her.     

"I used to come here with my father."     

Mo Roulan's smile disappeared and she turned to look at Cheng Yang. But she was startled when she saw a smile on Cheng Yang's lips.     

The boy who was suffering from a trauma a few months back because of his father's sudden death could now smile while talking about the same person.     

Mo Roulan could see that Cheng Yang had come a long way. He had learned to live with the happy memories of his father and find peace in them.        

Soon a smile spread over her lips as well. She was proud of him.      

For this kind of boy, there naturally was affection inside her heart. But …could this affection turn into something else?     

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