CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Moving Forward

Moving Forward

0Shen Yiling was working on some documents with a not-so-good face inside her office.     1

Her eyes were filled with annoyance when she looked at the stake of files placed on her table. All of them were to be read by her and then sorted out the ones that are good for the company.     

She also needs to check the contracts signed by other companies to make sure that there were no mistakes in them and then have all of these signed by He Jian.     

She would have happily do all this work if only she had to go to He Jian's office herself to get his signature on these documents but No!     

She needs to send these files to the junior secretary who was none other than Mo Roulan and then Mo Roulan would take these files to He Jian.     

Shen Yiling was filled with anger when she thought this.      

She didn't join He Corporation to do all this work. If she had really wanted to do all this hard work, then would she have not joined Shen Enterprises!     

She wanted nothing but to throw those files away from her table.     

It was at this moment that Shen Yiling received a phone call from her grandfather. Feeling aggrieved, she immediately slid the screen to answer the call.     


Shen Yiling cried out sadly as soon as the call connected and Grandfather Shen's worried voice came from the other end soon.     

"Yiling, what happened?"     

Immediately, Shen Yiling poured all the grievances in front of him. She told him how she was given all the work to do but that Mo Roulan was assigned the position of junior secretary and had much less work to do.     

On the other side of the phone, Grandfather Shen frowned deeply. His daughter had actually told him a little bit about this girl, Mo Roulan and he had also mentioned this girl's name in front of Grandfather He.     

However, the old man waved his hand and told him that he didn't need to worry about Mo Roulan.     

Mo Roulan had saved He Jian's life a few years ago and hence He family was just repaying her. However, Grandfather Shen was still doubtful. It was only after Grandfather He had told him that he intends to adopt Mo Roulan as his granddaughter, he had stopped speaking about this matter.     

In fact, he wished that his granddaughter would marry someone else but Shen Yiling was firm on marrying He Jian so he could only try to complete his dear granddaughter's wish.        


Grandfather He's heart sank when he heard his granddaughter's sadness-filled voice. He remembered the phone call from a few moments ago and immediately told her.     

"Yiling, don't worry. I have something to tell you that would make your bad mood vanish completely."     

Shen Yiling frowned on the other end. She felt annoyance filling up her heart thinking that the old man's reply was not what she wanted to hear.     

However, soon she was proved wrong when Grandfather Shen said     

"Yiling, Old He had called just a few moments ago. He wishes to arrange your and He Jian's engagement as soon as possible."     

Shen Yiling went still for a few moments.     

It took her a few moments to register what her grandfather said just now but when she did, her heart was pounding fiercely inside her chest and she gripped her phone hard as she asked her grandfather     

"Grandpa, what did you say just now?"     

Grandfather Shen could imagine Shen Yiling's amazed expression and chuckled on the other end. He generously repeated his words and Shen Yiling couldn't help but ask him.     

"Is it true, Grandpa? You are not joking with me, right?"     

Grandfather Shen felt helpless and told her that he was speaking the truth. After a few moments, Shen Yiling hung up the call.     

Her eyes were still filled with surprise but her face was blank. It was all of a sudden that she broke into fits of laughter.     

She never asked whether He Jian agreed with this engagement or not.     

She didn't even care. She wanted to become his wife and she will achieve regardless of what she will have to do for that.     

As for wining his heart, she could always do so once they would be engaged to each other. After that, she will throw that Mo Roulan out of his life.     

The remembrance of Mo Roulan's name made her smile disappear.     

Her eyes flashed with cold glint and she suddenly stood up from the chair.     

Who should be the first person to hear this news from her mouth?     

Of course, it should be Mo Roulan!     

Shen Yiling smiled smugly as she stepped out of her office.      




Mo Roulan was making He Jian's schedule for the day after tomorrow when she felt someone standing near her table.     

She raised her head and her eyes went blank on seeing who it was.      

"Are you busy?"     

Shen Yiling smiled sweetly as she put a few files on Mo Roulan's table that she had checked already.     

"Please get Mr. He's sign on these files."     

"Alright, Ma'am."     

Mo Roulan said neither too coldly nor too warmly. After that, she went back to do her own work. However, Shen Yiling continued to stand there.     

"Hello, yes, Grandpa."     

Mo Roulan heard her talking and frowned. She wanted to tell Shen Yiling to go away but she didn't wish to speak with her as well.     

So she just tried to focus on her own work.     

"Yes…Grandpa He said this himself? Oh…Really…did Brother Jian agree to this engagement?"     

The last question still fell in Mo Roulan's ears and the pen in her hands stopped moving suddenly. Everything around her went completely still as she heard Shen Yiling's next words.     

"I am so happy, Grandpa. I can't wait to become Brother Jian's wife."     

While talking on the phone like this, Shen Yiling left the room. After all, her job was done. Other people who also heard Shen Yiling's words looked at each other with incredulous faces.     

Only Mo Roulan was sitting still. A moment later, she smiled bitterly.     

Everyone was moving forward. He Jian was going to marry Shen Yiling just as he had done in her past life.     

Everything was going on smoothly.     

It was only she who was standing at the same place.     

Mo Roulan gulped the bitterness she was feeling inside her throat and suddenly picked up her phone. She also wished to move forward. She didn't wish to have him in her heart for this life as well.      

With trembling fingers, Mo Roulan dialed a number. As soon as it connected, she was not sure what she should say but the person on another side never gave her a chance to say anything.     

"Roulan, is it really you?"     

A voice filled with gentleness and sweet love fell in Mo Roulan's ears and she closed her eyes unconsciously.     

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