CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Chi Rong Want A Favor!

Chi Rong Want A Favor!

2Inside Chi Mansion, today afternoon Lin Qianru was finally cooking after so many days.      2

"Miss Lin, Mr. Chi is here."     

The butler of Chi Mansion stepped inside the kitchen and told Lin Qianru.     

Lin Qianru was surprised and couldn't help but want to search her phone and check the time. Was it already two in the afternoon?     

Mr. Chi had told her that he would be coming around two and that's why she had just started to cook the lunch.     

It was already a surprise that Chi Rong was having his lunch here. Before, he didn't use to have his lunch in Chi Mansion, and hence she had been quite surprised at his declaration.     

But since it was his house and she had the job of cooking for him, she could only nod her head and say that the lunch will be ready by that time.     

However, now Chi Rong was here and she still had not prepared it.     

The old butler sensed her panic and immediately told her.     

"It is only twelve pm Miss Lin. Don't worry. Take your time. I just came here to inform you that you can serve as soon as the lunch gets ready."     

Lin Qianru immediately sighed in relief and her hands slowed down.     

She smiled sheepishly as she picked a napkin to wipe the sweat on her forehead. The butler asked her if she needed any kind of help. After she refused, the butler left from there.      




Though the butler said that she could take time, Lin Qianru still tried her best to make lunch as soon as possible, and hence everything was ready in just an hour.     

She told the butler who then went to the study room to tell his master the same.     

Chi Rong came down soon.     

He saw Lin Qianru putting the bowls on the table and his eyes were a little deep as he stepped down the stairs and then walked towards the dining table.     

"Good afternoon, Miss Lin."     

Lin Qianru was startled by the sudden greeting but a moment later, she smiled and wished him back.      

Chi Rong sat down on the chair and Lin Qianru decided to leave from there.     

However, she had just turned around when she heard Chi Rong asking her.     

"Did Miss Lin have her lunch?"     

Lin Qianru looked a little confused by his question. Composing her expression, she turned around and looked at him        

"Not yet, Mr. Chi."     

She answered honestly.     

Chi Rong nodded his head a few times without looking at her before he said suddenly.     

"Then please sit and have lunch with me."     


Lin Qianru really thought that she heard something wrong. How could Chi Rong ask her to have lunch with him? She was merely a cook in this house even if she was his personal chef.     

Chi Rong finally turned his head to look at Lin Qianru and repeated himself generously.     

"Please sit and have lunch with me, Miss Lin."     

Lin Qianru's eyes went blank. She stayed silent for a few moments before she said     

"Thanks for the offer, Mr. Chi. But I will have my lunch in the kitchen itself."     

After saying this, Lin Qianru turned around to leave again. She had expected that Chi Rong was proud enough not to ask her again. However, she was left surprised again when she heard Chi Rong's voice making her halt amidst her steps.     

"Miss Lin, please sit. I need to have some talk with you."     

Lin Qianru frowned without turning around to look at him. She could actually feel that Chi Rong's behavior was very different since last night.     

It was not only Mo Roulan, even she was surprised when Chi Rong had come to her apartment but only asked her to come to Chi Mansion today.     

This was not something special for which he himself needed to come. The butler had her phone number and could have called her to tell her the same.     

So she had found his behavior oddly suspicious and now today this…     

Lin Qianru turned around to look at Chi Rong calmly. As much as she knew Chi Rong, there must be something important he wanted to talk about. Perhaps last night also, he had come to tell her something but then chose not to.     

Since now he wanted to talk, she decided to listen to what he wanted to say.     

Thinking this, Lin Qianru walked toward the other side of the dining table and sat just in front of Chi Rong.     

Chi Rong nodded as if appreciating her gesture of agreement to stop.     

She did the same but she didn't pick up the plate for a long time.     

Seeing this, Chi Rong picked a plate and then started to serve some food on it. Lin Qianru silently noticed his actions without even knowing that the food that was being served was for her.     

  Hence, she was startled when he suddenly forwarded that plate to her and said     


She looked at the plate and then at him. A few moments later, she calmly took it from her hands. Lin Qianru slowly took the fork and put something inside her mouth. However, more of her attention was on Chi Rong. She was waiting for him to say something.     

A long time passed like this. Just when she was about to ask him whether he was going to say something or not, she finally heard him.     

"Actually, I had not gone to some foreign country in the past few days."     

Lin Qianru was surprised when she heard this. However, more of her surprise came from her thought as to why Chi Rong was telling her even if he didn't go outside of China.     

Still, she didn't interrupt him.     

"I had gone to my mother's ancestral see my uncle."     


Lin Qianru whispered as she didn't know what else she should say. Chi Rong seemed to be in a daze as he continued     

"My uncle is sick. He …he has cancer."     

Lin Qianru was shocked when she heard this. It took her a few moments to open her mouth and say     

"That …that must have been difficult for you to hear. How is he doing now?"     

Lin Qianru no longer tried to wonder why Chi Rong was telling her all this. She was sincerely worried for Chi Rong's uncle. From what it looked like, Chi Rong really liked this uncle of his.     

In her eyes, Chi Rong was a good man. After all, he hired her at his mansion even though she didn't have any experience. She wished nothing but good for him.     

Chi Rong's eyes gained their focus and he looked at Lin Qianru. Seeing the worry in the eyes of the woman, his eyes flickered with something and he told her truthfully.     

"He is not alright. The doctor said that he needs immediate treatment. But…he is not agreeing to go to the hospital."     

Li Rong frowned deeply when she heard this and said gently to Chi Rong.     

"Mr. Chi, you should talk to him. People at this age are a little stubborn sometimes."     

Hearing her last few words, Chi Rong couldn't help but chuckle as he said     

"Miss Lin is right. He is very stubborn. Perhaps that's why I know that he won't agree to get treated until I will fulfill his demand."      

His words made Li Rong curious and she asked him     

"What does he want?"     

Chi Rong didn't reply immediately. He looked at Lin Qianru deeply for a few moments and then he said finally     

"He wants to see me well settled. I mean…he wants me to marry someone."     

Lin Qiantu couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she heard this. She also went silent as this time she really didn't know what exactly she should say.     

Should she say that Chi Rong's uncle having this wish was wrong? It was not wrong at all. From what she knew, Chi Rong was not married and he didn't have any children …not even adopted ones.     

So Chi Rong's uncle must be worried for him.     

She also couldn't suggest to Chi Rong that he should marry, after all, it was not something that she should say.     

In the end, she couldn't understand why Chi Rong told her all this. However, she soon got her answer when Chi Rong said     

"Miss Lin, I need a favor from you."     

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