CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Hiring A Psychologist For Mo Chen

Hiring A Psychologist For Mo Chen

0The next morning, Mo Roulan woke up and came out of her room after getting ready like every day. She tried not to think about what happened last night because she didn't really know what she should think about last night.     

However, one thing she was sure of was that she didn't have any feelings for Cheng Yang.     

So she couldn't accept his proposal.     

It was just that she was scared that Cheng Yang might not take it well. Mo Roulan stopped when she was at the door of the dining room.     

She saw He Jian sitting in the dining room.     

Now that she started to think about the day before yesterday she couldn't even conclude what exactly happened. She had been so involved in her emotions, in her past life that she didn't push He Jian away firmly when he tried to get close to her.      

Not only during the day before yesterday but also usually whenever he usually came closer to her. Regardless of their age gap, regardless of how much her mother trusted He Jian, she should not let him invade her personal space that much, after all, in the end,… she was a girl and he was a man.      

It was she who should have thought about this because she knew that He Jian didn't think much about all this …even in her past life.     

Mo Roulan's heart was full of regret and self-blame.     

She should have that much self-consciousness. She sighed deeply. She could only keep this thing in her mind for the future.     

Because it might not be good if she tried to bring up the past when he had already promised that he would not behave like that again.     

Mo Roulan came out of her trance when she heard her mother calling her.     

"Roulan, why are you standing there?"     

Mo Roulan shook her head and went towards her chair. Her eyes went towards her brother who had a book opened in front of him. She couldn't help but frown as she stretched her hand out to pick up the book and close it.     


Mo Chen whined but Mo Roulan shook her head as she said     

"Later, Chenchen. First, have your breakfast. Jiejie understands that you have a test but having your breakfast properly for five minutes won't be wasting your time."     

Mo Roulan said strictly and soon heard her mother agreeing with her.     

"Yes, Roulan is right, Chenchen, your Jiejie also used to top the class but I have never seen her taking her book everywhere with her to do that."     

Mo Chen pouted but didn't deny anything.     

Mo Roulan sighed. She didn't wish for her brother to become a nerd. Though it was good to read books and be focused on studies the more of everything was always bad.     

There should be a limit to everything.     

Mo Chen finished his breakfast in five minutes. After that, Mo Roulan couldn't really stop him when he asked for his book.     

As she saw him leaving the dining room, Mo Roulan couldn't help but wonder whether her brother was trying to find his escape in these books.          

Otherwise, why did he suddenly become like this?     

She didn't notice that as she was looking at Mo Chen's back, He Jian was also looking at her. After she moved her eyes away, he also lowered his head to complete his breakfast as if nothing happened at all.      

After a few minutes, He Jian stood up and Mo Roulan followed his suit.     

Together they exited the apartment and then went inside the elevator. Mo Roulan was still thinking about Mo Chen when she heard He Jian's gentle voice.     

"I have found a psychologist."     


Mo Roulan turned her head to look at He Jian with confusion and amazement. Actually, she had been thinking about the same thing. But He Jian couldn't really know about this so she was confused about why he mentioned this.      

"I received information from Mo Chen's school."     

Mo Roulan's eyes flickered and silently she waited for He Jian to continue.     

"Mo Chen is not like before. After the incident…he stopped talking in the class. He doesn't play with his friends. Though he has improved a lot in his studies, the teacher still said that his behavior was a little unusual. Most of the time, he would look lost during the class. The teacher doubts that he…"     

"He is depressed."     

Mo Roulan completed He Jian's unfinished words.      

He Jian turned to look at her. His heart clenched when he saw a lost look in her eyes. He so wished to hug her in his arms and tell her that everything will be fine but knowing very well that it would not go well with what he had promised, he restrained himself.     

However, he tried his best to comfort her through his words.     

"Lanlan, you don't need to worry. I have managed everything, The psychologist has been recommended by Zhihan and is an expert in his work. Mo Chen will be fine."     

Mo Roulan shook her head and whispered     

"But what if he didn't agree …we need to think of something else…"     

Her hand couldn't help but clench her purse as she thought about what could be the consequences of depression at such an age.     

Depression …it was such a mental state where one would not even get to know that he is suffering from it.     

Mo Roulan came out of her trance when she heard He Jian's gentle voice     

"He won't even get to know about him."     

Mo Roulan frowned in confusion hearing this and turned her head to look at He Jian. He Jian smiled and told her     

"The psychologist will be a teacher in Mo Chen's school from tomorrow. I have arranged everything. You don't need to worry about everything."     

And He Jian again solved her problem just like that.     

The thing that she had been worried about since last evening, he had already solved. Mo Roulan couldn't help but feel her heartbeat quickening inside her chest as she looked at those blue eyes that were filled with nothing but gentleness.      

Slowly and slowly, she was realizing how hard it was becoming to separate her life from He Jian's. He was everywhere around her.     

At work, at her home, and now even around her family.     

So how could she push him away!     

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