CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Cheng Yang's Confession

Cheng Yang's Confession

2Mo Roulan couldn't help but feel amazed when she saw that Chi Rong was still sitting in the dining room when she entered with Mo Chen.     

Even He Jian had left already.     

Chi Rong seemed to feel her gaze and raised his head to look in her direction.     

Mo Roulan didn't see but a rare thing happened when she moved her eyes away. Chi Ring's ears turned read because of embarrassment.     

He had seen and met many people in her life so it was not difficult for him to tell what was the actual meaning behind Mo Roulan's gaze.     

He cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment and pushed the plate away.     

"Mr. Chi, won't you have more?"     

Lin Qianru asked in confusion.     

As she had worked in Chi Mansion for a few weeks before she was given this long holiday, she knew that Chi Rong had a big appetite …at least bigger than a normal person.      

"No, thanks."     

Chi Rong said with a calm face and then stood up from the chair. After that, he looked at Lin Qianru and said politely     

"Miss Lin, you can start to come from tomorrow."     

Lin Qianru nodded her head in a daze and then she heard Chi Rong saying again.     

"Then I will leave now."     

This time, not only Mo Roulan but Lin Qianru was also wearing a very incredulous expression on her face.     

Did he come here to just say this!     

Pretending as if he didn't notice anything, Chi Ring cleared his throat again and left the Mo Family's apartment.     

A few moments later, Mo Roulan couldn't help but look at her mother with a ridiculous expression on her face.     

"Mom, isn't your boss a little weird?"     


Lin Qianru said strictly but Mo Roulan just shook her head as she laughed and sat beside Mo Chen.     

"So this man was Mom's boss?"     

Mo Chen asked his elder sister who nodded his head and put food in his plate.     


Mo Chen whispered in a daze and Mo Roulan soon heard him saying.     

"Chenchen also wants to be a big boss in the future."     

The determination in her brother's eyes made the heaviness inside Mo Roulan's heart disappear to some extent.     

She patted his head as she said     

"Hm…but for that, Chenchen needs to have three times of meals and take care of himself properly. You also need to sleep well."     

Mo Chen turned his head to look at his sister and blinked his big round black eyes as he told her     

"Jiejie, I have grown up now. This kind of words are used to coax children."     

Mo Roulan raised her eyebrows. At the same time, she heard her mother's laughter.     

Though she pouted on the surface, she was relieved inside his heart. So there was still a little liveliness alive inside her brother's heart.      


That night, Mo Roulan tried to search on the internet how she could let Mo Chen feel safe.     

Fear was still inside his heart. Did it not mean that he was still afraid that something would happen to him?     

There were some suggestions but most of them were about the sending the child to some therapist or psychologist. Mo Roulan didn't really know if it will be good or not.     

After Zhu family's incident, Mo Chen rarely approaches stranger. Just like tonight, he didn't greet Chi Rong and never spoke a single word in his presence.     

Only after Chi Rong had left did he open his mouth and speak.     

So would he feel comfortable in talking his heart out with a stranger? Mo Roulan sighed heavily as she closed her laptop.     

She closed her eyes as she leaned her head against the chair.      

At the same time, she heard her phone ringing. Mo Roulan raised her head to look at her phone. Only Shen Youlin would call her at such a time.     

However, she was disappointed when she saw that it was not Shen Youlin, Confusion filled her eyes when she saw the name of the person who was calling her.     

A moment later, she slide the screen to answer the call.     


  "Cheng Yang, is everything alright?"     

She couldn't help but ask this question as it was the first time Cheng Yang was calling her this late.     

"Yes, Yes. Everything is alright. Actually …can you come down?"     

"What? Why?"     

"I am here …below your building."     

"What are you doing here?"     

Mo Roulan asked in a completely surprise-filled voice.     


A frown couldn't help but mar Mo Roulan's forehead when she sensed the nervousness in Cheng Yang's voice.     

Was everything really alright?     

She couldn't help but worry. The next moment when Cheng Yang     

"Can you just come down?"     

She didn't ask any other questions and silently left her room and then her apartment. After Mo Roulan locked the apartment, she went towards the elevator.     

She indeed saw a car standing in front of the building and her eyes found Cheng Yang at first glance. He was standing there leaning against the car.     

Mo Roulan quickly walked to him and said     

"What happened, Cheng Yang?"     

Cheng Yang looked at her face and the way she was panting a little. He knew that she came here in hurry. He couldn't help but curse himself inside his heart as he looked away from Mo Roulan's black-brown eyes.     

His hands that he had folded on his chest suddenly slid down and he looked here and there trying to find what he should say.     


He whispered nervously.      

"Everything is alright. I just …I just wanted to see you."     


Mo Roulan had an incredulous expression on her face when she heard this. She looked at Cheng Yang as if he was crazy and then said with a blank expression on her face.     

"You came all the way here just to see me."     

Cheng Yang swallowed wondering if he should nod his head or not. In the end, he just nodded his head and said     


Mo Roulan breathed deeply. Her lips were twitching in anger but she didn't say anything except     

"Since you have seen me already, you should leave now."     

Saying this, she turned around to leave. Cheng Yang's eyes were filled with panic when he saw her back. His hand unconsciously went out to grab her arm and he blurted out.     


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