CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Mo Roulan Is Worried About Mo Chen

Mo Roulan Is Worried About Mo Chen

1"There was no need to bother so much."      0

Lin Qianru raised her head from the plate when she heard Chi Rong saying this. She smiled politely and said     

"It is no bother."     

Hearing this, Chi Rong nodded his head calmly while Mo Roulan couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous.     

Although he said the polite words, she couldn't really see any embarrassment on his face for troubling her mother like this.      

The table was basically filled with dishes.     

Mo Roulan found it difficult to believe that she and her mother made all this in just an hour. She looked away to hide her wonder and said suddenly.     

"Where is Mo Chen?"     

"He is inside his room. He has a test tomorrow and asked me not to disturb him. He will come out on his own to have dinner."     

Mo Roulan frowned but didn't get up from her chair to call her brother.     

She didn't know whether she should be happy or sad because these days Mo Chen was too busy in studies.     

So busy that Mo Roulan found it a little weird. Children at his age should be a little carefree, but her brother rarely laughed after he had come home from Zhu family's incident.     

Though she knew that the incident would always impact their lives in some or other way, she didn't want this impact on her brother. She still wakes up sometimes from her sleep from nightmares but Mo Roulan wished that Mo Chen would forget everything as if nothing like that happened.     

Perhaps it was because of worry about her brother, Mo Roulan didn't feel much hungry even on seeing the delicious feast in front of her eyes.     

Just a few moments later, she pushed her plate away.     

He Jian's eyes immediately fell on her and he frowned on seeing unfinished meal in her plate. He wanted to say something when Lin Qianru spoke before her.     

"Roulan, why are you not eating?"     

Mo Roulan shook her head and said that she was not feeling hungry. Lin Qianru frowned on hearing this and insisted that she should eat more.     

Under her mother's insistence, Mo Roulan ate a few more spoons of the dish but afterwards, she just stood up from her chair with her plate.     

"I will go and check on Mo Chen. "     

  Lin Qianru sighed helplessly as she seemed to realize why her daughter's hunger suddenly disappeared. She could only nod her head and let her leave the dining room while He Jian had a constant deep frown on his forehead as he looked at leaving Mo Roulan's back.     

Was she worried about Mo Chen? He wondered inside his heart silently.     




Mo Roulan lightly knocked on the door. When no one opened the door, she directly pushed it and entered the room.     

Her eyes first fell on the bed but finding it empty, she frowned lightly.     

But soon she found her brother sitting on the chair. A book was placed on the table in front of him and he was currently sleeping on the book.     

Mo Roulan slowly walked towards him.     

He looked very peaceful while sleeping so she couldn't bear to disturb him at all. Mo Roulan sighed as she pondered whether she should pick him up from the chair to put him on the bed or not.     

What if she woke him up?     

Just when she was thinking all this, her body stiffened suddenly when she heard Mo Chen's anxious whispers     

"No…don't hit me. Please…"     

As Mo Roulan looked at Mo Chen's sleeping face and his wrinkled forehead, she didn't even get to know when her eyes started to fill with tears.     

She blinked them vigorously but no matter how much she tried, she still felt her nose going itchy and tears soon fell down from her eyes.     

She had thought that Mo Chen was fine.     

But it never came to her mind that her brother could also hide things from her. He pretended very well to be fine in front of her and he was suffering alone.     

For how long was this going on?     

Of course from the day they had come back from the hospital. Did he even sleep peacefully at any night?      

Only now did she understand why Mo Chen had pushed her out of his room when she had said that she would sleep with him. She didn't wish to leave him alone. Even her mother had been worried to let him sleep alone.     

But Mo Chen resisted fiercely and hence they couldn't say anything.     

Mo Roulan's lips quivered as she wiped her tears and raised her trembling hand to stroke her brother's hair.      

"Mo Chen....wake up Chenchen…"     

She whispered softly as she stroked his hair gently so that he would not be startled. Fortunately, a few moments later, Mo Chen opened his eyes slowly.     

There was sweat on his forehead and his eyes had confusion as he looked at Mo Roulan.     


Mo Chen whispered hoarsely.     

Mo Roulan's throat wobbled and she hid her emotions very well. But suddenly she could see that Mo Chen's face was a lot paler and he looked very thin.      

"Come and have dinner."     

She said softly only to see Mo Chen first looking at the book placed on the table and then back at her.     

"Jiejie, I have a test tomorrow."     

Mo Roulan sighed as she ruffled his hair lightly.     

"It's okay. I know that you will do well. Even if you didn't, it doesn't matter."     

The only thing that matters is your happiness and comfort…your being alive and stay by my side. She had wanted to say.     

This was the only thing she expected from her mother and brother because they were her pillars. She was nothing without them.     

Mo Chen smiled when he heard his sister's words and obediently stood up from his chair. Holding his sister's hand, he left the room.     

While inside her heart, Mo Roulan was now thinking about what she should do next. She won't let Mo Chen continue to have this fear inside his heart.     

So much fear that he couldn't even sleep properly…she didn't want her brother to have such a life.     

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