CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Shen Youlin Realizes What Shen Yiling Wants!

Shen Youlin Realizes What Shen Yiling Wants!

3Mo Roulan must have been in deep slumber as she only woke up when she felt her phone ringing that was inside her purse and her purse was placed on her lap.       2

The phone ringtone was very nicely audible in the silent car.      

He Jian who had been silently looking at her all this while with a gentle smile on his lips immediately looked away when he saw that she was about to wake up.      

Mo Roulan first looked confused when she found herself inside the car.      

It took her a few moments to realize just what kind of situation she was in. And as soon as the memories started to come to her mind, her heart started to sink again.      

She hurriedly took out her phone from her purse and then answered the call.      

It was her mother who was asking until when she would return.      

The question made Mo Roualn remove the phone from her ear and look at the time. Her eyes were filled with shock when she realized that it had already been five hours since she had exited her apartment.      

Her eyes went to the silent man sitting beside her.      

Why did he not wake her up?      

She had wanted to ask but she didn't know why she thought it was better to stay silent after whatever had happened today.      

Mo Roulan told her mother that she would be at the apartment in a few minutes and Lin Qianru was relieved to hear this.      

After she put down the phone, Mo Roulan didn't know for a moment what she should say.      

Living just like that also didn't sound fine.      

Fortunately, He Jian seemed to have understood her. Mo Roulan stopped herself from cowering when she felt a touch on her hair.      

He Jian was patting her head gently as he said      

"Go and have rest. I will go and park the car."     

On some other day, Mo Roulan would have said that she would wait but not today.      

She just nodded her head and silently got out of the car.      

He Jian sighed heavily as he looked at her back.      

He had already said those words to her that was inside his heart for a long time. Now he wondered how he would be able to stay without expressing his feelings every day.      

Because in just a day, he seemed to have realized he really liked to say it.      

No matter how many times he said it, it didn't seem enough.      

At the same time, he wished to hear the same from Mo Roulan. He was sure that once he heard it, he would never get tired of those sweet words.      

He Jian smiled bitterly as he knew that the time was far away from him now. Putting a full stop to his thoughts, he parked the car in the garage.      

That night, Mo Roulan surprisingly slept nicely.      

Perhaps it was because she was too tired or it was because He Jian's words had really assured her.      

However, that night someone else couldn't sleep at all.     


(A few hours ago)     

After Mo Roulan left the apartment with He Jian, Shen Youlin had a deep scowl on her forehead all the time as she had dinner.      

After the dinner, she called her brother to ask if he was also attending some sort of business party today.      

However,  Shen Weisheng expressed her confusion as to why she was asking him such a question, and when she insisted that he should answer her question, he said that there was not any such party today.      

The answer made Shen Youlin more restless as she wondered whether there really was a business party tonight or not.      

And if there was not any then where exactly He Jian took Mo Roulan.      

Mo Roulan didn't know what kind of person He Jian was but Shen Youlin could feel that his intentions towards Mo Roulan were not pure.      

And about her mother…     

Shen Youlin looked toward Lin Qianru and shook her head…she couldn't expect anything from her as she was too naive.      

And just at that moment, the screen of her phone flashed with another number…a number she was very familiar with these days.      

It was Shen Yiling.      

Shen Youin's eyes immediately went cold but she knew that she couldn't cut the call. With a heavy sigh, she stood up from the sofa she was sitting on inside the living room and then went to the balcony to attend the call.      

"What is it?'     

She asked coldly as soon as she picked up the call.      

On the other side of the phone, Shen Yiling raised her eyebrows in surprise when she sensed the arrogance in Shen Youlin's voice. Instead of rebuking her for that, she asked him in the same kind of voice.     

"Where is Mo Roulan now?"     

Shen Youlin frowned clearly not wanting to answer Shen Yiling's question but she had to, she knew very well.      

"She is out of the home for now."     

"What? Where?"     

"At some business party?"     

The answer made Shen Yiling wary and she asked again     

"With whom?"     

Shen Youlin frowned remembering the person Mo Roulan was accompanying and said      

"With He Jian."     

There was silence on the other side of the phone and the silence finally made Shen Youlin realize the answer to what she had been trying to find since this morning.      

Just why did Shen Yiling want to find out everything about Mo Roulan.      

It was because of He Jian.      

Her sister liked He Jian but He Jian was around Mo Roulan these days.      

The next moment, she heard ShenYiling asking her     

"Where did they go to attend this party?"     

On the other side of the phone, Shen Yiling was already walking toward her almirah. She was also going to attend this party. However, she halted amidst her steps when she heard Shen Youlin's answer.      

"I don't know."     

The answer made Shen Yiling furious and it was clearly audible from her next words.      

"Shen Youlin, don't forget what you can lose by not obeying me. Did I not clearly ask you to find everything about Mo Roulan and then tell me?"     

Shen Yiling didn't hear anything from the other side for a long time and felt more furious. However, a moment later, she no longer threatened Shen Youlin, instead, she chose some other way.      

"Youlin, you also like that girl, Mo Roulan, right?"     

Shen Yiling's heart was filled with disgust when she said these words. It could be seen from her face itself.      

A girl with a girl…she couldn't digest the mere idea but she needed to use the same to push Mo Roulan away from He Jian.      

"Listen to me clearly. He Jian likes Mo Roulan."     

The words made Shen Youlin's eyes wide and soon her eyes were filled with anger.      

That b****d, how dare he like her Roulan?     

That cold slab of ice…Shen Youlin couldn't help but think that that Cheng boy was better than He Jian.      

However, the next moment she scolded herself saying that it was she who was suitable for Mo Roulan and no one else.      

She came out of her trance when she heard Shen Yilin's next words.      

"If you will help me then I can make He Jian go away from Mo Roulan and then you can pursue Mo Roulan."      

Shen Youlin was suddenly conflicted inside her heart. Should she help Shen Yiling?      

Shen Yilingw anted He Jian and she wanted Mo Roulan.      

In some or another way, both of them wanted the same thing. Though she didn't like Shen Yiling even a bit, to get Mo Roulaan…she could do this, right?     

Shen Youlin eyes were filled with uncertainty. Still, she told Shen Yiling.     

"I had called Elder Brother to ask where is this business part but he said that there was no business part tonight."     


Shen Yiling whispered breathlessly as she sat down on the sofa inside her room. Her eyes were cold and her fists were clenched tightly.      

Just yesternight, when Shi Fengju had told her that He Jian had already confessed his feelings to Mo Roulan, she had suppressed her anger with great difficulty.      

She had thought that she still had a chance.      

Mo Roulan had not accepted He Jian's confession and had run away from there. Shi Fengju had told her.      

Shen Yiling had sneered coldly at this because she thought that, Mo Roulan was just playing hard to get with He Jian.      

However, the naive girl didn't know that in this game, she will completely lose He Jian.      

However, after hearing Shen Youlin's words, Shen Yiling thought that she didn't have much time.      

There was a ninety percent chance that both of them were not at any kind of business party.      

The mere thought of what they might be doing with each other right now was making Shen Yiling feel that she should destroy everything.      

She cut the call without saying anything to Shen Youlin.      

With red eyes that were filled with angry tears, Shen Yiling called Grandfather He.      

That old man better helps her otherwise she will have to take everything into her hands and it will certainly not be good for Mo Roulan!     

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