CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

The Business Party...

The Business Party...

1Mo Roulan stepped out of her room after almost half an hour later followed by Lin Qianru.      3

She saw He Jian sitting in the living room on a couch in front of Shen Youlin who was staring at him with a scowl on his forehead.      

Just at that moment, Mo Roulan heard Shen Youlin asking He Jian.     

"What kind of business party does Mr. He wants to take Roulan to ?"     

He Jian didn't even look at Shen Youlin as he said coldly.      

"None that Miss Shen needs to know."      

From her side, Mo Roulan heard a chuckle and looked at her mother. Lin Qianru had a smile on her lips as she shook her head and said      

"These two …they look so cute when they bicker."     

Mo Roulan frowned clearly not agreeing with her mother. In fact, the way she could see He Jian and Shen Youlin standing against each other every time, she felt as if they were enemies from some previous life and couldn't reconcile even in this lifetime.      

Her trance was broken when she saw He Jian had now turned around and was looking at her. Mo Roulan didn't know but she could feel that his blue eyes looked a little different from before.      

As they stared at her, she suddenly has an urge to run away and hide. Her heart was frantically pushing against her ribcage as if wanting to jump outside.      

She clenched her fists as she wondered whether she had dressed overly for some simple business party.      

The dress she was wearing reached just below her knee. Though it didn't show much, she still couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable because she was used to wearing pants and a shirt in her day-to-day life.        

Fortunately, just when Mo Roulan was thinking of going back to her room and changing her dress, He Jian looked away and said after clearing his throat lightly.      

"You are ready?"     

"Yes, Jian. Is this outfit alright for the party?"     

Lin Qianru asked hesitantly.      

He had actually bought it a few months back when Mo Roulan had to go to Shen Youlin's birthday party.      

Even Shen Youlin recognized the dress and her scowl went deeper when she realized that Mo Roulan was going with He Jian in the same dress.      

The bad thing was that she looked too pretty in the dress.      

"Yes, Auntie."     

He Jian said calmly and then looked at Mo Roulan but looked away again.      

"Let's go."     

"Yes, Yes. Otherwise, you will get late."     

Lin Qianru said as she Mo Roulan towards the door. She held Mo Roulan as she told Mo Roulan this and that.      

"Roulan, reply to everyone politely and don't talk too much when elders are talking. Behave sensibly and when someone asks what you want to do in the future, answer them honestly."     

Mo Roulan sighed as she nodded her head again and again.     

She knew what her mother was thinking.      

But Mo Roulan didn't wish to start her business like this. She wanted to start from scratch and then built everything on her own. Though it will be very hard, she was ready to do all the hard work.      

At least, she would have the satisfaction of doing everything on her own.      

However, she also knew that telling her mother all this would be of no benefit so she just nodded her head silently agreeing with her mother.      

Before Mo Roulan started to walk towards the elevator with He Jian, Lin Qianru held Mo Roulan's hand again and said strictly.     

"Don't have wine and try to drink only some juice or water."     

The mere sentence brought Mo Roulan a few memories from her past life. She knew what drinking could lead to in such parties but how did her mother know!     

Mo Roulan wondered silently as she nodded her head again.      

"Auntie, don't worry. I will be there to take care of Lanlan."     

He Jian's voice brought Lin Qianru immediate relief.        

Lin Qianru didn't close the door of the apartment until the doors of the elevator closed. Mo Roulan felt the atmosphere inside the elevator tightening as soon as the doors of the elevator closed.      

"You are looking beautiful."     

The words almost made Mo Roulan stop breathing.      

She opened her mouth to say 'thanks' but the words never came out. It was perhaps the first time she had heard such a compliment from He Jian.      

So she just lowered her head and choose to say nothing.      

Mo Roulan wondered whether she heard a sigh from He Jian's side a few moments later.      

The elevator doors opened and she immediately inhaled the fresh air as if she had been unable to breathe for a long time.      

However, her body went tight again when she suddenly saw an outstretched hand in front of her.      

It belonged to none other He Jian.     


Mo Roulan looked at the hand and then at the floor.      

She swallowed as her fingers twisted against each other.      

Should she put her hand or not? However, she didn't get the chance of making a choice as soon as she felt a large hand covering her small hands.      

"Relax, Lanlan. I am not going to eat you."     

The voice held the amusement and it irritated Mo Roulan.      

She frowned as she was pulled out of the elevator and was soon seated inside the car. Again, she was seating in the front seat.      

However, this time, when she saw He Jian leaning down she immediately started to buckle the seatbelt herself.      

Since her head was lowered, she never noticed the disappointment that flashed through He Jian's eyes on seeing this.      

He Jian sighed as he closed the door and then walked towards the driver's seat.      

He waited for Mo Roulan to buckle the seatbelt and after seating properly he started the car.      

The whole ride, the car was full of silence. Again, Mo Roulan continued to look out of the window silently and she could again feel He Jian glancing at her every few minutes.      

She almost sighed in relief when the car stopped in front of a restaurant.      

Mo Roulan opened the door and came out.      

He Jian parked the car and came out to stand beside her. When He Jian held her hand again and started to walk inside the restaurant, Mo Roulan's eyes went wide.      

If it was a party, then there ill be other people as well.      

So they should not be going inside like this.      


In fact, they should not be holding hands like this in the first place!     

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