Sweet Beauty

If You Have Such Explosive News, You Should Tell Me In Advance

If You Have Such Explosive News, You Should Tell Me In Advance

2Han Yuanjun curled his lips coldly and turned his gaze back to Liang Zixuan, feeding her an apple.      2

Seeing this, Qiao Hongya immediately nodded excitedly and said to Luo Yanyun, "It's me, it's me. I'm the one who is doing that!"     

Luo Yanyun ignored him. She looked at the time and exclaimed, "Ah! 'I Am Singer' has already started. Zixuan, quickly turned on the TV."     

On the laptop screen, Jiang Huifang was still chasing Wen Ehuang crazily. The live broadcast was still going on.     

Liang Zixuan looked up at the clock and saw that the program had indeed started a while ago. She picked up the remote control and turned on the tv and the volume.     

Han Yuanjun fed an apple to her mouth. Without looking at it, she bit down on the apple and laid in Han Yuanjun's arms. She was so satisfied as she enjoyed Han Yuanjun's pampering while watching the TV.     

Qiao Hongya looked at Luo Yanyun pitifully and turned his head to look at the TV screen as well.     

While watching other singers perform, Qiao Hongya would discuss with Liang Zixuan how to adapt the song. Where was the good point, and where was the bad point? In any case, Liang Zixuan had learned a lot.     

After the host finished talking, the TV suddenly went black. Luo Yanyun was shocked and asked worriedly, "What's wrong? Our TV is broken?"     

Liang Zixuan handed the freshly peeled orange to her. "Grandmother, don't worry. Just keep watching."     

Luo Yanyun took the orange hesitantly. Suddenly, a light flashed on the screen. It was the direction of the band. After the music started to play, a girl's sweet singing also followed.     

The screen switched to the lounge. A few resident singers were staring at the live broadcast with their mouths agape.     

Liang Zixuan looked up at Han Yuanjun and laughed. "Haha, look at them."     

Han Yuanjun lovingly rubbed her little face. "It's not only them who were stunned, almost everyone in the studio was."     

Luo Yanyun watched with trepidation. After listening to the conversation between the host and Liang Zixuan, she watched as the audience began to vote.     

Qiao Hongya gave the peeled orange to her politely and said, "You already know the result, but you're still worried about it."     

Luo Yanyun pushed his hand away and snorted. "Even if I knew the result, I would still be worried. This is my granddaughter. If I'm not worried about her, then who should I be worried about?"     

Qiao Hongya almost gasped at Luo Yanyun's action. He pouted his mouth in a grievance.     

Just bully him for having no grandchildren and being alone.     

Qiao Hongya even thought that if he could have grandchildren, how wonderful it would be!     

Liang Zixuan stretched her body in Han Yuanjun's arms before standing up. "Well, now the dirt has been exposed, the knot hanging in my heart has finally been untied. In a moment, I will ask someone to expose the evidence in public. You guys can go back and relax."     

Han Yuanjun squeezed her hand. "I know you are too excited but don't stay up too late. Go to bed early."     

Liang Zixuan bent down and kissed him on the cheek. "I know, thank you."     

Seeing Liang Zixuan and Han Yuanjun being so intimate, Luo Yanyun laughed in embarrassment. She got up from the sofa and went upstairs alone.     

Seeing that Luo Yanyun had left, Qiao Hongya didn't want to stay here any longer, so he followed Han Yuanjun back to his house.     

After Liang Zixuan finished showering and changed her pajamas, she went to bed. Without looking at Weibo, she called He Yingmin first.     

As soon as the call connected, He Yingmin's unhappy voice came over the phone. "Liang Zixuan, you're so evil! If you have such explosive news, you should tell me in advance. It's been a while since I have something to share."     

Liang Zixuan hadn't said anything yet, but He Yingmin had already grumbled at her. She didn't get angry; instead, she switched her phone to another ear and raised her hand to rub her right ear, which was almost ringing due to He Yingmin's yells.      

"Yingmin, how could I not think of you when there's something good?! I really don't know about Wen Ehuang's live broadcast just now, but I'm going to give you two things now. If you send it out, it'll definitely be a strike while the iron is hot!"     

He Yingmin was keenly aware of the smell of gossip. "So it is true that Wei Xiaoqing faked it?"     

"Heh …"     

Liang Zixuan really admired He Yingmin in her heart. A lackey was indeed a lackey. She could grasp the truth with just a few words.     

"Yes, that's right. Wei Xiaoqing fell sick when she was young, and her throat was damaged. The doctor issued the diagnosis certificate, and the Liu family have authorized the voice comparison between mine and Wei Xiaoqing. These two things are solid evidence. As long as you publish it online, the accusation of Wei Xiaoqing falsely singing will be proven."     

"Wow!" He Yingmin was so excited that she almost jumped and tore the roof. "Liang Zixuan, you are really powerful! You can also get the authorization from the Liu Family?! Hahaha...Great! I saw a bunch of trolls cursing Wei Xiaoqing's face just now. If I happened to publish these two pieces of evidence, then it would be a great slap to her face!"     

Liang Zixuan smiled as she hugged her blanket tightly. "So, don't say that I never think of you again, understand?"     

"Alright...Alright!" He Yingmin then proudly said, "You are my own sister! If you don't think about me, who else can you think about?"     

After hanging up the phone, Liang Zixuan wasted no time. She immediately turned on the laptop and sent the evidence to He Yingmin's mailbox.     

After she was done, she put the laptop to the side and was about to click Weibo to check on the netizens' comments. Unexpectedly, her phone rang. Liang Zixuan saw that it was a call from Shi Jingguo.     

She picked up the phone.     

Shi Jingguo's excited voice came over the phone, and it was not the slightest bit inferior to He Yingmin's volume. "Liang Zixuan, the viewership ratings are already out. Guess what? Our program broke to number 2. We really did it!"     

It was already considered good for most variety shows to achieve a viewership rating of 1.6 in real-time.     

Liang Zixuan smiled faintly. "Congratulations, Director Shi. This episode has gone viral. Thank you for your hard work."     

"Aiya, look what you're saying. Isn't that all because of you?" Shi Jingguo said with a smile. "Liang Zixuan, when you went last time, I told you that in the final, you have to invite guests to sing with you. Are you done with it?"     

Liang Zixuan had forgotten about this.     

Because this was a busy week for her with the release of Qin Yu's album and the airing of "Girl Of The Rose', she'd forgotten all about it.     

She then said embarrassedly, "Director Shi, about that... If you didn't remind me, I would have forgotten about it. I haven't thought about it yet."     

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