Sweet Beauty

Without Me, Do You Think You Could Live?

Without Me, Do You Think You Could Live?

1Wei Guowei looked at Jiang Huifang's delicate face and thought of Liang Zixuan's disgusted eyes. He was so angry that he raised his hand and slapped Jiang Huifang's face.      1

With a "pa" sound, Jiang Huifang's legs became unstable and she fell to the ground after being slapped. She was stunned for a moment before opening her mouth and crying shamelessly. "Wei Guowei, you bastard! What did Xiaoqing and I do wrong? Why should you be so mad at us as soon as you come back?! If you have the ability, go and find Liang Zixuan now. Why are you venting your anger against us?!"     

Wei Guowei was so angry that he took the teacup on the table and threw it to Jiang Huifang. The cup hit her head and shattered, leaving a long cut on her forehead. The red blood immediately gushed out.     

Jiang Huifang raised her hand to feel around and was shocked to see her blood. She got up from the ground and rushed towards Wei Guowei like a mad man. "Wei Guowei! Let me tell you, if you try to kill me, I won't let you live either! At most, I will perish with you!"     

Wei Xiaoqing's heart was beating fast as she watched. She hid behind the sofa in fear and watched her parents quarrel. Not only did she not stop them, she even hid there and watched.     

Wei Guowei was very angry. Previously, Jiang Huifang always pretended to be gentle and virtuous in front of him, and she always approached him gently. Wei Guowei always thought that Jiang Huifang was a weak woman, but he never expected her fist to be so hard!     

The blow landed on his face, causing the corners of his mouth to twitch in pain. "Alright, Jiang Huifang! You used to be a liar in front of me, what little sheep in wolf fur! You dare to lie to me?!"     

Wei Guowei grabbed Jiang Huifang's hair and threw her to the ground. Jiang Huifang's body trembled in pain, but she didn't give up and threw her fists at him. "You attacked me first! Wei Guowei, don't be so shameless. You're mad at that bitch, so you went back to vent your anger on us. Let me tell you, I'm not some weak woman, I'm going to beat you to death!"     

"Jiang Huifang!" Wei Guowei was so angry that his face turned green. His left eye was swollen from the blow. "You eat my food and live with me, the set of clothes you wear costs tens of thousands! Without me, do you think you could live? You want to kill me? Alright, come on! I'll freeze all your credit cards tomorrow. From now on, find your own money yourself!"     

Upon hearing these words, the initially fierce woman immediately stopped. Although her face was still beaten by Wei Guowei, she did not even dare to retaliate. After receiving several blows, she finally cried and said, "Guowei, stop beating me! We are family! Why can't we sit down and talk about it, do you really have to hit me?"     

Jiang Huifang pushed Wei Guowei away, purposely exposing the wound on her head, and showed it to him. "Look at what have you done to me? Even a rabbit would bite when it got attacked! If you hit me like this, how can I not be angry?"     

Wei Guowei sat on the sofa with a swollen face. Seeing Jiang Huifang's injury, he felt angry and pain at the same time. Now that he had the upper hand, he took a deep breath, stood up, kicked the tea table, and angrily left.     

At this moment, Wei Xiaoqing came out from behind the sofa and helped Jiang Huifang while looking at Wei Guowei's leaving figure. She asked nervously, "Mom, dad won't be really angry and won't come back, right?"     

"He won't." Jiang Huifang furiously spat out a mouthful of blood. "This time, you accidentally exposed it, of course, he will be angry at us for using him. But it's okay, in a few days, I'll persuade him to come back."     

Wei Xiaoqing pouted. "I'm just afraid that he'll keep his word. What if he doesn't give us the money anymore?"     

"He dares!" Jiang Huifang's eyes widened and a hint of cruelty flashed in his eyes for a moment. "He has a weakness. If he doesn't want to go to jail, he should come back obediently and provide the money for us."     

Wei Xiaoqing was stunned for a moment. She didn't think Jiang Huifang held Wei Guowei's weakness. She wanted to know, "Mom, what's the matter? Why didn't I know about this? Tell me."     

Jiang Huifang glanced at her before hugging her. "You don't know about this because it's for your own good. Don't worry, your mother has many ways to deal with your father. Don't be afraid, he won't do anything to us."     

The Wei Family was in an uproar, but Liang Zixuan's mood was not affected in the slightest. After she came back from dealing with Wei Guowei, she worked even harder and ate an extra bowl of rice.     

Zeng Zhelan was dumbfounded. "Zixuan, Wei Guowei came to make a ruckus, but why are you in so much better mood than before?"     

"How can I not be happy?" Liang Zixuan took a piece of Sweet 'n' Sour Ribs and ate it while saying, "I was finally able to get rid of the big trouble called the Wei Family today. From today onwards, I'll draw a clear line between them."     

Zeng Zhelan opened her mouth in surprise. As she was about to speak, she saw her colleagues walk past them. She suddenly lowered her voice and said, "President Han has made his move?"     

Liang Zixuan bit her pork ribs and laughed, "Yup!"     

Zeng Zhelan was extremely envious. Seeing that Liang Zixuan liked to eat Sweet 'n' Sour Ribs, she quickly gave Liang Zixuan her own Sweet 'n' Sour Ribs. "Heavens, I envy you so much! If it was any other man, they would have already run away and kicked you out the door. But President Han actually didn't despise you for having such a father and even helped you out. How can there be such a good man in this world?"     

Liang Zixuan did not feel proud, but she was happy. Han Yuanjun was really a man who kept his own words. As long as there's something wrong with her, he will immediately help her.     

The reason why Liang Zixuan had the confidence to deal with Wei Guowei was that Han Yuanjun stood behind her and supported her.     

Her phone suddenly beeped twice. She took it out and saw that it was a WeChat message from him. There were only two words on it, 'I'm hungry.'     

Han Yuanjun even added an aggrieved emoticon next to the text. Liang Zixuan laughed and quickly put down her chopsticks. She said to Zeng Zhelan, "He still hasn't eaten. I'll go order a meal for him. I'll be leaving first."     

Zeng Zhelan bit her lip with envy. "Go ahead, let me eat your dog food alone."     

Liang Zixuan opened the door of Han Yuanjun's office and saw that he had a contract in his hand. She originally wanted to go to the sofa to sit down, but she didn't expect Han Yuanjun to look up at her and wave at her with the contract. "Come here."     

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