The Alpha's Bride

The Council of Alphas (12)

The Council of Alphas (12)

0"I used despicable methods to embarrass you?", Damon asked. "It was your daughter that embarrassed you, Alpha Richard. And you agreed to that tribute. In what way did I force you?"      1

"Don't play innocent!", Alpha Richard exclaimed. "If it was just you, things would end up differently. But you used the support of several other Alphas to get your way!"     

"Isn't that what you are trying to do here?", Talia interjected and leaned closer until her chest touched the table. "Do you want this Council to force Alpha Damon to issue a statement about how he bullied you and he is sorry? Do you want to cancel that tribute? Isn't that just using the Council to settle your private grudges?"     

Maddox spoke next, "We all know how grudges are settled. You have a choice between a negotiating table or an Alpha challenge. Of course, you can also declare war, but a small incident at a party is usually not enough to justify casualties a war will bring."     

"Is this why we gathered here?", Cristian asked. "Because Steelbite pack wants to back off from their tribute?"     

"That happened in the territory of my pack.", Tony chimed in. "I can testify that it was Cassie, Alpha Richard's daughter, who caused a scene by approaching Alpha Damon casually and acting out of place. I was surprised that Alpha Damon didn't punish her harshly, but he allowed my father to handle the issue so…" Tony looked at Alpha Richard. "Are you complaining about Alpha Damon? Or is this directed at me? My father was the Alpha of the Lightclaw pack at that time, but I will bear the responsibility of his actions if it's within reason."     

Alpha Richard looked around helplessly. This was not the way it was supposed to go. After he said his case, it was Alpha William's turn to speak about the time when they had to force their patrols further into their territory because Damon said how they are too close and Damon's patrols were confusing them for rogues, and then it was Alpha Peter's turn and… but all of them avoided Alpha Richard's gaze and he realized that he was all alone.     

Alpha Richard looked at Alpha Edward. Sure, he was the one who called for this meeting, and he said that Alpha Richard will just spur the conversation in the right direction, and he will take it from there, but why was Alpha Edward also looking away now?     

Anger sizzled in Alpha Richard. If things end like this, all Alphas will laugh at him! They will think that he was the one who called this Council for a petty argument because he was not strong enough to challenge Damon to a duel! Well, if he was going down, he was not doing it without dragging at least one more person with him.     

"Edward", Alpha Richard called. "Aren't you going to speak up about the disrespect Alpha Damon showed when he visited to meet Marcy, and later when he refused to answer your summons? And how Marcy leaving on her own is impossible?"     

"That's a good one, Alpha Richard.", Tony said mockingly, making everyone look his way. "Do you really expect us to believe that Alpha Edward would allow Alpha Damon to act inappropriately in the packhouse of the Red Moon pack? And why are you insinuating that Alpha Damon forced Marcy into anything? The lady spent a decade in Europe, it's not far-fetched to accept that for her, a territory of one pack was considered as restricting her freedom."     

Alpha Richard couldn't believe this! "Ed? Edward?"     

"Shut up!", Alpha Edward hissed. "If you are done with what you had to say, then sit."     

Alpha Edward needed time to figure out how to turn the situation around, but it seemed that time was running out. Sure, they agreed that Alpha Richard will start smearing Damon, and other Alphas will add to it, and then Alpha Edward will stand to unite them and call for a vote, but it was obvious that other Alphas backed away.      

"I suggest a fifteen minute-long break.", Alpha Edward said.     

"No.", Talia said sternly. "What break? We barely started."     

Damon looked at his feisty kitten and he smiled. How can he let her take all the heat?     

"I agree.", Damon said. "So far, I heard that Alpha Richard wants to back out of the tribute." He turned to look at the person in question. "If that's troubling you to the point of summoning this Council, you should at least try to re-negotiate with me."     

"I didn't summon this Council.", Alpha Richard blurted out.     

"Who did?", Damon asked while looking around. Several people were throwing glances at Alpha Edward, but Damon pretended not to see them. "Since this is the case, we need to return to our packs. I will talk to the Guardians and ask them to verify that the need for Alphas to assemble is genuine before summons are sent because this is ridiculous."     

Damon was about to stand up, when Alpha Edward asked, "Where are you going?"     

"Home.", Damon responded. "I will not waste a single minute here. If there is no genuine reason for this meeting, I can assume it's a ruse."     

"A ruse?", Alpha William asked.     

"A ruse.", Damon confirmed. "What would happen if someone knew that you and your Beta are away from your pack?" Damon gave everyone a knowing look. "I suggest you check that your packs are not falling apart in your absence."     

"Is that why you are delaying and trying to keep us here?", Maddox asked Alpha Edward angrily.     

Alpha Edward opened his mouth to say something and then closed it without speaking. Everyone looked at him with anger and suspicion and he realized that this backfired, big time. If rogues ended up attacking now, he will be blamed for it!     

Alpha Edward turned to glare at Damon while wondering where did he go wrong. He had everything planned, stories and bribes were in place, but then two new faces appeared, and things turned upside down. Yes, yes… it was Tony and Talia. Because of them, his plan fell apart and he ended up losing allies.     

Was Tony's and Talia's appearance as Alphas an anomaly with unfortunate timing, or was it planned? Alpha Edward pushed that thought away. How was it possible that it was planned? He decided to get in touch with Alpha Magnus and Alpha Isaac and figure out the details about their retirement.     

Talia placed her palms on the table and pushed herself to stand. "Well, gentlemen, I suggest that next time, the agenda is sent together with the summon. It will prevent us from wasting our time while our packs are exposed. Alpha Richard, you should really assess if something is worthy of this Council's time or not. No matter how big your ego is, it does not guarantee the attention of this magnitude."     

Alpha Richard thought he will die from anger. "Listen, girl! You are disrespecting me continuously. When will you learn to speak properly to your elders?"     

Talia stifled a laugh. "Speak properly to my elders? Aren't we all equal here? When I arrived, I heard a theory about how my parents gave me their position as the Alpha, or that maybe I am Axel's mate. But none of you thought that I took my position in a show of power by defeating previous Alphas." Talia lifted her chin smugly. "You want me to respect you? Make me. But be prepared to bear the consequences if you fail."     


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