The Alpha's Bride

Alpha Natalia's identity (2)

Alpha Natalia's identity (2)

2"You have more?" Gregory asked, his eyes wide in expectation of what Declyn will say next. "What did you find out?"     1

Declyn smiled mysteriously. "Let's address this one thing at a time. Alpha Damon being Natalia's mate will complicate things."     

Gregory pressed his lips into a line. "We can eliminate him, and that will fix our issue."     

"Do you think that will fix things?" Declyn asked mockingly. "Kill her mate, and we will turn her into our enemy."     

"She is just one female."     

"If she is just one female, you wouldn't be interested in her. Besides, she is the Alpha of the Midnight Guardians pack and the Luna of the Dark Howlers pack. How I see it, she has two armies at her disposal. If anything happens to Alpha Damon, she can take over his pack as an Alpha. We already established that she is powerful enough to confront all other Alphas, at the same time."     

Gregory's attitude deflated. "Continue."     

"Alpha Natalia is not a damsel in distress who will come to us for comfort once her mate is gone. She will convert her suffering into rage directed at who did it. What do you think she will do if she suspects we were involved? If you are right that she has our bloodline…"     

"She can hold grudges forever," Gregory finished Declyn's thought.     

After so many centuries together, the two of them could continue each other's sentences.     

"What do you suggest?" Gregory asked.     

Declyn was curious about Talia, but now he really wanted to meet her again and find out more about her. If she was really one of them, that would be huge! However, Gregory's patience was thin, and Declyn didn't like it.     

"Let's not rush this. I suggest we observe, for now."     

Gregory frowned. "I started her heat. What if Alpha Damon found her and they completed the mating ritual? What if she ends up with his offspring?"     

Declyn didn't think that was a problem. "As I said, don't rush this. You rushed and ended up with a mangled face. That should tell you Natalia knows about us, and she is vigilant. As much as we know, her parents might be alive."     

"What?" Gregory asked breathily.     

"That would explain her mysterious appearance. If she grew up in the Midnight Guardians pack, we would know about her. After all, she is an Alpha. My guess is that she grew up somewhere else, probably under the protection of her parents. And one of those, if not both, is of our kind."     

"Isn't that more of a reason for us to talk to her?"     

Declyn disagreed. "After what you did, she won't be friendly. Do you think she will thank you for forcing heat on her? What if she ended up with someone else? Like that guard that did a number on your face?"     

"He wouldn't dare…"     

"Oh, he would." Declyn cut him off. "When a female goes into heat, unmated males turn into horny maniacs. The best case scenario is if she ended up with Alpha Damon's child. That child will be another Alpha with a bloodline of a Guardian for us to recruit. We didn't have a child of our kind in centuries. It will be a reason to celebrate."     

Gregory couldn't believe this. "You want to throw them a party after the child is born!?"     

Declyn raised his arms, indicating to Gregory to be patient. "We don't need to wait for that long. While Natalia is pregnant, she will not be able to shift into wolf form or use her abilities without jeopardizing her child. That will make her an easy target. Let's wait until her belly starts showing and then approach her. Even if she goes to her pack, we know where the portal is, and we can just show up. We will come with gifts and with a white flag, show that we are friendly and mean no harm. Even if it takes a decade to prove our sincerity and build a relationship, it will be worth it."     

Gregory knew it made sense, but he had been waiting for centuries, and now that he finally found hope, he was not willing to wait for more than necessary.     

"I agree," Gregory said.     

The surprise on Declyn's face was obvious. "You do?"     

"I do. The more her pregnancy progresses, the more people will protect her. We need to strike as soon as possible. I agree with your other point also; we can't kill Alpha Damon. The only way for that bond to end is for Natalia to reject him."     

Declyn's mouth was slightly open in disbelief. How did Gregory come to that conclusion? "How are you going to make her reject him?"     

"Natalia is an Alpha. As an Alpha, her pride comes first. We will make Alpha Damon commit a grave mistake, one that will make Natalia reject him."     

"That… makes sense." Declyn had to admit that the devious plan was perfect. If Natalia cuts her bond with Damon, it will be easier to approach her. They only need to find out what are Natalia's non-negotiables, and Damon to break one of them. Alphas usually have low tolerance levels. But Declyn saw another problem, "How are we going to get close to them when they expect us?"     

"Diversion," Gregory said right away. "They are investigating rogues due to the attack on the Blue River pack. We will send them one trouble after another until Guardians end up as an afterthought."     

"It would help if we knew what Alpha Natalia's ability is," Declyn said. He knew that she used a memory erasing potion on him (without desired success), but Vincent's condition was different, and Declyn suspected that was Talia's ability.     

Declyn rubbed his chin while thinking aloud, "If she can brainwash people, we need to be extra careful around her. I don't want to end up like Vin."     

Gregory stood up.     

"Where are you going?" Declyn asked.     

"To the Castle. Didn't you say we need to find out what her ability is? I bet that Vincent knows. We just need to help him remember."     

"Don't you want to hear what else I found out?"     

Gregory went back to the sofa. "This better be worth it."     

Declyn smirked. "Alpha Damon announced his Luna a while ago, but we didn't think it was important because she was a nobody."     

"Right, right." Gregory waved at Declyn to hurry up. "She was his fated mate without background."     

"Do you still think she has no background?"     

Gregory's impatience was thinning. "Can you get to the point?"     

"During their first pack run. Some people saw a tower of light."     

"A tower of light? Do you think someone opened a portal?"     

Declyn shrugged, indicating that he was not sure. "I don't have the details as the rumors are now corrupted by exaggeration. It originated in a restricted area, so they could see it from afar. Some talk about a tornado, some about silent light, but they all agree that there was something emitting a strong light that shot straight into the night sky. Even if it was not a portal, it was a spell. A strong one."     

"A spell that shouldn't belong in this realm," Gregory said breathily.     

Declyn hummed in confirmation. "Do you think that Alpha Natalia did it?"     

Gregory pursed his lips. "I don't think so. She has a wolf and an ability. Maybe more than one. I was checking as we talked, and I didn't pick up any energy disturbances around her. If she knew magic, it would be obvious. Besides, who would teach her spellcasting? Even if she grew up in the Midnight Guardians pack, they don't know such things."     

"Are you forgetting the theory that one of her parents is our kind? Who knows what the other parent is? What if Alpha Natalia grew up in another realm?"     

Gregory had to admit that it made sense. They didn't have any proof, but Gregory didn't want to dismiss that as an option because he was desperate to learn how to open portals. "If that's true, we need to find out from which realm she came and how they opened the portal. That could be the key to finding our people, Declyn." They didn't have any proof that Guardians went into a different realm, but how else would they explain sudden thinning of their population?     

"And that is why we shouldn't anger Alpha Natalia," Declyn said. "I'm not saying we should give up, but if she suspects our involvement with anything bad happening, there will be no way for her to cooperate with us. Actually, without us knowing from where she came from and what's hiding in there, it could backfire."     


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