The Alpha's Bride

A fresh start

A fresh start

2Distracted by the unpleasant thoughts of Nora, instead of going to the car, Talia walked into the forest. Damon was one step behind her.     

As they moved further into the foliage, Talia's thoughts expanded to more than just Nora. Memories of people looking down on Talia and calling her names changed one after another. Marcy, Anna and her gang of Omegas, Cassie, Lisa, Alpha Magnus, Elders, Alpha Edward... they looked at Talia like she was dirty, like she didn't belong there. In the attic, in the kitchen, in the dining room, in the study, at the party, at the meeting of Alphas. Who were they to decide if she should be somewhere or not?     

Talia wondered how difficult it will be for people to accept witches as part of their normal when they couldn't accept one little Talia.     

After an unknown measure of time, Talia's legs stopped moving. She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds that came from all directions. Leaves rustled under the breeze, birds chirped, something shuffled in the bushes… a branch snapped in the distance. Talia was aware that there were many animals in the vicinity, yet they were all busy with their own matters and didn't bother with the humans that were standing there. It was peaceful.     

Damon didn't move a muscle, but Talia knew he was right there, watching her.     

"Come…", she called without opening her eyes. "I need you to hold me."     

As soon as those words left her lips, Damon's chest pressed on her back and his arms closed around her.     

Talia released a slow breath while sinking into his embrace.     

"This is all I need to be happy.", Talia said. "Don't let go, Damon."     

"I will never let go, kitten…", he murmured into her hair. "Even if the world collapses, I won't let go of you."     

Talia's lips lifted into a smile as she felt his emotions pour into her. His need to be by her side was overwhelming.     

She wished they could stay like that forever, but they had a million things to do, and she had to address one point.     

"You don't approve that I let them go.", Talia said. That was not a question. During their time in the dungeon, Damon didn't speak much, and his expression didn't change, but Talia could feel his disapproval when she said that Ashley, Heather, and Jill can leave.     

Damon kissed the back of her head before responding. "I know that Nora went on your nerves more than the others, but experience taught me that the ones who oppose you openly are easier to handle than the ones who have sinister thoughts behind a smile and fake submission."     

"We can't live our lives while doubting everyone.", Talia said.     

"Our lives will be extremely short if we trust everyone."     

Talia turned to face him so she can look into his icy-blue eyes that she could drown in. She heard the story about his parents. They were good leaders, surrounded by people who were following them willingly, and they died because someone betrayed them, someone who was in their circle. Unfortunately, their circle was so open that Damon never figured out who was the culprit, and that caused Damon to close himself, and other than Caden and Stephanie, and later Talia, he didn't let anyone in.     

Being alone shielded Damon from fake allies who will backstab him, but that's not a way to live a life either.     

"Isn't there a middle?", Talia asked.     

Damon shrugged. "You believe that people are inherently good, and when they do something wrong, you justify their actions. However, keep in mind that only people close to you can betray you."     

"We have each other, and our friends. As for others, they need a chance to prove their loyalty."     

"Or a chance to backstab us.", Damon added.     

Talia exhaled helplessly while wondering if she was too naïve, or if Damon was too cautious. Maybe a bit of both.     

She leaned into him and took a deep breath, allowing his scent of the forest and the dark chocolate to fill her system.     

"No matter what's going on, your proximity makes everything better.", she said.     

Damon chuckled while tightening his hold on her. "That is one point we agree on."     

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Talia frowned at the thought of how this was a calm before the storm. Technically, she had nothing to do until after dinner, but with every passing minute, she was becoming more aware of what awaited them. Tonight.     

The plan was for Talia to miss the ceremony because she will be preparing the location for the ritual to remove black runes. Evanora told her that the location needs to be selected shortly before the ritual, as the rising full moon will show her the way and she needs to follow the energies in order to identify the best spot. Damon will leave halfway through the ceremony to join Talia, and if all goes well, by the time Gideon completes the ceremony, Damon will be free from dark magic, Sapa will be back, and they can lead the pack run. It sounded simple, yet Talia feared that something will go wrong. Something always went wrong, but she refused to give in to negativity.     

"I want us to treat tonight as a fresh start.", she said.     

Damon smiled a little. "Every day is a fresh start with you." He really meant it. "When I wake up and I see your face, it's like a cleanse that washes away all negativity from the past, and the only thing I see is the bright future with you."     

Talia was interested to hear more. "Tell me about that future, Damon."     

"I see the two of us leading the Dark Howlers pack. Maya and Caden are managing things well, which should give us plenty of free time, but you are busy because Axel is pestering you with things he should be able to handle on his own. Many others will want to hear your opinion about current matters, and your girlfriends will want to take you shopping, to the spa, and those afternoon tea parties, but no matter how busy you are, between saving the world and enjoying with your friends, you will always find time for me and our kids."     

"Kids?", Talia asked breathily.     

"Mhm…", Damon confirmed with a hum. "They will have your hair and your eyes. I will teach them to fight. They will be brave like their father and righteous like their mother. We will have five pups. Two boys and three girls…"     

Talia stifled a laugh. "Five?" Did he think of her as a baby machine? "How about we start with one?"     

Damon licked his lips in slow motion. "Sounds like a plan, Mrs. Blake."     

Damon leaned to capture her lips with his and he was delighted when he pushed her down on the grass and she didn't resist.     

His kitten was getting bolder by the day and he loved it.     


This content is contracted and published exclusively on the WebNovel platform (W e b n o v e l . c o m). Thank you for supporting the author by reading this novel from the original source.     

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