The Alpha's Bride

Back where they belong (2)

Back where they belong (2)

3Damon's brows came together, and he wanted to say how things were not so simple and that his concerns were genuine, but Talia was quick to put her fingers over his mouth.     3

"I know what you are going to say, Damon, but don't. Not now. Now it's just the two of us and I won't allow anyone to spoil this moment."     

Damon didn't want to spoil any second they shared, but the dangers were real, and he couldn't stop worrying that one day she will disappear, and he won't be able to prevent it from happening. But she was right there, pleading for a few moments of normalcy where she won't worry about enemies that were invisible and all around them, and how could he say no to that?     

Damon's shoulders relaxed and his lips moved to kiss fingers that were pressing there.     

'I love you, kitten.', his voice sounded in her head, and he enjoyed the way her eyes lit up in response.     

"Make love to me, Damon. Make me forget about everything beyond the two of us. Remind me that I belong in your embrace and no one will ever jeopardize that."     

Damon cursed himself internally. Talia was the one who needed comforting, yet instead of being her shield, he was adding to her worries.     

In a few swift moves, Damon removed Talia's clothes and carried her into the shower that was steaming by now.     

"I love you, kitten", he said, this time using his voice while tracing her jaw with the tips of his fingers. "I won't let anyone put their hands on you. You are mine. Mine to touch, mine to kiss, mine to hold, mine to love."     

Talia could feel his confidence and resolve swelling, and her smile reflected in her eyes. "I am yours, and you are mine. We belong together, and no one, absolutely no one will get to separate us. You have the strength, I have the power, and for everything else, we will get enough syringes that wipe off memory from everyone who dares to stand in the way of our happiness."     

Damon chuckled at Talia's cheeky words, and he would think it was a joke, but she already used that concoction on Alpha Magnus and on a Guardian, and Damon had no doubts that she will do whatever was necessary to assure their safety. And he would do the same.     

Damon's lips descended on hers in a slow and gentle kiss that made her desire more, much more of Damon, and he was eager to satisfy those cravings.     

His fingers moved carefully to trace the curves of her body, in perfect sync with his lips, tugging on her nerve endings and setting her body on fire that couldn't be extinguished by the water that pattered on them.     

Talia reached for his erection, but he blocked her by holding her wrist.     

"Let me make you feel good", he said, and she understood that Damon wanted to be in charge.     

"Don't make me wait too long.", Talia said coyly.     

Damon had no intention of dragging this more than necessary. "Let's wash away the scents from that meeting, and then take it to bed." Too many Alpha males touched her, and Damon wanted to scrub every trace they might have left behind, starting with that hand that Alpha Edward kissed. Seeing Talia's small frown of disapproval, Damon licked his lips and spoke in a low voice, "These few minutes will be worth it, kitten. I want to savor every inch of you and write your name with my hips."     

As soon as he finished that sentence, Talia grabbed the shower gel impatiently.     

"You wash me, and I will wash you. It will be faster.", Talia said, and Damon burst into a hearty laugh.     

Seeing her rubbing her hands to create bubbles, Damon got an idea.     

"How about you soap me up, and then you rub yourself on me? In that way, we will get washed at the same… ahhh!", Damon's words ended with a lustful sound when Talia's soapy hands grabbed his family's jewels.     

She massaged his scrotum with her left hand while her right one pumped his erection and Damon blanked out for a moment because the shower gel provided lubrication and the sparks of their bond made him nearly come.     

Talia was happy that she caught him by surprise, but Damon needed only a few seconds to compose himself and come up with a counterattack.     

Damon's head dipped for his lips to latch on her neck, where his mark is, and Talia's whole body shook when he kissed her there. It was such a sensitive spot, and he knew it.     

A hearty moan escaped her lips, and she could feel him grinning against her skin.     

Damon was relishing the moment of Talia melting under his newly found attack on her pleasure centers and his knees nearly gave in when Talia kissed the spot where she marked him. He forgot that by lowering himself to kiss her neck, he exposed his neck to her as well, but he had no regrets whatsoever because Talia was clinging to him with the urgency that made it impossible for him to hold back.     

Damon's arms moved on their own to hold onto her ass and lift her so that he can pin her against the wall of the shower enclosure, and he hummed in approval when her legs connected at the ankles behind him.     

Talia threw her head back when he entered her in one powerful jab and her jaw fell slack as he guided her to Heaven expertly with the movements of his hips. Was he writing her name for real? Talia was not sure, but she knew it was fantastic.     

"Look at me!", he growled, and Talia's eyes snapped open.     

The eye contact as he was sliding in and out of her was scandalous, yet it felt natural as well.     

Intimacy with Damon was pure, like that was the way it was supposed to be. His absolute acceptance allowed Talia to embrace this lustful side of her without any shame. With Damon, she was able to express her emotions and desires openly, knowing that he won't make fun of her or tell her it was wrong. He was her home in every sense of that word and she wouldn't want him any other way.     

Talia's hand disappeared into his hair, grabbing a handful and pulling his head back so that she can access his neck which he bared for her willingly.     

"Fuck!", Damon cursed under his breath when she sucked on her mark, sending jolts of electricity straight into his groin area, and he was confident that he will come within seconds.     

Damon licked his mark on her neck in return, making her moan and shudder. And just when he thought that he should slow down the movements of his hips, Talia's body tensed, and she burst into a cry to heaven. Her insides tightened around his shaft, pushing him into overdrive, and he was delighted that she came first.     

It took them some time for their breathing to stabilize and Damon lifted his head to look at Talia and to confirm that her goofy grin matched his.     

He kissed her on the lips unhurriedly before keeping her to stand on her shaky legs.     

Damon and Talia hugged and kissed while warm water rinsed their bodies, and then they moved to the bed for another round. And another.     


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