The Alpha's Bride

Visiting prisoners (2)

Visiting prisoners (2)

0Ashley, Heather, and Jill recognized Talia as the woman who was the reason why they ended up in the dungeon, and the way Damon glared at them while standing behind Talia with his hands in his pockets told them that Talia's status didn't change.      1

Three women didn't know that Talia was their second Alpha, but it was obvious Talia was important so none of them dared to look directly at Talia, fearing it will be seen as a provocation.     

Talia approved of their docile behavior, without a trace of previous arrogance, which told Talia that they learned their lesson. Talia noticed that Ashley's, Heather's, and Jill's clothes were messy, but otherwise, they were in a good condition. Well, even if they were tortured, as werewolves, they would heal quickly unless wolfsbane was used.      

"Were you treated well?", Talia asked three women who nodded in response without lifting their gazes.     

"Did Alpha Damon change his mind?", a voice drifted in from the hallway. "Or did Alpha Edward call?" It was Nora.     

Nora paused at the door, and she frowned at the sight of Talia. "Why are you here?"     

"Miss Nora, if you could stand there and listen, that would be appreciated.", Talia said.     

Nora turned to look at Damon. "Alpha Damon, is this how you treat guests from the Red Moon pack? Do you think Alpha Edward will approve of…?"     

"Shut up!", Damon squeezed through his teeth. "Alpha Talia told you to stand there and listen. If your small brain can't process those simple instructions, you will be gagged."     

Nora frowned and her legs moved to stand next to the wall. Did he say, Alpha Talia? What nonsense was that?     

"I hope that your time here allowed you to reflect on your actions and that it won't happen again.", Talia said.     

Ashley, Heather, and Jill looked at Talia, unsure if they understood that as a hint of them being released from the dungeon. Can they really go home? None of them really committed a crime, but in the territory of the Dark Howlers pack, Damon's word was the law and if he puts them in the dungeon, they could stay there forever and no one would dare to say a word, so they stayed put without moving, hoping to get clarification on their status.     

"Tonight is the pack run.", Talia said. "Shaman Gideon will conduct the ceremony to bless the Dark Howlers pack, and Alpha Damon will announce that he found his fated mate. Damon and I wish that all members of our pack are present so that we can all come together as a unified pack."     

Nora snorted. "Fated mate? Are you saying that Marcy is his fated mate?"     

"It seems you didn't hear the latest news, Miss Nora.", Talia said stiffly. "Miss Marcy is not with us anymore. She decided to travel, and she left. As for Alpha Damon's fated mate, you are looking at her."     

Nora couldn't believe this. "You? The assistant? How convenient.", Nora said sarcastically.     

Talia's patience snapped. "What's your problem?"     

"My problem is that I got imprisoned without doing anything wrong.", Nora responded. "I came here to escort the future Luna of the Dark Howlers pack, and to ensure her position is stable, yet now you said she decided to travel? I'm not buying it."     

Talia couldn't believe Nora's hypocrisy. "Are you telling me that you were so concerned about Marcy's position as Damon's Luna that you decided to come into his study in the middle of the night and seduce him?"     

"Why are you making it sound like it's a big deal? Every Alpha has a few women by his side."     

"Maybe that's how things are done in the Red Moon pack.", Talia said grimly. "But just if you didn't notice, you are a long way from home, Miss Nora, and things here are done differently."     

Nora gritted her teeth. "Is that the reason to throw me into the dungeon? And who knows what you did to Marcy? Wait until I tell Alpha Edward about this! Does he know about it? What about my father?"     

"None of them cares about you, Miss Nora.", Talia responded. "With Miss Marcy gone, you are not welcome here. However, Commander George and future Alpha James are still our guests, and we don't want to make things inconvenient for them, so you have the option of leaving home right now, or..."     

"I'm not welcome?", Nora interrupted Talia. "How dare you!"     

Talia didn't want to waste any more time on Nora. It was obvious that if they let her go now, Nora will only cause problems, and they had so many issues to deal with already. Talia turned to Klark. "Take her back to her cell. When our guests from the Red Moon pack leave, they can take Miss Nora with them."     

"What!? NO!", Nora shrieked while flailing her limbs to get out of Klark's grip, but it was in vain because he was much stronger. "I will tell Alpha Edward and my father about this! You will be facing dire consequences!"     

When Nora's shouts died from down the hallway, Talia gave Damon a sour look and even though she didn't say anything, he knew what she was thinking. She was blaming him for shagging Nora and Nora was one woman he had difficulty forgiving himself because it happened after he met Talia.     

'I was stupid.', Damon said in his defense through their private mind-link.     

'And horny.'     

'I am still horny, but just for you, kitten.'     

'Is that supposed to make me feel better?'     

Damon pouted. 'If I knew that coming to the dungeon will make us have this conversation, I wouldn't bring you here.'     

Talia knew it was not fair, but she couldn't help but feel dejected whenever Damon's inglorious past with women resurfaced, and there was nothing she could do to make it better. She decided not to think about it.     

Talia turned to Ashley, Heather, and Jill. "Now you know. I am Damon's fated mate, and tonight it will be announced to everyone that Alpha Damon and I are equals. I don't want to dwell on what you did in the past, but I hope that going forward you will conduct yourself with dignity and not disparage others. As members of the Dark Howlers pack, I expect you to lead by example. Show compassion and understanding to less fortunate ones; you don't need to help them, but don't step on them either. Treat this as a fresh start. If you agree to those conditions, you are free to leave, and I hope to see you tonight at the pack run."     

Of course, Ashley, Heather, and Jill agreed. They apologized to Talia and thanked her for letting them go, and then Lieutenant Klark arranged for his warriors to drive them to Darkbourne.     

Talia needed a moment to clear her head after the unpleasant interaction with Nora.     

Talia hoped that Nora will grasp the reality that she was not at home, and that she needed to behave, but Talia realized she was wrong. Nora won't learn, however, it was not Talia's job to teach her how the world works and if Nora decided to live in her illusion of being important, she can do so, but not in front of Talia.     

Talia hoped that George and James will take Nora to the Red Moon pack, and then Nora won't be Talia's problem anymore.     


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