The Alpha's Bride

Visiting prisoners (1)

Visiting prisoners (1)

1It was mid-afternoon, and Talia wanted to do one more thing before the pack run.      2

Damon didn't understand why she wanted to visit the dungeon, but he went with her because there was no way he will let her out of his sight.     

It was a warm afternoon. Talia opened the window of Damon's black armored Lexus SUV, and she stuck her head outside, enjoying the wind that was amplified by the movement of the car.     

Damon watched Talia's bright smile as her hair fluttered wildly behind her, and he hoped that she will be able to smile like that forever. She was laughing and squealing while trying to catch butterflies as they drove next to them, and Damon loved that such simple things could make her happy.     

Eventually, the car took a turn on a side road that was not used often, and the ride became bumpy, so Talia got back inside to sit properly.     

"Is Lisa gone from the dungeon?", Talia asked Damon.     

"Yes. Stephanie picked her up before lunchtime.", Damon confirmed before asking, "Are you sure it was wise to let her go?"     

Talia was not sure, but… "We can't keep her imprisoned forever. I hope that she joins the pack run tonight." Seeing Damon's questioning look, she explained, "Lisa never belonged anywhere. As a child, she was taken to the Lightclaw pack where she was treated as a guest, and when she returned here, it was for a visit. Once she sees our people together, she will realize that life can be good even if she is not the Luna."     

Damon knew that Talia's words made sense. She was considerate and caring, but that didn't mean it will apply to Lisa. However, he didn't want to spoil this for Talia with his doubts. If it works, it would be great, and if not... Stephanie can resume her original plan to leave or Lisa will end up in the dungeon again.     

"Since Lisa is not there, why are we going?", Damon asked. It was a strange time to visit the dungeon.     

"There are other women who did less wrong than Lisa. I think they should be freed, but first, I want them to see us together as a final warning that if they cross the line again…", Talia paused when she saw Damon's confused expression. "You have no idea about whom I'm talking about. Right?"     

Damon had a hunch that those women were related to him so he didn't dare to ask, but he couldn't just leave it be either. "Why would I think about any woman other than you, kitten?", Damon asked. "In my eyes, they are all insignificant."     

Talia rolled her eyes at his cheesy lines, but she appreciated that he was trying to smoothen things out by pointing out that she was special.     

As Damon stopped the car in front of the dungeon, they were greeted by Lieutenant Klark and four more warriors who were standing in attention.     

Damon turned off the engine and made his way to the other side of the car to get the door for Talia.     

Talia put her hand in Damon's that was waiting for her and smiled. It was a small gesture that warmed her heart and she wondered if he would continue treating her like that for the years to come.     

Ignoring five people who looked their way in anticipation of their presence being acknowledged, Damon pulled Talia onto him and wrapped his arms around her.     

"What are you thinking about, kitten?", he asked with a smile.     

"I love when you open the door for me.", she admitted her thoughts. "There was a time when I thought it was magical. And it still is." Every moment with Damon was magical and it filled her chest with warm and fuzzy feelings.     

She lifted her hand to touch his cheek. "Sometimes, I still can't believe that you are mine."     

He turned his head to kiss the inside of her palm. "It is I who can't believe that I found a perfect mate." There was a time when he thought of mates as nuisances, something that would obstruct him, yet here was Talia, shining brightly with her presence that urged him to do better. For her.     

"Things will change after tonight, kitten.", Damon said. "Everyone will know who you are, and how important you are. The pack will be united and stronger than ever under two Alphas. I can't wait."     

Talia's eyes darted to her right, in the direction where Klark and four more warriors stood. They were pretending to look at their feet, but Talia knew they were watching them, and maybe for the first time in her life, Talia didn't care if anyone was watching. Her previous experiences taught her that every moment with Damon was precious, and she didn't want to waste it.     

Her arms snaked around his neck, and she got on her toes, and then she kissed him.     

'I love you, Damon', her voice sounded in his head, and she opened her emotions for Damon to feel how much she admired and appreciated him.     

Damon groaned as he returned her kisses, and he wished that those five soldiers scram so that he can push Talia down on the grass right there.     

Eventually, Damon and Talia inched away from each other.     

"Lieutenant Klark", Damon called. "Alpha Talia would like to visit a few prisoners. Give us a list of people who are currently incarcerated."     

"Yes, sir!", Klark responded before dashing inside to return with a tablet.     

Talia frowned when she saw more than a dozen names there, and some were listed as imprisoned many months ago. She wondered what did they do, but she left those questions for later. She picked four names. "Can I see them?"     

"Yes, Alpha Talia.", Klark responded and gestured inside. "Do you want to visit their cells, or should we get them into the interrogation room?"     

Talia was curious to see inside. "If you can show us to their cells, that would be great."     


Klark led the way two levels underground and gestured to the right. "Ashley and Heather are in the next two cells, Jill is the last one on the left. The female from the Red Moon pack is on the third level."     

"Can you get them all in one cell?", Talia asked. She had the same message for all four of them.     

Ashley was brought into Heather's cell, and both of them were visibly surprised to see Talia and Damon.     

Talia remembered Ashley and Heather talking smack to her in front of the library in the town square of Darkbourne, and then how they tried to make her look bad when they complained to Damon in his study, unaware that Talia was right there, listening to their lies. Talia wondered if all she-wolves had that inflated sense of self-importance that could be enhanced with lies. But these two women were not those proud she-wolves anymore. Now they were just two females who held their heads down in submission, looking harmless.     

Talia turned to observe the cell that had one bed that was actually only a futon on the floor, and a blanket. The wall had chains dangling off it, and that was it.     

Jill was brought in, and she quickly moved to stand next to Ashley and Heather, and she lowered her head.     

Talia's eyes narrowed at Jill as she recollected the scene from the bathroom in the Shifters nightclub where Jill was talking smack until Talia made her kneel on the tiles.      


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