The Alpha's Bride

Morning cuddles (J&C)

Morning cuddles (J&C)


James refused to wake up. He was holding onto a soft and warm body that smelled of wild berries, and he had the most delicious dream which dissipated with every next knock that sounded like it was striking the back of his head.     


Eventually, James jolted out of his sleep and scrambled to get to the door.     

"What!?", he snapped when he saw Maya's smiling face and eyes that observed his disheveled appearance with interest.     

"Lunch is in fifteen minutes.", Maya said. "You should join us because Damon and Talia will want to discuss what happened in the meeting and come up with strategies."     

James nodded curtly at Maya and waited for her to start walking down the hallway before closing the door.     

His lips lifted into a smile at the sight of Cornelia sleeping on his bed.     

Last night they returned from the Lightclaw pack, and they spent the rest of the night talking. Well, James did most of the talking. He told her about his childhood at the Red Moon pack, how his father believes he will be the next Alpha, how he doesn't have the aura, and he has about two years until everything collapses on him.     

James was a nervous wreck, but he pushed through it and told Cornelia he was a fraud, and she knew that everyone respected him because they thought he will be a powerful figure in the future.     

James was pleasantly surprised that Cornelia listened to all with interest, and she asked questions, without judging him.     

It was close to dawn when Cornelia's eyes turned heavy and she fell asleep, and James had no desire to part from her. He dared to move her to lay on his pillow and cover her with the blanket. He sat on the edge of the bed and observed her sleeping form when she turned in her sleep and hugged his arm and he understood that as an invitation, so he scooted under the blanket with Cornelia and slowly, very slowly, he snaked his arms around her. She fit in there perfectly, and she smelled great, and he could only imagine how better all that would be without pesky clothes between them.     

James wanted to lay like that forever, and he didn't want to miss a single moment, but then he fell asleep as well.     

And now he was awake, Cornelia's warmth still lingered on his chest, and he craved to hold her just a bit longer, so he carefully went back to bed.     

He sat on the edge of the bed, lifted the blanket, and leaned to rest his upper body on his elbow while lifting his legs up when…     

"Mmm…", Cornelia mumbled as her eyes fluttered open. She blinked in confusion. "Where…?"     

James was quick to lay on the bed like he was there all along.     

"Shh… sleep, Cora. There is still time.", he said while pressing her head to rest on his shoulder.     

Cornelia's eyes snapped open. "James? How did we…?"     

She pushed herself to get up, but James held her down.     

"We talked until late, and you fell asleep. I was a gentleman. Check. All your clothes are there." He paused when she stopped struggling to get up, but his hand was still on her shoulder as her whole body was tense, like she was about to bolt out of the bed.     

"Can you relax? I like holding you. Can I hold you for a few more minutes?", he asked.     

"What will happen in a few minutes?"     

James cheered internally. She didn't say no. "Maya stopped by to say that lunch will be soon. Until then, let's wake up slowly."     

"I'm awake."     

James chuckled. "You are not making this easy for me, Cora. I know you are awake, but I want to hold you. We call this cuddling. This is what people who like each other do."     

Cornelia paused. "You like me?"     

"I'm not answering that until you stop thinking about fleeing this bed."     

He cocked an eyebrow at her and she relaxed against him.     

James hummed in approval and released her shoulder so that his arms can circle fully around her form.     

"James?", Cornelia called.     


"You didn't answer my question."     

"Which one?" Her proximity clouded everything else, and he really didn't remember. Was there a question?     

"Do you like me?"     

James was not sure how to answer this. Just a yes wouldn't suffice. He stuck his face in the crook of her neck and took a deep breath, allowing her sweet scent of wild berries to fill his system and make him dizzy. It was like a drug, and he couldn't get enough of it.     

"It's much more than a like.", James spoke, and his lips tickled her neck, making her skin break into goosebumps. The arousal swelled in the pit of her stomach because James was holding her, and he was warm and firm and his hold was solid, but she pressed her legs together so her body stays in check.     

James moved his head to look into her dark eyes that stared at him with anticipation.     

"Cora, we met only two days ago, yet I yearned for you when we were apart, and when you are this close, it feels right. You dazzled me with your beauty and your intellect put me in awe. I want to hold your hand and touch you, and if it's up to me, I will never let go. I know I don't feel the bond fully, but I am confident in this much: I am already yours."     

Cornelia blinked once, twice, and then she smiled a little. "Are you sure you are not just sweet-talking me into sex?"     

James' eyebrows shot up. "Why do you think I would…" His words were cut short when she grabbed his erection under the blanket.     

"I can feel you rubbing on me.", she said like it was a totally normal thing.     

James felt his cheeks heating and he knew he was blushing, but there was nothing he could do about it. Was he really rubbing on her? That was a possibility.     

"I can't help it. You are beyond hot. But I promise not to do anything against your will."     

Cornelia narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously, and James was quick to remind her, "Didn't we just sleep next to each other? If I wanted to do something, I would. I will always respect you and your wishes."     

Cornelia released him and he felt the absence of her touch down there. He really wanted her to hold him a bit more and maybe she could rub it a little bit. Or a lot.     

"I believe you.", she said and leaned back on him. "You are a good kid, James."     

James was alerted. Did she call him a kid? "I am not a child, Cora. I am a man. Your man."     

Cornelia stifled a giggle. "Whatever you say."     

James was happy when her arm moved around his waist. She technically hugged him! But then… did this mean that they can hug and that's it? Can he touch her a little bit? And what about kissing? Or will that be breaking his word about respecting her? He wanted to clarify, but he didn't want to end up being too pushy, so he swallowed his questions and decided to leave those for later. Holding her close like that and inhaling her scent will be enough, for now.     


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