The Alpha's Bride

(Almost) Going home

(Almost) Going home

0During their short ride to the plane, Talia and Damon spoke through their private mind-link, careful so that no one overhears them.      1

Talia told Damon that she injected Dex with the same potion that Marcy got, and she also admitted that Alpha Magnus got a dose of the same after her soft approach failed.     

Damon couldn't believe this. Marcy was one thing, but Dex was a Guardian and Alpha Magnus was a powerful Alpha. If she made one mistake, things could end badly. But he knew Talia did it to save herself, and he didn't have time to complain because Talia told him that Guardians were witches and that she suspected there was more to the Sphere of Power than what Dex told them.     

Damon agreed that the business with that spherical object was fishy. If it was just into looking at someone's potential or an unknown future, they wouldn't insist on Talia re-doing the test.     

"How did Guardians get their current positions?", Talia asked, this time aloud because if anyone was eavesdropping, it would be strange for Talia and Damon to not talk at all.     

Damon was not sure. "As far as I can remember from what I've read, they were there. We can look into old records and see if there is anything." Damon was not optimistic because he read a mountain of books and old ledgers as the future Alpha and if there was something about the origins of the Guardians, he would remember it.     

The Dark Howlers pack had a lot of history, but it was mostly about them and what was known to the general public.     

The pack that had the widest collection of not-so-publicized historical data, would be the Red Moon pack. As they attacked and absorbed other packs, they took documentation as well, so Damon knew that their best chance of finding out about Guardians was to get their hands on what the Red Moon pack had.     

'You know, kitten…', Damon shared his thoughts through their mind-link. 'What if Marcy's knowledge about witches being used for breeding was not because of Cornelia's coven, or because of the Midnight Guardians pack? What if it had something to do with the Guardians themselves? They seemed quite adamant about protecting you. I'm not saying they don't have ulterior motives, but what if their females were used for breeding?'     

That was a theory Talia didn't consider and she started feeling sorry for them, but before that feeling sprouted into something to hold onto, Talia cut it with, 'We don't have enough information. Let's talk to James and see if he knows something about the Guardians. That boy is a walking encyclopedia.'     

Damon agreed and added, 'Use your current position to look into archives of the Midnight Guardian pack. Maybe the similarity in naming is not a coincidence.'     

'Are you saying that the Guardians are related to the Midnight Guardians pack?', Talia asked. Ah, if this was the case, she should talk to Cassandra. As the Oracle, Cassandra should be knowledgeable about historical stuff. But Cassandra was stuck with witches, possibly used as their lab rat.      

'Anything is possible.', Damon broke Talia's thoughts about Cassandra's fate with the witches. 'We should also talk to George. He is definitely in the Red Moon pack with an agenda and I want to know what it is.'     

At this time, they reached the plane that four warriors from the Dark Howlers pack were guarding. They were surprised that Damon returned so quickly, and without Caden, but their second Alpha was there. Didn't they leave her behind in the packhouse? The four warriors quickly looked away when they saw that Talia undid her seatbelt and moved to sit on Damon's lap.     

Talia sighed when Damon's arms wrapped around her. "We have so many things going on, and the only thing I want to do is cuddle."     

Damon relished the feeling of Talia's body pressing on him. "We will handle all those things while cuddling. How about that?"     

"You are a man who provides solutions, Mr. Blake.", Talia said teasingly.     

"Only for you, Mrs. Blake. Only for you."     

He kissed the top of her head and Talia sank into him, wishing that they can stay like that forever.     

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Damon and Talia moved into the plane to wait for Caden to return, and four warriors kept guard outside as Talia and Damon continued discussing current matters.     

Damon started with, "Is it safe to talk in here?"     

"Yes.", Talia confirmed. "Liseli can't do anything about electronic devices, but she can feel if anyone is using magic to spy on us."     

The car was provided by the Guardians, but the plane was Damon's, and his warriors never left it unattended, so Damon had confidence that there was no spying equipment onboard.     

Before they resumed talking, Talia had one thing to take care of: call Maya.     

"You are alive!", Maya exclaimed as soon as she picked up the call. "Do you know how stressful things are here? I'm stuck in the room, unsure if I can go out or not, and it's almost breakfast time! Didn't we agree you will contact me to let me know you are fine? I'm going nuts here!"     

Talia ignored Maya's drama and she was quick to give updates. "Meeting is over. Things ended as good as they could be, no one died, and we are ready to return home."     

"Do you want me to get Cornelia to pick you up? How much I know, she spent the night in James' room."     

Talia thought how teleportation could save them a lot of time, but considering that the Guardians were close, and probably watching, Talia decided that safety comes first.     

"Don't disturb them. We will use the plane, as soon as Caden returns."     

Maya was alerted. "Where is Caden?"     

"He went to escort Meg, and he is on his way back. He should be back in about…" Talia paused to see that Damon's eyes lost focus and then he showed her with fingers, for Talia to continue, "Fifteen minutes. We are waiting for him so we can fly home. You can expect us in two hours. Did my guards figure out I'm missing?"     

"Not yet."     

"Good!", Talia exclaimed. "Can you tell them I'm sleeping in? Make sure the backyard is clear so I can sneak into the room the same way I left, and they will have no clue I was gone for the night."     

Maya approved. She would rather make up a story about how Talia was still sleeping than face the chaos when those six people figure out that they lost Talia and were guarding Maya the whole night.     

Talia ended the call to see Damon frowning at her. This talk reminded him that he told her to stay put, and he even let her pick her own guards, only for Talia to give them a slip. How can she be so reckless? So many things could have gone wrong! What if rogues waited for her? What if Alpha Magnus threw her in the dungeon? What if Alpha Edward decided to ambush her? What if Guardians decided to keep her against her will? The more Damon thought about it, the more his anger swelled, yet Talia was worried about the morale of those useless guards! Maybe he should send them back to survival training.     

"You are set on sparing their feelings?", Damon squeezed through his teeth.      

Talia smiled guiltily. "It's not their fault that I am the master of sneaking. Even their Alpha can't track me…"     

"Fine!", Damon cut her off. He didn't want to be reminded of how Talia gave him the slip. More than once. "Spare their feelings. I'm sure they will grow into fine warriors as you coddle them."     

Talia giggled and moved to sit on Damon's lap. "Kiss me, Damon."     

Damon cocked an eyebrow in pretend anger. "Are you trying to change the topic?"     

"Caden will be here in fifteen minutes, and I want to make the most of the privacy with my mate."     

Damon's passionate kiss came with urgency because he missed her proximity immensely.     


This content is contracted and published exclusively on the WebNovel platform (W e b n o v e l . c o m). Thank you for supporting the author by reading this novel from the original source.     

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