The Alpha's Bride

White strings [Bonus chapter]

White strings [Bonus chapter]

2Author's note:     1

Thank you, SilaMelei, for the Magic Castle gifted on May 2, 2022!     

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Note: comments that matter, gifts, and votes are available only on the WebNovel platform (w e b n o v e l . c o m), where this novel is published.     

Thank you for reading my story from the original source and not supporting people who are publishing my work without permission!     

Now back to the novel... :)     

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Talia and Damon exited the building when they heard a breathy voice behind them.     

"Alpha Talia! Please… hold on…"     

Talia turned to see Dex, the Guardian who was telling her about the Sphere of Power. She had a good impression of him.     

"Yes, Dex?", Talia asked when the man reached them.     

He was nearly as tall as Damon but less muscular, and his face with fine wrinkles around his hazel eyes gave him an age of about forty years-old, but since Liseli identified them as witches, Talia guessed that four centuries was probably a closer estimate of his real age compared to four decades.     

"Is there anything I can do to change your mind, so you re-take the test with the Sphere of Power?", he asked.     

"No.", Talia rejected firmly. The more they insisted that she takes it, the more she felt there was something fishy about it, but she knew that she won't get her answers if she just asks for them.     

Talia wondered, if they were witches, were they also about striking deals like Evanora? Talia didn't want to have anything to do with such tricky business. She knew that the Guardians probably had a good reason to conceal their true nature from others, but how could they expect her to join them or to trust them if they didn't reveal something so basic?     

Seeing his disappointed expression, Talia decided to explain. "As much as I am curious to see the maximum output I can generate, experience showed me that every time people get a hint of my strength, they try to use me in some way."     

Julian's last words still echoed in Talia's mind, making her feel like she has something moving under her skin. The idea of other Alphas using her for forcibly creating offspring was nauseating. She leaned closer into Damon, and he was quick to wrap her in his embrace.     

"It's OK, kitten…", Damon murmured closer to her ear. "I won't let anyone get close. No one will touch you."     

Damon narrowed his eyes at Dex. "Is that all or are you set on upsetting her more?"     

Dex pressed his lips into a line as he realized that Talia had no intention of changing her mind. "I understand. I didn't mean to pressure you. It's just that… I am in charge of the sphere for a long time, and I have never seen anything like it. I was just curious. That's it."     

"If there is nothing else…"     

"Alpha Talia", Dex interrupted Damon who was set on moving away with his arms around Talia. "Julian didn't mean anything bad. He was impressed by what you've shown. Not only the sphere, but your overall demeanor. You were above everyone else…" He glanced at Damon quickly. "I didn't mean to offend you."     

"I'm not offended.", Damon grumbled. "Continue."     

"With one glance, we can tell that you have amazing potential, and centuries of observation proved that werewolves either get corrupted in time or get defeated. Julian invited you because we all agreed it would be a pity for such a talent to be spoiled or… destroyed.", Dex said this last word with difficulty. "I will talk to him and see if we can arrange for another meeting where we will reveal more about ourselves. Regardless of how that ends, keep in mind that the Guardians are sworn to neutrality, and we won't force you into anything."     

Talia wiggled out of Damon's hold to face the Guardian. "That is good to hear, Dex. But the neutrality part is a problem for me. My people are facing challenges and dangers. They need guidance and help, and I can't abandon them. There are other packs where people are suffering, and I can't become a Guardian and turn a blind eye to it. So unless the neutrality changes, don't waste your breath on me."     

"Do you think you can save them all?", Dex asked.     

"Probably not.", Talia admitted. "But I don't need to. I can save one or two, and they will help others in need. What about you? Are you OK with sitting on the side and not interfering while others are being abused?"     

"What can I do?"     

"With your powers, plenty."     

Dex frowned. "What powers?"     

Talia made a face. "Come on. There is no need to pretend in front of me. I saw the runes when you sealed Alpha Aura in the conference room."     

Dex's eyes widened. "You saw the runes?"     

Talia nodded. "Yes, they were moving along the walls." She looked at Damon. "You saw them also, right?"     

Damon cocked an eyebrow in confusion. "I didn't."     

"What? How is that possible? They were right there…", Talia's voice trailed when she realized that maybe she said too much. Why was Dex staring at her like she was growing a second head?     

'You saw the runes also, right?', Talia asked Liseli.     

'I did. But maybe people without powers can't see them.'     

'Why was Damon unable to see them?'     

'It could be because Sapa is sealed.', Liseli guessed.     

Talia cursed under her breath. She just wanted to point out how the Guardians have ways to deal with Alphas, and now it seemed she revealed that she knew they were witches.     

"Can you pretend you didn't hear me mention runes?"     

"No!", Dex exclaimed. "Don't you get it? That's the sign that you are one of us. You are a Guardian."     

Talia waved her arms frantically while trying to get him to calm down, but he turned toward the building with the intention to call Julian and others.     

In her panic, Talia reached for the belt of her skirt and pulled out a small syringe. Before Dex could figure out what was going on, Talia injected him with a greenish liquid.     

"What the…?", Damon asked under his breath.     

"He will be OK.", Talia said. "This will make him forget the last few minutes. I don't want him to know I could see the runes. I will explain later."     

Damon made a face. This was another thing in a long queue of things she needed to explain.     

Talia turned to Dex. "You came after us to ask me about using the Sphere of Power again, and I refused. You promised to talk to Julian about figuring out how much more you can share about the Guardians. I am not a threat, and you won't use my people as leverage to sway me to join you. Now you will stay here and wave behind our car until we are out of sight." Talia looked at Dex while guilt was eating her up. She didn't want to erase his short-term memory, but she didn't want to risk further involvement with the Guardians either. "Goodbye, Dex."     

Talia and Damon went to the car, and Talia waved through the open window briefly before closing it and slouching into her seat.     

Damon took her left hand into his right one. Their fingers interlaced, and he kissed the back of her palm. "Are you OK?"     

"I will be."     

"We will be at the plane in ten minutes, and Caden will join us as soon as he can. Until then, I want to hear what you've been up to since I left you last night."     

Talia puffed her cheeks while wondering where to start.     

Back at the building, Dex was waving after the car until it was out of sight.     

"No luck in convincing her to come?" Julian asked.     

Dex paused. "Are we really going to let her go?"     

"If we force her, we are not better than the others.", Julian said. "If she is half as powerful as you think she is, she won't be easily caught. And once the net around her tightens, she will come to us on her own."     

"You didn't ask her about witches.", Dex said. "The white strings on the sphere were definitely witches. Do you think she found them?" He really wished that Talia re-took the test, so he could observe carefully.      

Julian shook his head. "We don't know what she found. There is a chance that she is not aware of what they are. But if I brought that up, she would become cautious. Don't worry. When she becomes one of us, she will talk." Julian observed Dex, who was frowning. "You would handle it differently?"     

Dex rubbed his chin. "I don't know. I have a feeling that we missed a golden opportunity."     

Julian paused to observe Dex carefully. "Are you OK?"     

"Yes, why?"     

Julian regarded him for a long second before brushing it off. "Nothing. Let's finish cleaning, and then we can head home."     

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