The Alpha's Bride

Meeting the Guardians (cont.) [Bonus chapter]

Meeting the Guardians (cont.) [Bonus chapter]

2Author's note:      1

Thank you, Lori_Hart, for the Magic Castle gifted on May 1, 2022!     

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Note: comments that matter, gifts, and votes are available only on the WebNovel platform (w e b n o v e l . c o m), where this novel is published.     

Thank you for reading my story from the original source and not supporting people who are publishing my work without permission!     

Now back to the novel... :)     

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Talia wondered if she heard Julian correctly. He wanted her to become a Guardian? She had no idea who Guardians were or anything about them, other than they were mysterious existences that even Alphas obey.      

"Why?", Talia asked.     

Julian was taken aback. Wasn't she listening? "As I said, your influence is impressive, and I can only imagine how it will expand as you mature as an Alpha. The fact that you can make people from different packs follow you means that you care about the people regardless of from which pack they came. That's what Guardians are. We maintain balance while remaining fair among werewolves."     

Damon had enough. "Bullshit!"     

Julian frowned at Damon. "Excuse me?"     

"You speak as you are something great. You are ghosts without connections or loyalty.", Damon said while getting closer to Talia as if he feared that she might actually accept their offer. "Talia has a pack and no heirs. Are you expecting her to leave her people behind?"     

Talia was not sure if Damon was exaggerating. She didn't think that the Guardians would ask her to abandon her people. But Damon's distress was real, and she turned to him to calm him down.     

"Hey, hey…", Talia called while putting her palm on his cheek, making him look at her, and she spoke through their private mind-link. 'You know that I won't leave you, right? You are my other half.'     

The fear of abandonment shook his core, and he grabbed her hand to hold firmly like she might disappear if his hold was not tight enough.     

'I won't leave, Damon. I won't leave.', Talia chanted. 'You are my home. If I go anywhere, you are coming with me. Didn't we say that we will always be together?'     

Damon released a sharp breath, together with some of his anxiety. 'I know, kitten. I know that you wouldn't leave in your right mind, but it took one stupid spell to erase you and our bond from my existence. I felt emptiness. I knew I was missing something important, but I couldn't remember you. What if the same happens to you?'     

'Then, you will find me and make me remember.', Talia responded. 'We are soulmates, Damon. Two halves of a whole. No matter what happens, we will find each other.'     

Talia looked into his icy-blue eyes that stirred with emotions, and spoke to him for everyone to hear, "I want to find out what this is about."     

Only when Damon nodded in agreement did Talia turn to look at Julian, who observed them with curiosity.     

"Is it true?" Talia asked. "Does being a Guardian mean that I need to leave my pack? What else should I leave? My family? My friends? My lover?"     

Julian spread his hands. "Don't think of it like leaving your pack. It's more like watching over all packs. There is no need to be so defensive. No one will force you into anything. Our goal is to remain objective."     

"Objective?" Talia asked. "Is that how you call when people are suffering, and you don't interfere to help? Today's meeting was set up by Alpha Edward to corner Damon and if he succeeded, thousands of people would suffer. Do you have any idea about the consequences if Tony and I didn't show up today?"     

Talia's accusatory tone did not ruffle Julian.     

"Our job is to observe, not to interfere. If you see two birds fighting for a worm in the forest, will you help one, or will you let the stronger one win? The stronger one won't need your help, and if you help the weaker one, you will only prolong their suffering because tomorrow you won't be there to provide them with a meal."     

Talia couldn't believe this! The Guardians were observing werewolves like some kind of Gods who didn't want to interfere with mortals.     

"The real question for you as a future Guardian is: if Alpha Damon is involved in a conflict, will you be able to maintain impartial?", Julian asked.     

Talia pressed her lips into a line. Why was he talking like he never had anyone dear to him?      

'Even if you tell him that Damon is your mate, he won't understand. He doesn't have a wolf', Liseli said in Talia's mind.     

Talia was surprised. Considering that they were the ones involved with the Council of Alphas, Talia assumed that Guardians were werewolves. 'What about others?'     

'They don't have wolves either. They smell like witches.'     

An invisible lightbulb lit up above Talia's head. If the Guardians were witches, then Alphas feared them because of their powers, and because Alpha Aura didn't work on them.     

Talia thought of probing for some information. "How many Guardians are out there? Where do you live?"     

Julian smiled mysteriously. "That information is only for the Guardians."     

"And you think that I can become one, even though I have a wolf?"     

Julian looked at Talia meaningfully. "You are different than the others."     

"I heard that before. What can you tell me about the Guardians without me actually becoming one?"     

Julian shook his head, and Talia spoke with a frown, "If you can't tell me anything, do you have the right to invite me to become one of you? And do you think that I will leave my life behind without understanding why I'm doing it?"     

"It is not that I don't want to reveal more, but I'm not sure if it's appropriate.", Julian said eventually.     

"Well then…", Talia said while standing up and Damon was right next to her. "I appreciate your offer but if you expect anything other than rejection, I will need more information."     

"Many people in your place would jump on this opportunity.", Julian said.     

"I am not many people, Julian. I am Talia Moonrider, the Alpha of the Midnight Guardians pack. If anyone tries to force me into anything or to touch a hair of my people, they can forget about me being on friendly terms with them. Is that clear?"     

Julian nodded, an expression of amusement on his face that Talia wished to wipe off. Why did he look like a grownup who was observing a child that was sulking because there was no dessert for lunch?     

"Is there more, or are we free to leave?", Talia asked.     

Julian gestured toward the door.     

Talia made a step but then froze when Julian spoke again.     

"Word of caution, Alpha Talia. You are a unique existence, but even without knowing what the Sphere of Power actually showed, other Alphas got the idea that you are powerful. A mature female Alpha who recently came of age is a rare existence these days. Many would go to great lengths to secure strong offspring… if you know what I'm trying to say."     

A ferocious growl ripped from Damon's throat. "No one will get to put a hand on her."     

Julian cocked an eyebrow. "I'm afraid you will need more than just fighting spirit to protect her, Alpha Damon. Guardians can keep her safe. You know how to reach us. Just don't wait until it's too late."     

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