The Alpha's Bride

Dangers in the darkness (1)

Dangers in the darkness (1)

0Talia was growing increasingly restless, her anxiety was amplified by Liseli's impatience.      2

The ancient wolf disapproved that they were sitting in the cozy living room while their mates were out there, risking their lives. And for whom? For a bunch of strangers?     

Based on Liseli's rage, it was obvious that the old gal had only Sapa in her heart and mind.     

Talia wondered if Liseli would care about her or Damon, if Talia was not necessary as a vessel for Liseli's spirit and if Sapa didn't have the same dependency on Damon. Talia brushed those thoughts to the side. This was not the time to allow dark thoughts to creep in. Besides, Liseli had every right to be on the edge as Talia was the same.     

Talia glanced at Meg and Cornelia to see that they were not fairing much better. They both had their powers, yet due to the circumstances, they were left behind to worry about their mates.     

At this point, they gave up on random chatter because it didn't help to distract them from the current crisis.     

Talia walked to the open window and stared into the darkness.     

"Do you see something?", Varya's question startled Talia, who was too focused on her thoughts to notice the only unmated Wilkow sister approaching.     

"No, I don't," Talia said dejectedly. "It's funny."     

"What is?"     

"How peaceful things are."     

Varya listened intently and agreed. "It is peaceful. Too peaceful. Why are the forest animals quiet?"     

Talia realized that Varya was right. Dawn was cracking in the East, and not a peep could be heard from the forest that was all around them. Shouldn't birds chirp to announce the new day? Maybe they could also sense that things were not right.     

Talia turned to see females in the room, and she realized that someone was missing. "Where is Mindy?" And she didn't see Gideon either.     

Tatiana responded, "Mindy and Gideon headed to the underground bunker when the alarm sounded to comfort the refugees we have there. Max's and my parents also went with them."     

Talia nodded in understanding. Mindy told her how most of the people they accept in shelters are traumatized, and Talia guessed that they will need assurance that things will be alright. And who is better to comfort them than members of the Alpha family and a Shaman?     

Talia stared into the darkness while tightening her hands into fists to the point of hurting. Should she mind-link Mindy? Talia rejected that idea. Mindy was somewhere underground, with no relevant news available, and Talia would probably just distract her from whatever Mindy was doing.     

Talia was dejected. Even Mindy had something to do, yet Talia was here… waiting. What was the point of being an Alpha if she needed to hide? How was this different from her pitiful self that was hiding in the attic of the Red Moon pack?     

"Don't worry about Alpha and the guys," Lulu spoke from Talia's right, and Talia turned to look at her.     

"You seem confident," Talia noticed. Everyone was tense, yet Lulu was relaxed, munching on grapes like this was a social occasion.     

Lulu shrugged. "I believe in them. They are some of the finest warriors I've ever seen. Besides, worrying won't achieve anything other than making others think they are weak."     

"I wish I had a switch to turn off worrying," Talia admitted.     

"Even if you worry, burry that deep, so it doesn't show," Lulu said. "If people see you down, they will assume you are reluctant, and that can weaken your mind. Sometimes, the difference between winning and losing is confidence; even the fake one can help. We were taught to jump into the fight instead of waiting for the fight to come to us. That boldness will make our enemies step back because it will be their turn to worry if we have a skill or a weapon they don't know about."     

Talia knew that Lulu had a point. Everything Lulu said was right, yet Talia was unable to relax. Only when Damon gets back, safe and sound, will she be at ease.     

Talia wanted to mind-link Damon or Kai and ask about the situation, but she held back because she knew that if they were in the middle of a fight, she might distract them and cause them to get injured. Or worse.     

Damon said he would contact her when he got a chance, and the fact that he closed off his emotions she could usually sense through their mate bond told her he was busy and probably in danger.     

Talia regretted not going there with Damon. Why did she give in? What charms did he use to swindle her into staying in the packhouse? She would fight by his side and ensure his safety, and now… it was too late for that.     


Marcy held Jane's little hand and led the way through the foliage that was getting denser to the point of them needing to squeeze between it.     

With every passing moment, Marcy's heart was thundering stronger as she feared that they had been walking for too long. Weren't they supposed to be there already? Her eyes were used to the darkness now, so she could see the outlines, and she was confident they were on the right path. However, with those deep shadows hugging the landscape, everything looked different. Should they return? No, no… it was just her anxiousness that made every second feel like an hour because there was no way she could miss the path.     

The noises around them were super-loud, and Marcy didn't know if the two of them were walking toward the fight, or if the fight was coming to them, or maybe all this was a bad dream, and she will wake up and find herself in bed, preferably in the Red Moon pack. She would call Ana and ask for a double serving of sandwiches. Or, if she could wake up in her apartment in Paris, Marcy would make her own sandwiches and pretend that none of this ever happened.     

But it happened. It was happening, and the only thing Marcy could do was struggle to survive.     

If only she could see her surroundings clearly, she would confirm where they were.     

If only she ventured here more often instead of staying indoors, she would have more confidence about which path to take.     

If only she didn't reject George, her wolf would still be present, and she wouldn't be a dead weight.     

Marcy would feel better if Jane was not with her. Jane was sticking to her and wouldn't let go of Marcy's hand. Marcy was confident that she couldn't take care of herself; how can she be responsible for a child?     

But she couldn't leave Jane behind, not when Jane came to get her back, not when Jane silently followed her from the day Jane came to the shelter, and somehow… that little mute girl made Marcy's life a bit more bearable.     

Jane's gasp got Marcy's attention. Now what? Did Jane hurt her foot or something?     

Jane quickly tugged Marcy's hand and pulled her to the side and then down. Marcy crouched next to Jane and tried to see something, but she couldn't see anything other than the darkness. Listening didn't help much either because the noise was coming from everywhere.     

"Jan…" The last sound was muffled when Jane put her little hand over Marcy's lips.     

The girl didn't say anything, but her panicked expression directed slightly to the right told Marcy that there was something… or someone.     

Marcy bit her lower lip while wondering if they should stay there and hide, find a better hiding spot, or proceed to search for that stupid entrance to the shelter.     

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