The Alpha's Bride

Liam's vetiver (1) [Bonus chapter]

Liam's vetiver (1) [Bonus chapter]

0Liam licked his lips slowly, and he loved that Amelia's eyes were trained on that small movement.     

Amelia was flustered. Witches practiced controlling the energies around them and embracing everything as nature provided, which included naked bodies also. Still, centuries of diligent training didn't prepare her for the way Liam impacted the air around him. He didn't do it on purpose. It was his presence that radiated power and danger, and Amelia's insides shook at the thought that the handsome naked male in front of her was her other half. Hers.     

It was obvious that he was deadly and even though she knew he wouldn't harm her, she reminded herself to act with caution.     

Liam tilted his head sideways, and somehow Amelia guessed that he had given her permission to check him out.     

Her eyes moved slowly over his bare form, and her attention was inevitably drawn to the numerous tattoos that decorated his torso. She wondered what stories were hiding behind each picture etched into his delicious-looking flesh.      

Liam puffed his chest and flexed his muscles to give her a better view.      

Amelia's curiosity was obvious as she slowly circled around him to see the art on his back, but she ended up staring at his perfect ass. It looked firm, and she wondered if it would be OK to touch it. She decided to hold off on that, and her legs continued carrying her around Liam.     

Her eyes widened at the sight of his impressive cock that stood in attention.     

Her mouth became dry, and her lips as well, and now it was her turn to lick her lips.     

Liam watched her tongue darting, the pink glistening temptation spreading its wetness, silently inviting him to kiss her there, and he couldn't hold back anymore.     

Liam touched Amelia's chin, tipping her head up to look at him.     

"Amelia", he called. "Do you accept me as your mate?"     

Liam had to ask because he could sense his reasoning slipping. His wolf was going crazy, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to fight the urges to merge with her in every way possible.     

The only thing he needed was to hear that she was willing.     

"Yes.", she said, and in the next moment, his lips descended on hers.     

Liam groaned when their lips connected, electric sparks shooting into his brain and then the rest of his body, making him alert and numb at the same time. It was surreal.     

He had kissed many women before, and none of those came close to what he was experiencing right at that moment. Kissing his mate was beyond fantastic!     

Amelia's eyes sprang open as far as they went, and it took her a few long seconds to relax.     

As soon as he felt Amelia responding to his kiss, Liam's arms gathered her against him as he deepened the kiss, her breasts pressed on his chest, and it was the best feeling ever.     

His hand shifted lower on her back for his fingers to trace the curve of her spine, and he loved the way she trembled in his embrace. She was responding to him beautifully.      

Liam's brows came together when he touched the string that held the fabric which covered her private parts.     

With a small tug, the string gave in, and they were both completely naked.     

Amelia was lost in Liam's presence which enveloped her completely. It was masculine, soothing, and protective, and she wished to meld into him because his firm body pressing against her soft one was a perfect contrast and she really wanted more of it.     

Amelia had no recollection of being carried to bed, but she remembered her whole body twitching as she gasped for air while Liam feasted on her breasts and his hot palms fervently caressed her body.     

With every stroke of Liam's tongue against hers, Amelia relaxed more, her anxiousness dissipating to be replaced by devotion and arousal, and she became lightheaded.     

Amelia wondered, was she always this sensitive? She was not a newbie to the pleasures of the flesh. Amelia was never with a man; however, females can engage in petting and stimulating in a group setting, and she touched herself many times before, but this… this was different.     

It was like the tips of his fingers were charged with the power to set her body ablaze.     

Was it because Liam was a man? Or was it because he was HER man? It didn't matter.     

Liam handled her with confidence, and his every caress confirmed it was not his first time, which made Amelia wonder how many women experienced his intimate embrace. The desire to kill Liam's exes swelled within Amelia because she wanted to be Liam's only one. At the same time, she loved that he knew what he was doing.     

"Liam?" She called; her voice came out breathy.     


Amelia felt the vibration of his questionable hum on her flesh, just above her navel, where he was kissing, licking, and nibbling while moving lower slowly like he was examining every inch of her body with his lips.     

"How many?" She asked.     

He stopped moving and looked at her with confusion obvious on his face.     

"How many women you had?" She clarified.     

Liam's eyes narrowed when he realized that she was asking him about his exes. What the heck? How did that happen?     

He crawled up her body until their noses touched, and her determined gaze told him that she won't back away from this easily.     

"I don't know", he said.     

Amelia was disappointed but mostly jealous of women she had never met. She heard how Yasmin was Axel's first, and even though books mention the licentious nature of werewolves, Amelia still hoped that Liam didn't indulge in carnal pleasures with others.     

"That many?" She asked while looking away as her heart ached when she thought of another possibility. "Do you have a woman waiting for you in your realm?" Will he leave her for that woman? Or will he want to keep them both? Soulmate or not, Amelia was not willing to share her soulmate.     

She cursed internally for not clarifying these things in advance.     

Amelia put her hands on his shoulders and tried to push him away, but Liam didn't budge.     

He took her right hand into his and kissed the inside of her palm. That gentle press didn't match the awkward atmosphere between them, which also didn't go well with the fact that they were completely naked.     

Liam continued holding her right wrist after keeping her arm above her head, and then he repeated the same with her left hand.     

Amelia didn't try to pull her hands out, but she didn't look at him either.     

Liam released a long breath that splashed on her cheek.     

"I don't know how many because from the moment I saw you, everything disappeared.", he said, and his stomach dropped at the sight of Amelia, who pressed her lips into a line. She didn't believe him.     

"Look at me.", Liam growled, annoyance seeping out of him. They were naked on the bed, and it went well, but then she got some funny ideas that shouldn't be there when they were only minutes away from coitus. Ah, if he knew this would happen, he wouldn't spend so much time on foreplay!     

But Amelia's mood was off, and he needed to assure her of his sincerity because she was not some random hookup; she was his mate, and mates were forever unless a calamity happened.     


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