The Alpha's Bride

A second chance mate

A second chance mate

2While thinking about how George was rejected by Marcy, Dawn felt her chest tightening. "I feel sorry for him, and I hope he gets his second chance mate."      2

Talia's ears perked up. What was that? "What's a second chance mate?"     

Zina responded, "Sometimes, fated mates are not destined for a future where both of them grow old together. This is my first time to hear that mates rejected each other, but there are cases where one dies premature death, leaving the other mate behind. They say that the Moon Goddess rewards the worthy ones with a second chance mate, the one that will fill in the gap and make their lives worth living. The legend says that if a mated she-wolf is marked and her mate perishes, if her second chance mate exists, the mark on her neck will fade to make space for the new one."     

Talia thought how that was fantastic. She didn't see the mark on Marcy (or George), but she hoped that George will get his second chance mate, someone better than Marcy.     

Talia decided to go back to the topic. In order for George to get a second chance mate, he will need to recuperate from his current predicament.     

"George is not in a good shape, you can think of him as a patient in a coma. Marcy is still unconscious. If this leaks out, Damon might get in trouble, and this can escalate quickly. Considering Damon's strained relationship with Alpha Edward, and the expectations for Marcy to be Damon's Luna, this situation can easily be misinterpreted. That's why Doctor Travis is working on getting them better. I want to ask you to go there twice a day to take food and ventilate or clean the place when needed. I will go at least once, so we should decide on shifts…"     

Talia ended by asking Dawn and Zina to keep it a secret. "Other than the three of us, Damon, Maya, Caden, and Travis know about this. Even the warriors guarding the place don't know who is inside. Be mindful that it shouldn't spread further."     

"Of course!", they responded in unison.     

Dawn and Zina knew this was important, and Talia told them about it which meant that she trusted them. It was a big deal. After all, Talia was more than just a friend, she was their future Luna, and she shared with them something that might jeopardize the safety of their pack! Suddenly, Dawn and Zina felt the seriousness of the situation pressing on them.     

Talia's heart warmed to see her friends were on board. She knew that they would do wonderfully. The whole concept of being a Luna was foreign to Talia, but with her friends helping her out, Talia thought how being the Luna of the Dark Howler's pack won't be so intimidating.     

Since Dawn and Zina were aware of the current situation, it was time for planning the practical part.     

"I want one of you to deliver breakfast and the other one dinner. You can decide which one of you will be responsible for which. I will handle lunch. In case you want to switch, let me know in advance. Is that fine?"     

Damon asked Talia not to go herself, but she wanted to check on Marcy and George. Going once a day won't take much time, and it will give her a chance to get fresh herbs when needed.     

Dawn and Zina played rock-paper-scissors and decided that Zina will deliver dinner, and Dawn breakfast.     

Talia told them that she will go with both Dawn and Zina the first time, to show them the place.     

While chatting, Dawn and Zina helped Talia pack the containers with leftovers from dinner, and a few fresh fruits and Talia got herbs that Maya brought from Gideon.     

Dawn stayed to finish up cleaning the kitchen, and Zina went with Talia to deliver dinner to George.     

Talia was comforted because her friends were part of this.     

And it was not just Dawn and Zina; Maya, Kalina, and Mindy were doing their part also.     


Zina and Talia returned shortly after Dawn finished cleaning the kitchen.     

Zina went to the trashcan to dump the food they brought back.     

"What's the situation there?", Dawn asked.     

"Everything smells great.", Zina responded. "The flowers Talia put in those rooms are fantastic. I decided to get the same for my place."     

Dawn rolled her eyes. She was asking about Marcy and George (well, mostly George), and Zina knew it.     

Zina was obviously in the mood to tease Dawn, so the latter turned to Talia to ask, "How are they doing?"     

"The same.", Talia responded.     

Dawn gestured toward Zina who was busy dumping stuff into the trashcan. "I assume Commander George didn't eat."     

"He didn't touch the food.", Talia said dejectedly. "He didn't eat anything since morning. How can he get better if he starves himself?"     

"You should see him, D…", Zina said sadly, her playful mood gone. "He is such a yummy man, lying there, unmoving, like a sleeping beauty, waiting for a kiss of his true love to wake up from his slumber."     

"So, why didn't you kiss him?", Dawn asked Zina. "Maybe you are the one to break the spell."     

Zina made a face. She was almost serious, yet Dawn pulled her back into a playful mood. But that's why Zina loved Dawn, she always knew how to cheer her up. It was impossible to be sad with Dawn around, and Zina was always ready to do the same for her friend.     

"I would kiss him if his eyes were not open. It really killed the romance.", Zina said with a grin.     

"The man is in a coma, yet you think about romance." Dawn made a thoughtful expression. "You know, if you went for a kiss, it would be a win, no matter how it ended."     

Zina cocked an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"     

"If he doesn't react, you got a kiss. And if he slaps you, you woke him up.", Dawn said cheekily.     

"Oy!", Zina protested. "What do you mean, SLAP me!? How can a man slap a woman because of a kiss?"     

"He can. When the kiss is forced."     

"Who said anything about forcing? It would be nice and gentle, and I'm sure he would love it. Besides, you will see in the morning when you go to deliver breakfast. He is right in the middle of the bed, not resisting at all. Will you give him that magical kiss? Or will you touch him?"     

Dawn's face fell. "You are making it sound like I am a molester." In the next moment, she grinned. "Or… is he naked? I could touch that."     

At the thought of naked George, Zina's eyes lit up. She turned to Talia and looked at her expectantly. "When are we going to give him a sponge bath?"     

Talia was not sure if she should laugh or cry, but she knew that she shouldn't entertain their wild imagination. Things were getting out of hand quickly. Can she allow Dawn or Zina to go there on their own? George is defenseless! Talia didn't want to think about it.     

"OK, ladies. I am leaving now."     

Damon was waiting for her. The last text he sent was about him working in the study and that she can find him there when she finishes her work.     


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